6.2. CUpti_ActivityAPI

struct CUpti_ActivityAPI

The activity record for a driver or runtime API invocation.

This activity record represents an invocation of a driver or runtime API (CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_DRIVER and CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_RUNTIME).

Public Members

CUpti_ActivityKind kind


CUpti_CallbackId cbid

The ID of the driver or runtime function.

uint64_t start

The start timestamp for the function, in ns.

A value of 0 for both the start and end timestamps indicates that timestamp information could not be collected for the function.

uint64_t end

The end timestamp for the function, in ns.

A value of 0 for both the start and end timestamps indicates that timestamp information could not be collected for the function.

uint32_t processId

The ID of the process where the driver or runtime CUDA function is executing.

uint32_t threadId

The ID of the thread where the driver or runtime CUDA function is executing.

uint32_t correlationId

The correlation ID of the driver or runtime CUDA function.

Each function invocation is assigned a unique correlation ID that is identical to the correlation ID in the memcpy, memset, or kernel activity record that is associated with this function.

uint32_t returnValue

The return value for the function.

For a CUDA driver function with will be a CUresult value, and for a CUDA runtime function this will be a cudaError_t value.