6.88. CUpti_ActivityPcie

struct CUpti_ActivityPcie

PCI devices information required to construct topology.

This structure gives capabilities of GPU and PCI bridge connected to the PCIE bus which can be used to understand the topology.

Public Members

CUpti_ActivityKind kind

The activity record kind, must be CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_PCIE.

CUpti_PcieDeviceType type

Type of device in topology, CUpti_PcieDeviceType.

If type is CUPTI_PCIE_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU use devId for id and gpuAttr and if type is CUPTI_PCIE_DEVICE_TYPE_BRIDGE use bridgeId for id and bridgeAttr.

CUdevice devId

GPU device ID.

uint32_t bridgeId

A unique identifier for Bridge in the Topology.

union CUpti_ActivityPcie::[anonymous] id

A unique identifier for GPU or Bridge in Topology.

uint32_t domain

Domain for the GPU or Bridge, required to identify which PCIE bus it belongs to in multiple NUMA systems.

uint16_t pcieGeneration

PCIE Generation of GPU or Bridge.

uint16_t linkRate

Link rate of the GPU or bridge in gigatransfers per second (GT/s)

uint16_t linkWidth

Link width of the GPU or bridge.

uint16_t upstreamBus

Upstream bus ID for the GPU or PCI bridge.

Required to identify which bus it is connected to in the topology.

CUuuid uuidDev

UUID for the device.


CUdevice peerDev[32]

CUdevice with which this device has P2P capability.

This can also be obtained by querying cuDeviceCanAccessPeer or cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer APIs

uint16_t secondaryBus

The downstream bus number, used to search downstream devices/bridges connected to this bridge.

uint16_t deviceId

Device ID of the bridge.

uint16_t vendorId

Vendor ID of the bridge.

uint16_t pad0

Padding for alignment.

union CUpti_ActivityPcie::[anonymous] attr

Attributes for more information about GPU (gpuAttr) or PCI Bridge (bridgeAttr)