5.8. CUPTI Profiling API

Functions, types, and enums that implement the CUPTI Profiling API.

Data Structures




5.8.1. Macros


5.8.2. Enumerations

enum CUpti_ProfilerRange

Profiler range attribute.

A metric enabled in the session’s configuration is collected separately per unique range-stack in the pass. This is an attribute to collect metrics around each kernel in a profiling session or in an user defined range.


enumerator CUPTI_Range_INVALID

Invalid value.

enumerator CUPTI_AutoRange

Ranges are auto defined around each kernel in a profiling session.

enumerator CUPTI_UserRange

A range in which metric data to be collected is defined by the user.

enumerator CUPTI_Range_COUNT

Range count.

enum CUpti_ProfilerReplayMode

Profiler replay attribute.

For metrics which require multipass collection, a replay of the GPU kernel(s) is required. This is an attribute which specify how the replay of the kernel(s) to be measured is done.


enumerator CUPTI_Replay_INVALID

Invalid Value.

enumerator CUPTI_ApplicationReplay

Replay is done by CUPTI user around the process.

enumerator CUPTI_KernelReplay

Replay is done around kernel implicitly by CUPTI.

enumerator CUPTI_UserReplay

Replay is done by CUPTI user within a process.

enumerator CUPTI_Replay_COUNT

Replay count.

enum CUpti_Profiler_API

Profiler API types.



CUPTI APIs for range based profiling (cuptiProfiler*)


CUPTI APIs collecting pc sampling data (cuptiPcSampling*)


CUPTI APIs collecting SASS metrics data (cuptiSassMetrics*)

enum CUpti_Profiler_Support_Level

Generic support level enum for CUPTI.



Configuration support level unknown - either detection code errored out before setting this value, or unable to determine it.


Profiling is unavailable. For specific feature fields, this means that the current configuration of this feature does not work with profiling. For instance, SLI-enabled devices do not support profiling, and this value would be returned for SLI on an SLI-enabled device.


Profiling would be available for this configuration, but was disabled by the system.


Profiling is supported. For specific feature fields, this means that the current configuration of this feature works with profiling. For instance, SLI-enabled devices do not support profiling, and this value would only be returned for devices which are not SLI-enabled.

5.8.3. Functions

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerBeginPass(CUpti_Profiler_BeginPass_Params *pParams)

Replay API: used for multipass collection.

These APIs are used if user chooses to replay by itself CUPTI_UserReplay or CUPTI_ApplicationReplay for multipass collection of the metrics configurations. It’s a no-op in case of CUPTI_KernelReplay.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerBeginSession(CUpti_Profiler_BeginSession_Params *pParams)

Begin profiling session sets up the profiling on the device.

Although, it doesn’t start the profiling but GPU resources needed for profiling are allocated. Outside of a session, the GPU will return to its normal operating state.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerCounterDataImageCalculateScratchBufferSize(CUpti_Profiler_CounterDataImage_CalculateScratchBufferSize_Params *pParams)

A temporary storage for CounterData image needed for internal operations.

Use these APIs to calculate the allocation size and initialize counterData image scratch buffer.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerCounterDataImageCalculateSize(CUpti_Profiler_CounterDataImage_CalculateSize_Params *pParams)

A CounterData image allocates space for values for each counter for each range.

User borne the resposibility of managing the counterDataImage allocations. CounterDataPrefix contains meta data about the metrics that will be stored in counterDataImage. Use these APIs to calculate the allocation size and initialize counterData image.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerCounterDataImageInitialize(CUpti_Profiler_CounterDataImage_Initialize_Params *pParams)
CUptiResult cuptiProfilerCounterDataImageInitializeScratchBuffer(CUpti_Profiler_CounterDataImage_InitializeScratchBuffer_Params *pParams)
CUptiResult cuptiProfilerDeInitialize(CUpti_Profiler_DeInitialize_Params *pParams)

DeInitializes the profiler interface.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerDeviceSupported(CUpti_Profiler_DeviceSupported_Params *pParams)

Query device compatibility with Profiling API.

Use this call to determine whether a compute device and configuration are compatible with the Profiling API. If the configuration does not support profiling, one of several flags will indicate why.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerDisableProfiling(CUpti_Profiler_DisableProfiling_Params *pParams)

Disable Profiling.

In CUPTI_AutoRange, these APIs are used to enable/disable profiling for the kernels to be executed in a profiling session.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerEnableProfiling(CUpti_Profiler_EnableProfiling_Params *pParams)

Enables Profiling.

In CUPTI_AutoRange, these APIs are used to enable/disable profiling for the kernels to be executed in a profiling session.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerEndPass(CUpti_Profiler_EndPass_Params *pParams)

Replay API: used for multipass collection.

These APIs are used if user chooses to replay by itself CUPTI_UserReplay or CUPTI_ApplicationReplay for multipass collection of the metrics configurations. Its a no-op in case of CUPTI_KernelReplay. Returns information for next pass.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerEndSession(CUpti_Profiler_EndSession_Params *pParams)

Ends profiling session.

Frees up the GPU resources acquired for profiling. Outside of a session, the GPU will return to it’s normal operating state.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerFlushCounterData(CUpti_Profiler_FlushCounterData_Params *pParams)

Decode all the submitted passes.

Flush Counter data API to ensure every pass is decoded into the counterDataImage passed at beginSession. This will cause the CPU/GPU sync to collect all the undecoded pass.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerGetCounterAvailability(CUpti_Profiler_GetCounterAvailability_Params *pParams)

Query counter availibility.

Use this API to query counter availability information in a buffer which can be used to filter unavailable raw metrics on host. Note: This API may fail, if any profiling or sampling session is active on the specified context or its device.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerInitialize(CUpti_Profiler_Initialize_Params *pParams)

Initializes the profiler interface.

Loads the required libraries in the process address space. Sets up the hooks with the CUDA driver.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerIsPassCollected(CUpti_Profiler_IsPassCollected_Params *pParams)

Asynchronous call to query if the submitted pass to GPU is collected.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerPopRange(CUpti_Profiler_PopRange_Params *pParams)

Range API’s : Pop user range.

Counter data is collected per unique range-stack. Identified by a string label passsed by the user. It’s an invalid operation in case of CUPTI_AutoRange.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerPushRange(CUpti_Profiler_PushRange_Params *pParams)

Range API’s : Push user range.

Counter data is collected per unique range-stack. Identified by a string label passsed by the user. It’s an invalid operation in case of CUPTI_AutoRange.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerSetConfig(CUpti_Profiler_SetConfig_Params *pParams)

Set metrics configuration to be profiled.

Use these APIs to set the config to profile in a session. It can be used for advanced cases such as where multiple configurations are collected into a single CounterData Image on the need basis, without restarting the session.

CUptiResult cuptiProfilerUnsetConfig(CUpti_Profiler_UnsetConfig_Params *pParams)

Unset metrics configuration profiled.