6.109. CUpti_MetricValue

union CUpti_MetricValue
#include </dvs/p4/build/sw/devtools/Agora/Rel/CUDA12.8/Shared/Cuda/Modules/Cupti/Inc/cupti_metrics.h>

A metric value.

Metric values can be one of several different kinds. Corresponding to each kind is a member of the CUpti_MetricValue union. The metric value returned by cuptiMetricGetValue should be accessed using the appropriate member of that union based on its value kind.

Public Members

double metricValueDouble
uint64_t metricValueUint64
int64_t metricValueInt64
double metricValuePercent
uint64_t metricValueThroughput
CUpti_MetricValueUtilizationLevel metricValueUtilizationLevel