6.37. CUpti_ActivityKernel
struct CUpti_ActivityKernel
The activity record for kernel.
This activity record represents a kernel execution (CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_KERNEL and CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_CONCURRENT_KERNEL) but is no longer generated by CUPTI. Kernel activities are now reported using the CUpti_ActivityKernel9 activity record.
Public Members
CUpti_ActivityKind kind
uint8_t cacheConfigRequested
The cache configuration requested by the kernel.
The value is one of the CUfunc_cache enumeration values from cuda.h.
uint8_t cacheConfigExecuted
The cache configuration used for the kernel.
The value is one of the CUfunc_cache enumeration values from cuda.h.
uint16_t registersPerThread
The number of registers required for each thread executing the kernel.
uint64_t start
The start timestamp for the kernel execution, in ns.
A value of 0 for both the start and end timestamps indicates that timestamp information could not be collected for the kernel.
uint64_t end
The end timestamp for the kernel execution, in ns.
A value of 0 for both the start and end timestamps indicates that timestamp information could not be collected for the kernel.
uint32_t deviceId
The ID of the device where the kernel is executing.
uint32_t contextId
The ID of the context where the kernel is executing.
uint32_t streamId
The ID of the stream where the kernel is executing.
int32_t gridX
The X-dimension grid size for the kernel.
int32_t gridY
The Y-dimension grid size for the kernel.
int32_t gridZ
The Z-dimension grid size for the kernel.
int32_t blockX
The X-dimension block size for the kernel.
int32_t blockY
The Y-dimension block size for the kernel.
int32_t blockZ
The Z-dimension grid size for the kernel.
The static shared memory allocated for the kernel, in bytes.
The dynamic shared memory reserved for the kernel, in bytes.
uint32_t localMemoryPerThread
The amount of local memory reserved for each thread, in bytes.
uint32_t localMemoryTotal
The total amount of local memory reserved for the kernel, in bytes.
uint32_t correlationId
The correlation ID of the kernel.
Each kernel execution is assigned a unique correlation ID that is identical to the correlation ID in the driver API activity record that launched the kernel.
uint32_t runtimeCorrelationId
The runtime correlation ID of the kernel.
Each kernel execution is assigned a unique runtime correlation ID that is identical to the correlation ID in the runtime API activity record that launched the kernel.
uint32_t pad
Reserved for internal use.
const char *name
The name of the kernel.
This name is shared across all activity records representing the same kernel, and so should not be modified.
void *reserved0
Reserved for internal use.
CUpti_ActivityKind kind