6.25. CUpti_ActivityGraphTrace

struct CUpti_ActivityGraphTrace

The activity record for trace of graph execution.

This activity record represents execution for a graph without giving visibility about the execution of its nodes. This is intended to reduce overheads in tracing each node. The activity kind is CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_GRAPH_TRACE Graph trace activity is now reported using CUpti_ActivityGraphTrace2 record.

Public Members

CUpti_ActivityKind kind

The activity record kind, must be CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_GRAPH_TRACE.

uint32_t correlationId

The correlation ID of the graph launch.

Each graph launch is assigned a unique correlation ID that is identical to the correlation ID in the driver API activity record that launched the graph.

uint64_t start

The start timestamp for the graph execution, in ns.

A value of 0 for both the start and end timestamps indicates that timestamp information could not be collected for the graph.

uint64_t end

The end timestamp for the graph execution, in ns.

A value of 0 for both the start and end timestamps indicates that timestamp information could not be collected for the graph.

uint32_t deviceId

The ID of the device where the graph execution is occurring.

uint32_t graphId

The unique ID of the graph that is launched.

uint32_t contextId

The ID of the context where the graph is being launched.

uint32_t streamId

The ID of the stream where the graph is being launched.

void *reserved

This field is reserved for internal use.