6.22. CUpti_ActivityExternalCorrelation

struct CUpti_ActivityExternalCorrelation

The activity record for correlation with external records.

This activity record correlates native CUDA records (e.g. CUDA Driver API, kernels, memcpys, …) with records from external APIs such as OpenACC. (CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_EXTERNAL_CORRELATION).

Public Members

CUpti_ActivityKind kind

The kind of this activity.

CUpti_ExternalCorrelationKind externalKind

The kind of external API this record correlated to.

uint64_t externalId

The correlation ID of the associated non-CUDA API record.

The exact field in the associated external record depends on that record’s activity kind (

See also


uint32_t correlationId

The correlation ID of the associated CUDA driver or runtime API record.

uint32_t reserved


Reserved for internal use.