6.158. CUpti_Profiler_IsPassCollected_Params

struct CUpti_Profiler_IsPassCollected_Params

Params for cuptiProfilerIsPassCollected.

Public Members

size_t structSize

[in] CUpti_Profiler_IsPassCollected_Params_STRUCT_SIZE

void *pPriv

[in] assign to NULL

CUcontext ctx

[in] if NULL, the current CUcontext is used

size_t numRangesDropped

[out] number of ranges whose data was dropped in the processed pass

size_t numTraceBytesDropped

[out] number of bytes not written to TraceBuffer due to buffer full

uint8_t onePassCollected

[out] true if a pass was successfully decoded

uint8_t allPassesCollected

[out] becomes true when the last pass has been decoded