RXPBench is a performance comparison tool for NVIDIA® BlueField®-2 RXP.
RXPBench is a tool that allows for the performance comparison between the NVIDIA® RXP® hardware RegEx acceleration engine found in the NVIDIA® BlueField®-2 DPU and the Intel® Hyperscan software library. It provides a comprehensive set of options and can facilitate ingress of data from live network ports or previously recorded PCAP files.
It is designed to provide a real-world comparison of these technologies, and present results customers could expect to receive after implementing either technology in their products.
1.1. RXPBench Changes and New Features in DOCA v1.1
- Moved to firmware-controlled card configuration and rules load
- rxpbench uses a rof2.binary rules file instead of the standard rof2
- Setting max matches variable is no longer supported
- Added run-time-secs (-s) support for pcap_file and text_file modes
- Tests must now run >0.1 seconds before a throughput is displayed
- Warnings are now included at the end of run reports
1.2. Document Scope
This document provides the following information for RXPBench:
- Example use case
- Breakdown of analysis and runtime statistics
- Options and configuration settings available
1.3. Document Glossary
The terms listed in the following table are used in this document.
Term | Definition |
Job | A unit of data for the RXP to scan. A job can be a packet, packet header, packet payload, packet header and payload, or a block of user-defined data. |
Regex | A common abbreviation for regular expression. |
Regular expression | A regular expression is a concise and flexible means for matching strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. A common abbreviation for this is "Regex". |
ROF file | The compiled Regex rules as object code, produced by the RXP compiler, and programmed into the RXP engine. |
Ruleset | A list of regular expressions and strings that can be compiled into object code by the RXP Compiler and executed on the RXP. |
RXP | High-speed, hardware-accelerated regular expression engine |
RXPC | The external compiler application that translates regular expressions into compiled object code (ROF file) |
The acronyms listed in the following table are used in this document.
Acronym | Definition |
HS | Intel® Hyperscan Software Library |
PCRE | Perl Compatible Regular Expressions |
RE | Regular Expression |
ROF | RXP Object Format (currently at version 2) |
RXP | Regular eXpression Processor |
RXPC | Regular eXpression Processor Compiler |
1.4. Icons
The following icons are used within this document:
Whilst the primary focus of this tool is to provide accurate real-world performance comparisons between the Intel® Hyperscan software library (HS) and the BlueField-2 RXP hardware acceleration engine has additional functionality. This functionality includes:
- Execution on both Intel host and the BlueField-2 DPU Arm cores
- Multicore support
- Ingress of traffic from live DPDK network ports, or PCAP files
- Can act as a "bump in the wire"
- Ability to accept RXP, Hyperscan, and generic rules files
- Asynchronous operations, similar to end-user applications
- Comprehensive configuration through a configuration file or command line options
- A high-performance reference application for DPDK RegEx operations
RXPBench utilizes the DPDK framework to provide both packet operations and the hardware accelerated Regular Expression offloading (dpdk_regex
). Hyperscan is provided through the HS.
The following is an overview of the RXPBench architecture.

This diagram shows the relationship between RXPBench and the underlying BlueField-2 hardware when the application is being run on the x86 host (left side) or on the BlueField-2 Arm cores (right).
At the core of the application is a packet processing engine designed to acquire packets from a network or file source. These packets are then processed through DPDK threads and offloaded to the RXP hardware accelerator for pattern matching (or via the Hyperscan library).
2.1. Host Installation
RXPBench is included as part of the DOCA installation. Separate installation packages are provided for Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04, whilst CentOS 7.6, 8.0 and 8.2 are supported through a single package:
Linux Distribution | Required RXPBench Package |
Ubuntu 18.04 | rxpbench_21.03_20210325_0_ubuntu_18_amd64.deb |
Ubuntu 20.04 | rxpbench_21.03_20210401_0_ubuntu_20_amd64.deb |
CentOS 7.6, 8.0 and 8.2 | rxpbench-21.03-20210326.x86_64.rpm |
2.1.1. Prerequisites
Prior to execution of the RXPBench, an installation of Hyperscan must be present on the host. Hyperscan can be obtained from your Linux distributions package manager (APT, dpkg, yum, etc.) or alternatively compiled from the source. Depending on your installation the following version of Hyperscan is required:
Linux Distribution | Hyperscan Version | Installation Command |
Ubuntu 18.04 | 4 |
Ubuntu 20.04 | 5 |
CentOS 7.x | – | Hyperscan is provided through 3rd party vendors. The following command will install Hyperscan 5.3.0 on CentOS 7:
CentOS 8.x | – | Hyperscan is provided through 3rd party vendors. The following command will install Hyperscan 5.3.0 on CentOS 8:
2.2. DPU Installation
The RXPBench utility is provided as part of the DOCA framework and is therefore installed by default with the BFB.
This section details an example use case of the RXPBench application, providing in depth explanations of the processes and statistics produced.
This example will focus on the execution of RXPBench using a simple text file containing the works of William Shakespeare (shakespeare.txt), using rules in Hyperscan format (henry.hs) whilst executing on the BlueField-2 RXP engine.
3.1. Configuring RXPBench
RXPBench supports the configuration of options through a "configuration" file, or through the command line. In practice if a configure file is used, the command line options are still available and will override any options already present in the configuration file.
By default, RXPBench will always search for a "rxpbench.conf", this allows common set-up commands to be removed from the command line. Commonly the DPDK EAL (-D) options are placed in this file as they rarely change after being initially set.
For a full list of options please see section General Configuration Options.
In this example we are providing all the options on the command-line; there is no configuration file. The command-line required to execute our example (simple text file containing the works of William Shakespeare (shakespeare.txt), using rules in Hyperscan format (henry.hs) whilst executing on the BlueField-2 RXP engine) is as follows:
./rxpbench -D "-l 0,1,2,3 -n 1 -a 5e:00.0,class=regex –file-prefix=rxpbench -a 5e:00.01" --input-mode text_file -f ../Shakespeare.txt -d rxp -R ../henry.hs -l 2048 -n 10000 -c 1
The "-D" option provides the DPDK EAL options, contained within a set of quotation marks ("). These options are passed directly to DPDK during the initialization of the application and are in general specific to your host. "
The first RXPBench option is the "--input-mode" which states that RXPBench will pull data from a "text_file", the "-f" option then specifies the location and name of the text file to be searched.
The "-d" option states the mode in which RXPBench will operate, available options are "rxp" or "hs" and in this instance we are requesting that the BlueField-2 hardware accelerator is used.
The "-R" option provides the tool with a set of uncompiled rules, in this case they are presented in Hyperscan format. RXPBench supports the use of rules formats that are different from the selected device/algorithm. For example, the RXP can accept Hyperscan rules and the Hyperscan library can received RXP formatted rules. The conversion process within RXPBench is automatic.
The "-l" option supplies the size of the data block sent to the device/algorithm. In this instance a buffer of 2KB is received and pattern matched from the text file.
The number of iterations is controlled by the "-n" option; due to the high performance of the BlueField-2 RXP engine the input file must be iterated 10,000 times to provide enough input data to ensure are run-time of a few seconds.
The final option is the core count (-c), this defines how many CPU cores the tool can use. In this instance we are using a single core.
3.2. Regular Expressions
RXPBench accept regular expressions in two different formats:
- Uncompiled – The regular expressions are presented in a text file which follows with the RXP rules file format, or the Hyperscan file format.
- Compiled – In the case for the RXP, rules are externally compiled using the RXP Compiler (rxpc) and presented to RXPBench as a ROF file.
If uncompiled rule files are used, RXPBench can cross compile the rules regardless of the file format or device selected, i.e. A Hyperscan format rules file will be converted for use by the RXP engine, whilst an RXP format rules file will be converted for use by the Hyperscan engine.
In this example we have requested the Hyperscan rules be used on the RXP engine; in this instance you will see the rxpc compiler being invoked by RXPBench to provide the on-demand compilation of the rules:

After this process is complete, the tool will automatically program the compiled rules into the hardware and begin the process of Regex pattern matching.
3.3. Runtime Statistics
During the execution of RXPBench a series of run-time statistics are presented by the utility. This provides detailed information on the current process:

For each core in use by the tool, the following statistic are presented:
- Received Bytes – These are bytes received from the input source
- Regex Bytes – These are the bytes transmitted to the Regex engine; this value can be less than the received byte count if certain confirmation options are used (such as payload thresholds or if “app layer” payloads are only being scanned)
- Recv Bufs – The total buffers received from the input source; in this case due to the “-l 2048” option each buffer contains 2048 bytes.
- Regex Bugfs – The number of buffers transmitted to the Regex device.
- Matches – The total number of Regex matches seen in the input data.
The total number of Regex matches seen in the input data.
In addition to each core statistic, a running total output is provided, including aggregated values for the above fields and a duration field it also provides:
- Regex Perf (total) – The performance total in Gigabits per second (Gb/s) for the entire duration of the run.
- Regex Perf (split) – The performance total in Gigabits per second (Gb/s) for the past update period.
3.4. End-of-Run Statistics
When the execution is completed, or aborted using Ctrl + C, several statistics blocks are output to the console. This allows users to verify and understand the execution of the performance test.
3.4.1. Configuration Statistics Block
This section of statistics provides an overview of the RXPBench configuration, most of this information is simply the mirroring of configuration files.

The “Preloaded Data Info” section details any preloading of data, when using PCAP or text files, that has occurred during the initialization of the application:
- Data Length – When the input is file based (PCAP or Text) this is the total data that is preloaded/cached to reduce I/O operations
- App Layer Mode – Whether the application is effectively scanning the application layer (TCP/UDP frames) and ignore the headers (Ethernet, MAC, etc.) prior to the application layer.
- Valid Packets – If app layer mode is enabled, these are packets that contain a valid payload
- Invalid Length – This value is incremented if a PCAP packet is found to be unexpectantly truncated
- Unsupported Prot – If app layer mode is enabled, the packet did not contain one of the required protocols (VLAN/IPv4/IPv6/TCP or UDP)
3.4.2. Run Overview Block
This section provides an overview of the RXPBench execution; it provides the core statistics which allow you to gauge the performance of the algorithm using the supplied rules and input data.

Whilst most of these fields are self-explanatory some fields require further definition:
- Packet Processing Rate (Mpps) – This is the rate which, in million packets per second, RXPBench has been able to acquire packets from the input source (Physical port or precached PCAP/text file). For the physical ports this rate may be different that the RegEx PPR value as not all packets (depending on configuration) may be sent to the Regex device.
- Packet Processing Perf (Gb/s) – The actual data-rate of the input source in Gigabits per second
- Total Regex Buffers – This is the number of complete buffers that were sent to the RegEx device for processing
- Total Regex Bytes – The total bytes contained within all buffers transmitted to the RegEx device for processing
- Total Regex Batches – RegEx buffers are gathered together into batches (based on the "-g" flag) and submitted to the RegEx device in a single operation
3.4.3. DPDK RegEx Stats Block
If the selected RegEx device is "rxp" or "regex_dpdk" the following block of statistics is provided. It presents more internal statistics from the DPDK RegEx device (BlueField-2 RXP):

The following are the definitions of each of these counters:
- Invalid Responses – These are responses from operations that have not completed successfully
- Timeout – When processing a block of input data a hardware triggered timeout occurred and the search was aborted
- Max Matches – The maximum number of configured matches was exceeded, and the job was aborted
- Max Prefixes – The maximum prefixes per scan was exceeded, and the job was aborted
- Resource Limit – A generic/internal resourcing limit was reached; the job was aborted
- Latency Figures – These provides max/min and average latency of jobs from transmitted to the DPDK RegEx device
3.4.4. Hyperscan Stats Block
If the selected Regex device is “hs” (or “Hyperscan”) then an additional block of statistics is provided detailing the latency of requests to and response from the Hyperscan Library:

Configuration options to control the operation of RXPBench can be provided either through a pre-defined configuration file or through the command line. If both a configuration file is supplied and a set of command line options then the command line options will supersede, effectively overriding, the options present in the configuration file.
4.1. Configuration File (-C, --config-file)
The configuration file option allows you to supply a text file that contains one or more options that would normally be present on the command line.
-C configuration.file
--config-file configuration.file
The file should contain each configuration option stripped of the leading dashes on a new line. A colon (:) should be placed between the option and the value. You may use either the short (-) or long (--) option name. For example:
input-mode : dpdk_port
m : inputfile.pcap
run-time-secs : 10
If the “-C” or “--config-file” option is used without any supplied parameter, RXPBench will attempt to open the default file “rxpbench.conf”.
Providing any additional command line options after the -C
or --config-file
will override any present within the configuration file.
4.2. DPDK EAL (-D)
RXPBench utilizes the DPDK framework to provide core memory management, packet ingress and Regular expression offloading. As common with DPDK applications there are several EAL options that can be used to ensure DPDK is optimally configured for the host environment.
EAL options should be enclosed in quotations (“..”) and are passed directly to DPDK without any processing by RXPBench.
Please ensure if you’re are created a custom set of EAL commands that the “class=regex” parameter is included to ensure the Regex devices is available for use. You should use the “class=eth:regex” if you wish to use packet acquisition from physical ports and Regex.
The CPU cores selected for use through the EAL options will be the same cores used by the whole RXPBench application.
Care should be taken when selecting EAL options. Misconfiguration may affect the utilities ability to obtain maximum performance on the target hardware. A full list of EAL options is provided by DPDK.
4.3. Force Compilation (-F)
RXPBench can accept both uncompiled and compiled rules. As part of the initialization process any uncompiled regular expressions rules must be compiled into object code that can be executed on the BF2 RXP hardware accelerator, or Intel™ Hyperscan software library.
Whilst the BlueField-2 RXP supports a wide range of Regular Expression constructs, both itself and Hyperscan cannot provide for all constructs due to complexity and performance impacts.
When a supplied set of Regular expressions is compiled either algorithm may abort the compilation due to the inclusion of (one or more) unsupported rule constructs. This option prevents the compilers from aborting, and forces RXPBench to continue with the rules that did successful compile.
4.4. Verbose (-V)
This option provides additional verbose output on any matching patterns found by the Regex algorithm. The supplied integer value dictates the amount of information provided:
-V 1
-V 2
-V 3
All verbose levels will write out to a CSV files named "rxpbench_matches_main_core_XX.csv", where XX is the main logical core ID returned by DPDK, and "rxpbench_matches_core_XX.csv" for additional cores in a multicore environment.
Each entry in the CSV file provides match information including queue ID, rule ID, start offset and length. If the verbose level is set to “3” then the match string is also returned.
-V 2
and -V 3 will cause the writing of large amounts of data if a substantial number of matches are reported and it may result in characters that break the CSV format (such as comma’s, new lines, etc.) being placed in the output file. In extreme cases this may result in a performance reduction.
4.5. Cores (-c)
The "Cores" option allows for the configuration of the total number of cores available to RXPBench.
-c 4
The use of the CPU cores is dependent on the application’s Regular Expression algorithm and whether packets are being received from an ingress port or PCAP capture file.
If the BlueField-2 RXP hardware accelerator is used each core will be given a unique DPDK Regex queue to operate on; if the accelerator is Hyperscan then each core will be used to execute the Hyperscan software library.
In addition, if packets are being received from a physical port, the value will be used to allocate X number of DPDK Tx and Rx queues on the port.
The value supplied here must be <= the number of cores provided in the -D (EAL) options. If an invalid value is supplied a warning will be produced and the EAL (-D) core count will be used.
This group of options provides the ability to select the Algorithm (BF2 RXP or Hyperscan), where input data should be received from (physical ports, text files, or PCAP files) and Regular Expression rules information.
5.1. Algorithm/Device Select (--Regex-dev, -d)
The algorithm or device to be used is supplied through this option. The available options are "regex_dpdk"/"rxp" for the BlueField-2 RXP Hardware accelerator, or "hyperscan"/"hs" for the Intel Hyperscan software library.
--Regex-dev regex_dpdk
--Regex-dev rxp
--Regex-dev hyperscan
--Regex-dev hs
5.2. Input Mode (--input-mode, -m)
RXPBench can receive data from various input sources. This option allows you to provide which method you require:
--input-mode dpdk_port --dpdp-primary-port X --dpdk-secondary-port Y
--input-mode pcap_file
--input-mode text_file
--input-mode dpdk_port, -m dpdk_port

The DPDK port option enables RXPBench to receive live traffic from a port, specified in the --dpdk-primary-port. If the secondary port option exists (--dpdk-second-port) then any packets received, after pattern matching has occurred, are transmitted onto the second port.
See section DPDK Port Operations for more information.
--input-mode pcap_file, -m pcap_file

This option allows you to supply an external PCAP file. This allows for reproducible results using a known input file. The entire payload recorded in each frame within the pcap file is made available to RXPBench.
--input-mode text_file, -m text_file

If processing of a standard text file is required, this option allows you to select any file. The entire text file contents are made available to the RXPBench application with no parsing or changes made.
5.3. Compiled Rules File (--rules, -r)
The RXP hardware accelerator can accept regular expressions that have been externally compiled using the RXPC (RXP Compiler) into a ROFF file. This option allows you to specify this ROF2 file.
5.4. Uncompiled Rules File (--raw_rules, -R)
RXPBench can accept an input file containing raw regular expressions. The uncompiled rules file can be in either of these formats:
- RXP rules file
- Hyperscan rules file
The tool can accept either format of rules file, regardless of which algorithm (BlueField-2 RXP, or Intel Hyperscan) is used. In the case where a rules file is not in the expected format for the algorithm, a conversion process is employed to ensure they operate correctly.
In this configuration, the BlueField-2 RXP compiler is configured with its default optimizations; enhanced performance can be obtained through the adjustment of these parameters. For more information see the NVIDIA RXP Compiler User Guide, and provide any compiled rules through the –rules
5.5. App-Layer Filtering (--run-app-layer, -A)
This option will cause RXPBench to extract the upper-layer data from the received packets and submit them for regular expression testing. Upper-layer data includes data found in TCP and UDP streams found in IPv4 and IPv6 packets (including any such data contained within VLAN tagged packets).

When input data is received from a physical network port, the options in the subsequent sections can be used to configure the ports.
6.1. Primary Port (--dpdk-primary-port, -1)
This is the port where packets will be received from. The supplied ID is used directly to access the requested DPDK port.
6.2. Secondary Port (--dpdk-secondary-port, -2)
RXPBench can be used as a "bump" in the wire, where received packets are pattern matched before transmission through a secondary port. This option provides the port ID, as used by DPDK, for the onwards transmission of scanned packets.
This groups of options allows for the specific duration of any execution to be controlled through various metrics.
7.1. Runtime Seconds (--run-time-secs, -s)

This option sets the time in seconds that a test ought to be run for. If a file is used as input and no --run-num-iterations
are set then the file is looped over until the time period is met.
7.2. Iterations (--run-num-iterations, -n)

If input data is being received from either a PCAP File or text file, this option is used to limit the execute to a complete number of iterations of the input file. For example, if an iteration count of 4 was given on a PCAP file contains 1,000 packets. The total number of packets processed would be 4,000. If the input file was a standard text file containing 5,000 bytes of information, an iteration count of 4 would mean 20,000 bytes would be read by RXPBench.
If iterations are used along with a runtime-seconds
option, the test will finish with whatever limit comes first.
7.3. Packet (--run-packets, -p)

For both live traffic reception and PCAP input files, this option limits the total execution to the supplied number of packets.
7.4. Total Bytes (--run-bytes, -b)

Regardless of the input mode this is the total number of bytes received that is required to mark the execution as complete.
For live traffic this is the total number of bytes received from the physical port. For both the PCAP input file and text file this is the total bytes to read from the input files.
These options allow for finer control of data to be transmitted to the RegEx device for pattern matching.
8.1. Buffer Length (--buf-length, -l)

When the RXPBench is reading from input files (whether PCAP, or text files) it has all the information readily available (unlike live traffic which must be received). This allows the application to read a variable amount of input data per iteration.
This option controls the amount of data that is read from the input file and passed to the Regular Expression algorithm.
With PCAP capture files this option may result in data be transmitted from part of packet, or alternatively multiple packets, if the buffer length supplied is less than or greater than the PCAP’s frame length.
8.2. Buffer Threshold (--buf-thres, -t)

When live traffic is being received from a physical port, this option specifies the received packets minimum size before it will be processed.
For example, setting this value to 256 bytes means that if a packet arrives that is less than 256 bytes in length it will not be processed by RXPBench.
Packets that are dropped by this threshold are recorded in the statistics under “UNDER THRES” field.
8.3. Buffer Overlapping (--buf-overlap, -o)

When the input is being read from files (either PCAP, or text files) this option allows a certain number of bytes to be overlapped from the previous frame.
8.4. Batching (--buf-group, -g)

Most high-performance applications obtain additional performance by batching together multiple operations into a single process.
DPDK Regex provides the capability of enqueuing multiple buffers to the BlueField-2 RXP Hardware accelerator. This option allows you to specify how many payloads should be grouped together before enqueuing on the hardware.
If receiving packets from a physical port this also determines the batch size to read (and write) to the network ports.
Layer 5 to 7 Payloads Only (--run-app-layer, --A)

This option will process each received payload packet and identify any layer 5 to layer 7 information present in them. It will then send only this layer 5 to layer 7 data to the RegEx algorithm.
For example, if a 500-byte packet is received that contains 60 bytes of layer 1 to layer 4 data, then the first 60 bytes are ignored and the 440 bytes of layer 5 to layer 7 data is sent to the RegEx algorithm.
For PCAP-based input files, any -l
(or --buf-length
) option will be overwritten and lengths will be assigned on a per-packet basis. Similarly, for live traffic received from a physical port, each packet is processed independently with data from their layer 5 through 7 being sent to the RegEx algorithm. It may be appropriate to use the threshold option (--buf-thres
, -t
) to remove small payloads.
Using this option in live mode may actually increase the average job size due to the skipping of certain “no payload” frames (such as TCP ACKs) that would otherwise be included.
Several options that are specific to the RXP hardware accelerator exist. These allow you to modify the behavior of the Regular Expression pattern matching engine.
9.1. Max Matches (--rxp-max-matches, -M)
The RXP engine provides a method to alter the maximum number of matches reported by any operation; by default, this value is set to its maximum value of 255.
Altering this value will result in the engine completing its processing of the data as soon as the maximum matches is found.
This may result in the engine finding and reporting fewer matches than there are. This operation may be desirable if you simply want to find “any” match, and will improve performance by avoiding more extensive scanning.
9.2. Max Latency (--rxp-latency, -T)
Like all algorithms, the RXP engine takes a certain amount of time to complete its scanning of data for regular expression matches.
This option can alter the maximum time that the hardware will execute any given job for. After this time has been exceeded the job will be aborted.
This max latency is designed to detect when Denial of Service (DOS) attacks are being executed against the hardware (e.g. specially crafted input data is being supplied that is resulting in considerable RegEx processing overheads). This latency value can abort those jobs freeing up processing for other operations.
Several options that are specific to the Hyperscan software library exist. These allow you to modify the behavior of the Regular Expression pattern matching engine.
Hyperscan does not support both flags being enabled at the same time.
HS Single Match (--hs-singlematch, -H)
The Hyperscan algorithm provides an option called "HS_FLAG_SINGLEMATCH", please see the Hyperscan documentation for more information.
HS Left Most Match (--hs- leftmost, -L)
The Hyperscan algorithm provides an option called "HS_FLAG_SOM_LEFTMOST", please see the Hyperscan documentation for more information.
RXPBench utilizes the DPDK framework to provide packet operations and hardware-accelerated regular expression (RegEx) offloading (dpdk_regex
RXPBench can run in the following input modes: Port, PCAP, or text file.
- In port mode, live traffic is received from a DPDK port to receive live traffic from a port specified in the
configuration option. If the secondary port option exists (--dpdk-second-port
), then any packet received, after pattern matching has occurred, is transmitted onto the second port. - In PCAP mode, traffic is supplied via an external PCAP file. This allows for reproducible results using a known input file. The entire payload recorded in each frame within the PCAP file is made available to RXPBench.
- Text file mode allows the user to select any file when processing of a standard text file is required. The entire text file contents are made available to the RXPBench application with no parsing or changes made.
To run RXPBench on BlueField, please follow this procedure:
- Please refer to the DOCA Installation Guide for details on how to install BlueField related software.
- The RXPBench tool is supplied in both binary and source package formats as described earlier in this document.
- Before executing RXPBench, an installation of Hyperscan must be present on the host. Hyperscan can be obtained from the Linux distribution package manager (APT, dpkg, yum, etc.) or alternatively compiled from the source. Depending on the Linux distribution on the host, the following Hyperscan versions are required:
Host Linux Distribution Hyperscan Version Installation Command Ubuntu 18.04 4 apt install libhyperscan4
Ubuntu 20.04 5 apt install libhyperscan5
CentOS 7.x – Hyperscan is provided through 3rdparty vendors. The following command will install Hyperscan 5.3.0 on CentOS 7: yum install epel-release sudo yum install http://repo.openfusion.net/centos7-x86_64/hyperscan-5.3.0-1.of.el7.x86_64.rpm
CentOS 8.x – Hyperscan is provided through 3rd party vendors. The following command installs Hyperscan 5.3.0 on CentOS 8: yum install epel-release sudo yum install https://download-ib01.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/8/Everything/x86_64/Packages/h/hyperscan-5.3.0-5.el8.x86_64.rpm
- Build the RXPBench tool from the source code. RXPBench source code packages are found in the following locations:
- Ubuntu 18.04 – /usr/share/doca-repo-ubuntu1804-1.1/repo/pool/
- Ubuntu 20.04 – /usr/share/doca-repo-ubuntu2004-1.1/repo/pool/
- CentOS 7.5 – /usr/share/doca-repo-rhel75-1.1/source/Packages/
- CentOS 7.6 – /usr/share/doca-repo-rhel76-1.1/source/Packages/
- CentOS 8.0 – /usr/share/doca-repo-rhel80-1.1/source/Packages/
- CentOS 8.2 – /usr/share/doca-repo-rhel82-1.1/source/Packages/
The source code is unpacked using the following commands for example.
- For Ubuntu:
dpkg-source -x rxpbench_21.06.0.dsc
- For CentOS:
rpmbuild --recompile rxpbench-21.06-1.el7.src.rpm
- To re-build the RXPBench tool. Run:
cd <source extract directory>/rxpbench-21.06.0 make
The RXPBench executable will be located in the build subdirectory.
The build process depends on the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to locate the DPDK libraries. If the variable was accidently corrupted, and the build fails, please run the following command.
- For Ubuntu:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib64/pkgconfig
- For CentOS:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/
- For Ubuntu:
- RXPBench requires the following configurations to enable RegEx.
- On the host side, stop the driver. Run:
host$ sudo /etc/init.d/openibd stop
- Log onto the BlueField-2 and run the following commands:
dpu$ sudo /etc/init.d/openibd start dpu$ echo 1 > /sys/class/net/p0/smart_nic/pf/regex_en dpu$ current_huge='cat /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages' dpu$ echo $((200 + current_huge)) > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages dpu$ systemctl start mlx-regex
- Verify that the service is running. Run:
dpu$ systemctl status mlx-regex
- On the host, start the driver and add hugepages. Run:
host$ sudo /etc/init.d/openibd start host$ echo 1024 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages
- On the host side, stop the driver. Run:
- To run the application:
cd build ./rxpbench [dpdk_flags] -- [additional application flags]
./rxpbench -D "-l 0,1,2,3 -n 1 -a 5e:00.0,class=regex –file-prefix=rxpbench -a 5e:00.01" --input-mode text_file -f ../Shakespeare.txt -d rxp -R ../rules.hs -l 2048 -n 10000 -c 1
- This command runs in the text file input mode (
). - The input file is Shakeseare.txt (
). - This command uses the RXP device for pattern matching (
). - The RXP device is programmed with the rules specified in
). - This command sends 2048 bytes of data to be searched in each job (
). - This command reads and processes the input text file 10,000 times (
). - This command uses 1 CPU core during the run (
Information on the complete set of configuration settings and options may be found in other sections of this document.
As RXPBench executes, statistics will be updated on screen periodically. On exit, summary information will be displayed on screen.
- This command runs in the text file input mode (
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