6.99. CUpti_ActivityUnifiedMemoryCounter

struct CUpti_ActivityUnifiedMemoryCounter

The activity record for Unified Memory counters (deprecated in CUDA 7.0)

This activity record represents a Unified Memory counter (CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_UNIFIED_MEMORY_COUNTER).

Public Members

CUpti_ActivityKind kind

The activity record kind, must be CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_UNIFIED_MEMORY_COUNTER.

CUpti_ActivityUnifiedMemoryCounterKind counterKind

The Unified Memory counter kind.

See CUpti_ActivityUnifiedMemoryCounterKind

CUpti_ActivityUnifiedMemoryCounterScope scope

Scope of the Unified Memory counter.

See CUpti_ActivityUnifiedMemoryCounterScope

uint32_t deviceId

The ID of the device involved in the memory transfer operation.

It is not relevant if the scope of the counter is global (all devices).

uint64_t value

Value of the counter.

uint64_t timestamp

The timestamp when this sample was retrieved, in ns.

A value of 0 indicates that timestamp information could not be collected

uint32_t processId

The ID of the process to which this record belongs to.

In case of global scope, processId is undefined.

uint32_t pad


Reserved for internal use.