C API samples

This section will explain how to use nvImageCodec C API in ten quick steps to encode or decode image. The API details will be covered in the next section.


All nvImageCodec APIs should return NVIMGCODEC_STATUS_SUCCESS. The results may not be valid otherwise.

Single image decode

  1. Initialize the library and creating library instance handle

nvimgcodecInstance_t instance;
nvimgcodecInstanceCreateInfo_t instance_create_info{NVIMGCODEC_STRUCTURE_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO, sizeof(nvimgcodecInstanceCreateInfo_t), 0};
instance_create_info.load_builtin_modules = 1;
instance_create_info.load_extension_modules = 1;
instance_create_info.create_debug_messenger = 1;

nvimgcodecInstanceCreate(&instance, &instance_create_info);

2. Create code stream which abstracts the source of compressed bitstream. Lets start with creating nvimgcodecCodeStream_t from file.

nvimgcodecCodeStream_t code_stream;
nvimgcodecCodeStreamCreateFromFile(instance, &code_stream, "./test.jpg")

3. Get image information about compressed image by getting nvimgcodecImageInfo_t` from Code Stream. This operation will do minimal parsing of the compressed bitstream but without decoding it.

nvimgcodecImageInfo_t input_image_info{NVIMGCODEC_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_INFO, sizeof(nvimgcodecImageInfo_t), 0};
nvimgcodecCodeStreamGetImageInfo(code_stream, &image_info);

std::cout << "Input image info: " << std::endl;
std::cout << "\t - width:" << input_image_info.plane_info[0].width << std::endl;
std::cout << "\t - height:" << input_image_info.plane_info[0].height << std::endl;
std::cout << "\t - components:" << input_image_info.num_planes << std::endl;
std::cout << "\t - codec:" << input_image_info.codec_name << std::endl;

4. Allocate output memory on the device, and specify requested output image information. The below snippet demonstrates initialization of nvimgcodecImageInfo_t for an 8 bit, SRGB, 3 channel image in planar format, without chroma subsampling and output buffer in strided device memory.

nvimgcodecImageInfo_t output_image_info(input_image_info);
output_image_info.sample_format = NVIMGCODEC_SAMPLEFORMAT_P_RGB;
output_image_info.color_spec = NVIMGCODEC_COLORSPEC_SRGB;
output_image_info.chroma_subsampling = NVIMGCODEC_SAMPLING_NONE;
output_image_info.num_planes = 3;
output_image_info.buffer_kind = NVIMGCODEC_IMAGE_BUFFER_KIND_STRIDED_DEVICE;

auto sample_type = output_image_info.plane_info[0].sample_type;
int bytes_per_element = static_cast<unsigned int>(sample_type)>> (8+3);
size_t device_pitch_in_bytes = input_image_info.plane_info[0].width * bytes_per_element;

for (uint32_t c = 0; c <  output_image_info.num_planes; ++c) {
   output_image_info.plane_info[c].height = input_image_info.plane_info[0].height;
   output_image_info.plane_info[c].width = input_image_info.plane_info[0].width;
   output_image_info.plane_info[c].row_stride = device_pitch_in_bytes;

output_image_info.buffer_size = output_image_info.plane_info[0].row_stride * image_info.plane_info[0].height * image_info.num_planes;
output_image_info.cuda_stream = 0; // It is possible to assign cuda stream which will be used for synchronization. Here we assume it is default stream.

cudaMalloc(&output_image_info.buffer,  output_image_info.buffer_size);

5. Having prepared requested output image format information, we can created opaque nvimgcodecImage_t type handle to object which will represent our decoded image.

nvimgcodecImage_t image;
nvimgcodecImageCreate(instance, &image, &image_info);
  1. Create Decoder.

It is possible to pass Execution Parameters to create decoder function, where we can specify device id on which decoding will be executed. If we would like to pass some additional options to all or specific decoder plugin(s), we can do that by string with optional space separated list of parameters for specific decoders in format: “<decoder_id>:<parameter_name>=<parameter_value>”. For example “nvjpeg:fancy_upsampling=1”. If we skip <decoder_id>, as in snippet bellow, option can be interpreted by many decoder plugins.

nvimgcodecExecutionParams_t exec_params{NVIMGCODEC_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXECUTION_PARAMS, sizeof(nvimgcodecExecutionParams_t), 0};
exec_params.device_id = NVIMGCODEC_DEVICE_CURRENT;
nvimgcodecDecoder_t decoder;
std::string dec_options{":fancy_upsampling=0"};
nvimgcodecDecoderCreate(instance, &decoder, &exec_params, dec_options.c_str());

7. Prepare decoding parameters. In below snippet we just set flag for allowing apply exif orientation.

nvimgcodecDecodeParams_t decode_params{NVIMGCODEC_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DECODE_PARAMS, sizeof(nvimgcodecDecodeParams_t), 0};
decode_params.apply_exif_orientation = 1;
  1. Schedule decoding.

nvimgcodecFuture_t decode_future;
nvimgcodecDecoderDecode(decoder, &code_stream, &image, 1, &decode_params, &decode_future);
  1. Wait for decoding to finish and check its status.

One of the fields in nvimgcodecImageInfo_t is cudaStream_t, which the library uses to issue the asynchronous CUDA calls. To complete the decoding process, you need to call cudaDeviceSynchronize() because nvimgcodecDecoderDecode is asynchronous with respect to the host. Alternatively, you can use cudaStreamSynchronize to synchronize with a specific CUDA stream. Moreover, if you want to process the decoded image on the GPU, you can skip the synchronization here and use the CUDA stream defined in nvimgcodecImageInfo_t to schedule further image processing on the GPU, which will occur after decoding.

size_t status_size;
nvimgcodecProcessingStatus_t decode_status;
nvimgcodecFutureGetProcessingStatus(decode_future, &decode_status, &status_size);
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // makes GPU wait until all decoding is finished
    std::cerr << "Error: Something went wrong during decoding - processing status: " << decode_status << std::endl;
  1. Cleanup



Single image encode

The library expects the input image to be either on device or host memory and the compressed output will always be written to host memory.

  1. Initialize the library and creating library instance handle

nvimgcodecInstance_t instance;
nvimgcodecInstanceCreateInfo_t instance_create_info{NVIMGCODEC_STRUCTURE_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO, sizeof(nvimgcodecInstanceCreateInfo_t), 0};
instance_create_info.load_builtin_modules = 1;
instance_create_info.load_extension_modules = 1;
instance_create_info.create_debug_messenger = 1;

nvimgcodecInstanceCreate(&instance, &instance_create_info);
  1. Prepare input image information.

The below snippet demonstrates initialization of nvimgcodecImageInfo_t with following assumptions:
  • sample type is unsigned 8 bits integer

  • sample format is planar RGB so 3 planes each with 1 channel (color component)

  • image is stored in host memory

nvimgcodecImageInfo_t input_image_info{NVIMGCODEC_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_INFO, sizeof(nvimgcodecImageInfo_t), 0};

input_image_info->num_planes = 3;
input_image_info->plane_info[0].height = /* TODO assign image height */;
input_image_info->plane_info[0].width =  /* TODO assign image width */;
input_image_info->plane_info[0].num_channels = 1;

input_image_info->color_spec = NVIMGCODEC_COLORSPEC_SRGB;
input_image_info->sample_format = NVIMGCODEC_SAMPLEFORMAT_P_RGB;
input_image_info->chroma_subsampling = NVIMGCODEC_SAMPLING_444;


// For general case, having sample type,  we can calculate bytes per element using formula static_cast<unsigned int>(sample_type) >> (8 + 3);
// so shift by 8 since 8..15 bits represents type bitdepth,  then shift by 3 to convert to # bytes
// here we can simple assign 1 as we assumed type is uint8
int bytes_per_element =  1;

int pitch_in_bytes = input_image_info->plane_info[0].width * input_image_info->plane_info[0].num_channels * bytes_per_element;

size_t buffer_size = 0;
for (size_t p = 0; c < image_info->num_planes; c++) {
    input_image_info->plane_info[p].width = input_image_info->plane_info[0].width;
    input_image_info->plane_info[p].height = input_image_info->plane_info[0].height;
    input_image_info->plane_info[p].row_stride = pitch_in_bytes;
    input_image_info->plane_info[p].sample_type = sample_type;
    input_image_info->plane_info[p].num_channels = input_image_info->plane_info[0].num_channels;
    input_image_info->plane_info[p].precision = 0;  //Value 0 means that precision is equal to sample type bitdepth (in our case 8 bits)
    buffer_size += input_image_info->plane_info[c].row_stride * input_image_info->plane_info[0].height;

input_image_info.buffer_kind = NVIMGCODEC_IMAGE_BUFFER_KIND_STRIDED_HOST; //or NVIMGCODEC_IMAGE_BUFFER_KIND_STRIDED_DEVICE if image is already in GPU memory
input_image_info->buffer = /* TODO assign pointer to host memory where the image data in planar format are stored */;
input_image_info->buffer_size = buffer_size;
input_image_info.cuda_stream = 0; // It is possible to assign cuda stream which will be used for synchronization. Here we assume it is default stream.
  1. Create opaque nvimgcodecImage_t type handle to object which will represent our input image.

nvimgcodecImage_t input_image;
nvimgcodecImageCreate(instance, &input_image, &input_image_info);
  1. Prepare output (compressed) image information. This information will be used in next step to create Code Stream

Start with initializing based on input image information so we can have image size, sample type and other information already filled. Than we can specify codec to encode with. In general, you can use codec names depending what extensions you have installed. By default, in current version nvImageCodec comes with jpeg and jpeg2k gpu accelerated encoders. You can also use basic example CPU implementations of bmp and pnm encoders. Here we choose jpeg codec. We can also create structure for jpeg specific image information, where we can specify encoding as for example in below snippet choosing progressive dct Huffman. To extend output (compressed) image information with jpeg specific information (here encoding type), we have to link jpeg image info structure to output image info.

nvimgcodecImageInfo_t out_image_info(input_image_info);

strcpy(out_image_info.codec_name,= "jpeg")

nvimgcodecJpegImageInfo_t jpeg_image_info{NVIMGCODEC_STRUCTURE_TYPE_JPEG_IMAGE_INFO, sizeof(nvimgcodecJpegImageInfo_t), 0};
image_info.struct_next = &jpeg_image_info;
  1. Create output code stream.

nvimgcodecCodeStream_t output_code_stream;
nvimgcodecCodeStreamCreateToFile(instance, &output_code_stream, "out.jpg", &out_image_info)
  1. Create encoder.

It is possible to pass Execution Parameters to create encoder function, where we can specify device id on which encoding will be executed. If we would like to pass some additional options to all or specific encoder plugin(s), we can do that by string with optional space separated list of parameters for specific encoders in format: “<encoder_id>:<parameter_name>=<parameter_value>”.

nvimgcodecExecutionParams_t exec_params{NVIMGCODEC_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXECUTION_PARAMS, sizeof(nvimgcodecExecutionParams_t), 0};
exec_params.device_id = NVIMGCODEC_DEVICE_CURRENT;

nvimgcodecEncoder_t encoder;;
nvimgcodecEncoderCreate(instance, &encoder, &exec_params, nullptr);
  1. Prepare encode parameters.

For lossy compression we need to specify quality.


For JPEG2000 we specify quality by providing target psnr e.g. encode_params.target_psnr = 35;

nvimgcodecEncodeParams_t encode_params{NVIMGCODEC_STRUCTURE_TYPE_ENCODE_PARAMS, sizeof(nvimgcodecEncodeParams_t), 0};

encode_params.quality = 75;
  1. Schedule encoding.

nvimgcodecFuture_t encode_future;
nvimgcodecEncoderEncode(encoder, &input_image, &output_code_stream, 1, &encode_params, &encode_future);
  1. Wait for encoding to finish and read processing status.

size_t status_size;
nvimgcodecProcessingStatus_t encode_status;
nvimgcodecFutureGetProcessingStatus(encode_future, &encode_status, &status_size);
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // makes GPU wait until all encoding is finished
encode_time = wtime() - encode_time;
    std::cerr << "Error: Something went wrong during encoding" << std::endl;
  1. Cleanup
