Aerial RAN CoLab Over-the-Air - ARC-OTA-A1.0

RIC Platform

The Northeastern University (NEU) WIoT team supporting the Northeastern 8-node NVIDIA ARC-OTA deployment is working toward E2E integration of an O-RAN E2 interface with the ARC-OTA stack, leveraging the O-RAN OSC RIC, OpenRAN Gym framework.

This enables the streaming of relevant key performance metrics (KPMs) and the enforcement of control actions to reflect decisions taken by the xApps on a Near-Real-Time (Near-RT) RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC). An initial demonstration in July 2023 has showcased a data-collection xApp running on an O-RAN Software Community (OSC) RIC, deployed in a fully automated OpenShift cluster. The xApp is connected to an InfluxDB database to store the telemetry and present it on a Grafana dashboard. We are currently working toward enabling near-RT control on the same infrastructure.


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OpenRAN Gym

Reference to Distributed Applications (dApps) workflow for Real-Time Inference and Control in O-RAN

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