6.83. CUpti_ActivityPCSampling
struct CUpti_ActivityPCSampling
The activity record for PC sampling.
(deprecated in CUDA 8.0)
This activity records information obtained by sampling PC (CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_PC_SAMPLING). PC sampling activities are now reported using the CUpti_ActivityPCSampling2 activity record.
Public Members
CUpti_ActivityKind kind
The activity record kind, must be CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_PC_SAMPLING.
CUpti_ActivityFlag flags
The properties of this instruction.
uint32_t sourceLocatorId
The ID for source locator.
uint32_t correlationId
The correlation ID of the kernel to which this result is associated.
uint32_t functionId
Correlation ID with global/device function name.
uint32_t pcOffset
The pc offset for the instruction.
uint32_t samples
Number of times the PC was sampled with the stallReason in the record.
The same PC can be sampled with different stall reasons.
CUpti_ActivityPCSamplingStallReason stallReason
Current stall reason.
Includes one of the reasons from CUpti_ActivityPCSamplingStallReason
CUpti_ActivityKind kind