6.161. CUpti_Profiler_SetConfig_Params
struct CUpti_Profiler_SetConfig_Params
Params for cuptiProfilerSetConfig.
Public Members
size_t structSize
[in] CUpti_Profiler_SetConfig_Params_STRUCT_SIZE
void *pPriv
[in] assign to NULL
CUcontext ctx
[in] if NULL, the current CUcontext is used
const uint8_t *pConfig
[in] Config created by NVPW_RawMetricsConfig_GetConfigImage(). Must be align(8).
size_t configSize
[in] size of config
uint16_t minNestingLevel
[in] the lowest nesting level to be profiled; must be >= 1
uint16_t numNestingLevels
[in] the number of nesting levels to profile; must be >= 1
size_t passIndex
[in] Set this to zero for in-app replay; set this to the output of EndPass() for application replay
uint16_t targetNestingLevel
[in] Set this to minNestingLevel for in-app replay; set this to the output of EndPass() for application
size_t structSize