

class  PxBatchQuery
 Batched queries object. This is used to perform several queries at the same time. More...
struct  PxQueryFlag
 Filtering flags for scene queries. More...
struct  PxQueryHitType
 Classification of scene query hits (intersections). More...
struct  PxQueryFilterData
 Scene query filtering data. More...
class  PxQueryFilterCallback
 Scene query filtering callbacks. More...
struct  PxHitFlag
 Scene query and geometry query behavior flags. More...
struct  PxActorShape
 collection of set bits defined in PxHitFlag. More...
struct  PxQueryHit
 Scene query hit information. More...
struct  PxLocationHit
 Scene query hit information for raycasts and sweeps returning hit position and normal information. More...
struct  PxRaycastHit
 Stores results of raycast queries. More...
struct  PxOverlapHit
 Stores results of overlap queries. More...
struct  PxSweepHit
 Stores results of sweep queries. More...
struct  PxHitCallback< HitType >
 This callback class facilitates reporting scene query hits (intersections) to the user. More...
struct  PxHitBuffer< HitType >
 Returns scene query hits (intersections) to the user in a preallocated buffer. More...
struct  PxRaycastBufferN< N >
 Returns touching raycast hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class. More...
struct  PxOverlapBufferN< N >
 Returns touching overlap hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class. More...
struct  PxSweepBufferN< N >
 Returns touching sweep hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class. More...


typedef PxFlags
< PxQueryFlag::Enum, PxU16 > 
 Flags typedef for the set of bits defined in PxQueryFlag.
PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader )(PxFilterData queryFilterData, PxFilterData objectFilterData, const void *constantBlock, PxU32 constantBlockSize, PxHitFlags &hitFlags)
 Batched query pre-filter shader.
PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader )(PxFilterData queryFilterData, PxFilterData objectFilterData, const void *constantBlock, PxU32 constantBlockSize, const PxQueryHit &hit)
 Batched query post-filter shader.
typedef bool PxAgain
 Describes query behavior after returning a partial query result via a callback.
typedef PxHitCallback
< PxRaycastHit
 Raycast query callback.
typedef PxHitCallback
< PxOverlapHit
 Overlap query callback.
typedef PxHitCallback< PxSweepHitPxSweepCallback
 Sweep query callback.
typedef PxHitBuffer< PxRaycastHitPxRaycastBuffer
 Raycast query buffer.
typedef PxHitBuffer< PxOverlapHitPxOverlapBuffer
 Overlap query buffer.
typedef PxHitBuffer< PxSweepHitPxSweepBuffer
 Sweep query buffer.



Typedef Documentation

typedef bool PxAgain

Describes query behavior after returning a partial query result via a callback.

If callback returns true, traversal will continue and callback can be issued again. If callback returns false, traversal will stop, callback will not be issued again.

See also:

typedef PX_DEPRECATED PxQueryHitType::Enum(* PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader)(PxFilterData queryFilterData, PxFilterData objectFilterData, const void *constantBlock, PxU32 constantBlockSize, const PxQueryHit &hit)

Batched query post-filter shader.

Custom filtering logic for batched query intersection candidates. If an intersection candidate object passes the data based filter (see PxQueryFilterData), the filtering shader run on request (see PxQueryFilterData.flags)

  • If PxQueryFlag::ePOSTFILTER is set, the postFilter shader is called for each intersection to determine the touch/block status. This overrides any touch/block status previously returned from the preFilter function for this shape.
Filtering shaders are not in order along the query direction, rather they are processed in the order in which candidate shapes for testing are found by PhysX' scene traversal algorithms.

The batched query feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4
See also:
PxBatchQueryDesc.postFilterShader PxQueryFilterCallback.postFilter PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader
[in] queryFilterData Query filter data
[in] objectFilterData Object filter data
[in] constantBlock Global constant filter data (see PxBatchQuery)
[in] constantBlockSize Size of global filter data (see PxBatchQuery)
[in] hit Hit data from the prior exact intersection test.
the new hit type for this hit (see PxQueryHitType)
See also:

typedef PX_DEPRECATED PxQueryHitType::Enum(* PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader)(PxFilterData queryFilterData, PxFilterData objectFilterData, const void *constantBlock, PxU32 constantBlockSize, PxHitFlags &hitFlags)

Batched query pre-filter shader.

Custom filtering logic for batched query intersection candidates. If an intersection candidate object passes the data based filter (see PxQueryFilterData), filtering shader runs if specified in filtering flags (see PxQueryFilterData.flags)

The preFilter shader may overwrite the copy of queryFlags it receives as an argument to specify any of PxHitFlag::eMODIFIABLE_FLAGS on a per-shape basis. Changes apply only to the shape being filtered, and changes to other flags are ignored.

  • If PxQueryFlag::ePREFILTER is not set, precise intersection testing is performed using the original query's filterData.flags.
Filtering calls are not guaranteed to be sorted along the ray or sweep direction.

The batched query feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4
See also:
PxBatchQueryDesc.preFilterShader PxQueryFilterCallback.preFilter PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader
[in] queryFilterData Query filter data
[in] objectFilterData Object filter data
[in] constantBlock Global constant filter data (see PxBatchQuery)
[in] constantBlockSize Size of global filter data (see PxBatchQuery)
[in,out] hitFlags Per-object modifiable hit flags (only flags from PxHitFlag::eMODIFIABLE_FLAGS mask can be modified)
the updated hit type for this hit (see PxQueryHitType)
See also:

Overlap query buffer.

Overlap query callback.

Flags typedef for the set of bits defined in PxQueryFlag.

Raycast query buffer.

Raycast query callback.

Sweep query buffer.

Sweep query callback.

Function Documentation

PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT ( PxQueryFlag::eDYNAMIC  = =(1<< 1)  ) 

PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT ( PxQueryFlag::eSTATIC  = =(1<< 0)  ) 

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