Logging Extension#

This document describes Triton’s logging extension. The logging extension enables the client to configure log settings during a Triton run. Triton reports “logging” in the extensions field of its Server Metadata.


In all JSON schemas shown in this document $number, $string, $boolean, $object and $array refer to the fundamental JSON types. #optional indicates an optional JSON field.

Triton exposes the logging endpoint at the following URL. The client may use HTTP GET request to retrieve the current log settings. A HTTP POST request will modify the log settings, and the endpoint will return the updated log settings on success or an error in the case of failure.

GET v2/logging

POST v2/logging

Log Setting Response JSON Object#

A successful log setting request is indicated by a 200 HTTP status code. The response object, identified as $log_setting_response, is returned in the HTTP body for every successful log setting request.

$log_setting_response =
  $log_setting, ...

$log_setting = $string : $string | $boolean | $number

Each $log_setting JSON describes a “name”/”value” pair, where the “name” is the $string representation of the log setting and the “value” is a $string, $bool, or $number representation of the setting value. Currently, the following log settings are defined:

  • “log_file” : a $string parameter defining the file where the log outputs will be saved. If an empty string is specified, log outputs will stream to the console.

  • “log_info” : a $boolean parameter that controls whether the Triton server logs INFO level messages.

  • “log_warning” : a $boolean parameter that controls whether the Triton server logs WARNING level messages.

  • “log_error” : a $boolean parameter that controls whether the Triton server logs ERROR level messages.

  • “log_verbose_level” : a $number parameter that controls whether the Triton server outputs verbose messages of varying degrees. This value can be any integer >= 0. If “log_verbose_level” is 0, verbose logging will be disabled, and no verbose messages will be output by the Triton server. If “log_verbose_level” is 1, level 1 verbose messages will be output by the Triton server. If “log_verbose_level” is 2, the Triton server will output all verbose messages of level <= 2, etc. Attempting to set “log_verbose_level” to a number < 0 will result in an error.

  • “log_format” : a $string parameter that controls the format of Triton server log messages. There are currently 2 formats: “default” and “ISO8601”.

Log Setting Response JSON Error Object#

A failed log setting request will be indicated by an HTTP error status (typically 400). The HTTP body will contain a $log_setting_error_response object.

$log_setting_error_response =
  "error": $string
  • “error” : The descriptive message for the error.

Log Setting Request JSON Object#

A log setting request is made with a HTTP POST to the logging endpoint. In the corresponding response, the HTTP body contains the response JSON. A successful request is indicated by a 200 HTTP status code.

The request object, identified as $log_setting_request must be provided in the HTTP body.

$log_setting_request =
  $log_setting, ...

When a $log_setting JSON is received (defined above), only the specified settings will be updated.

Example Usage#

The logging protocol extension can be invoked using the curl library in the following manner (assuming a Triton server is running at localhost:8000):

curl -s -w '\n%{http_code}\n' -d '{"log_verbose_level":1}' -X POST localhost:8000/v2/logging

This command should return a $log_setting_response JSON object with the following format:


Note that the current values for all parameter fields are returned even though log_verbose_level was the only parameter that was modified.


For the logging extension, Triton implements the following API:

service GRPCInferenceService

  // Update and get the log setting of the Triton server.
  rpc LogSettings(LogSettingsRequest)
          returns (LogSettingsResponse) {}

The Log Setting API returns the latest log settings. Errors are indicated by the google.rpc.Status returned for the request. The OK code indicates success and other codes indicate failure. The request and response messages for Log Settings are:

message LogSettingsRequest
  message SettingValue
    oneof parameter_choice
      // bool param option
      bool bool_param = 1;

      // uint32 param option
      uint32 uint32_param = 2;

      // string param option
      string string_param = 3;
  // The new setting values to be updated.
  // Unspecified settings will remain unchanged.
  map<string, SettingValue> settings = 1;

message LogSettingsResponse
  message SettingValue
    oneof parameter_choice
      // bool param option
      bool bool_param = 1;

      // uint32 param option
      uint32 uint32_param = 2;

      // string param option
      string string_param = 3;
  // The latest log settings values.
  map<string, SettingValue> settings = 1;