6.15. CUpti_ActivityDevice4

struct CUpti_ActivityDevice4

The activity record for a device.

(CUDA 11.6 onwards)

This activity record represents information about a GPU device (CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_DEVICE). Device activity is now reported using the CUpti_ActivityDevice5 activity record.

Public Members

CUpti_ActivityKind kind

The activity record kind, must be CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_DEVICE.

CUpti_ActivityFlag flags

The flags associated with the device.

uint64_t globalMemoryBandwidth

The global memory bandwidth available on the device, in kBytes/sec.

uint64_t globalMemorySize

The amount of global memory on the device, in bytes.

uint32_t constantMemorySize

The amount of constant memory on the device, in bytes.

uint32_t l2CacheSize

The size of the L2 cache on the device, in bytes.

uint32_t numThreadsPerWarp

The number of threads per warp on the device.

uint32_t coreClockRate

The core clock rate of the device, in kHz.

uint32_t numMemcpyEngines

Number of memory copy engines on the device.

uint32_t numMultiprocessors

Number of multiprocessors on the device.

uint32_t maxIPC

The maximum “instructions per cycle” possible on each device multiprocessor.

uint32_t maxWarpsPerMultiprocessor

Maximum number of warps that can be present on a multiprocessor at any given time.

uint32_t maxBlocksPerMultiprocessor

Maximum number of blocks that can be present on a multiprocessor at any given time.

uint32_t maxSharedMemoryPerMultiprocessor

Maximum amount of shared memory available per multiprocessor, in bytes.

uint32_t maxRegistersPerMultiprocessor

Maximum number of 32-bit registers available per multiprocessor.

uint32_t maxRegistersPerBlock

Maximum number of registers that can be allocated to a block.

uint32_t maxSharedMemoryPerBlock

Maximum amount of shared memory that can be assigned to a block, in bytes.

uint32_t maxThreadsPerBlock

Maximum number of threads allowed in a block.

uint32_t maxBlockDimX

Maximum allowed X dimension for a block.

uint32_t maxBlockDimY

Maximum allowed Y dimension for a block.

uint32_t maxBlockDimZ

Maximum allowed Z dimension for a block.

uint32_t maxGridDimX

Maximum allowed X dimension for a grid.

uint32_t maxGridDimY

Maximum allowed Y dimension for a grid.

uint32_t maxGridDimZ

Maximum allowed Z dimension for a grid.

uint32_t computeCapabilityMajor

Compute capability for the device, major number.

uint32_t computeCapabilityMinor

Compute capability for the device, minor number.

uint32_t id

The device ID.

uint32_t eccEnabled

ECC enabled flag for device.

CUuuid uuid

The device UUID.

This value is the globally unique immutable alphanumeric identifier of the device.

const char *name

The device name.

This name is shared across all activity records representing instances of the device, and so should not be modified.

uint8_t isCudaVisible

Flag to indicate whether the device is visible to CUDA.

Users can set the device visibility using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment

uint8_t isMigEnabled

MIG enabled flag for device.

uint32_t gpuInstanceId

GPU Instance id for MIG enabled devices.

If mig mode is disabled value is set to UINT32_MAX

uint32_t computeInstanceId

Compute Instance id for MIG enabled devices.

If mig mode is disabled value is set to UINT32_MAX

CUuuid migUuid


This value is the globally unique immutable alphanumeric identifier of the device.