NvDsBufSurfTransform API

group ds_bbb

Defines types and functions of the NvBufSurfTransform application programming interface.


typedef struct _NvBufSurfTransformConfigParams NvBufSurfTransformConfigParams

Holds configuration parameters for a transform/composite session.

typedef struct _NvBufSurfaceTransformParams NvBufSurfTransformParams

Holds transform parameters for a transform call.

typedef struct _NvBufSurfTransformCompositeParams NvBufSurfTransformCompositeParams

Holds composite parameters for a composite call.


enum NvBufSurfTransform_Compute

Specifies compute devices used by NvBufSurfTransform.


enumerator NvBufSurfTransformCompute_Default

Specifies VIC as a compute device for Jetson or dGPU for an x86_64 system.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformCompute_GPU

Specifies that the GPU is the compute device.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformCompute_VIC

Specifies that the VIC as a compute device.

Supported only for Jetson.

enum NvBufSurfTransform_Flip

Specifies video flip methods.

Supported only for Jetson.


enumerator NvBufSurfTransform_None

Specifies no video flip.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransform_Rotate90

Specifies rotating 90 degrees clockwise.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransform_Rotate180

Specifies rotating 180 degree clockwise.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransform_Rotate270

Specifies rotating 270 degree clockwise.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransform_FlipX

Specifies video flip with respect to the X-axis.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransform_FlipY

Specifies video flip with respect to the Y-axis.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransform_Transpose

Specifies video flip transpose.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransform_InvTranspose

Specifies video flip inverse transpose.

enum NvBufSurfTransform_Inter

Specifies video interpolation methods.


enumerator NvBufSurfTransformInter_Nearest

Specifies Nearest Interpolation Method interpolation.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformInter_Bilinear

Specifies Bilinear Interpolation Method interpolation.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformInter_Algo1

Specifies GPU-Cubic, VIC-5 Tap interpolation.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformInter_Algo2

Specifies GPU-Super, VIC-10 Tap interpolation.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformInter_Algo3

Specifies GPU-Lanzos, VIC-Smart interpolation.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformInter_Algo4

Specifies GPU-Ignored, VIC-Nicest interpolation.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformInter_Default

Specifies GPU-Nearest, VIC-Nearest interpolation.

enum NvBufSurfTransform_Error

Specifies error codes returned by NvBufSurfTransform functions.


enumerator NvBufSurfTransformError_ROI_Error

Specifies an error in source or destination ROI.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformError_Invalid_Params

Specifies invalid input parameters.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformError_Execution_Error

Specifies a runtime execution error.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformError_Unsupported

Specifies an unsupported feature or format.

enumerator NvBufSurfTransformError_Success

Specifies a successful operation.

enum NvBufSurfTransform_Transform_Flag

Specifies transform types.



Specifies a transform to crop the source rectangle.


Specifies a transform to crop the destination rectangle.


Specifies a transform to set the filter type.


Specifies a transform to set the flip method.

enum NvBufSurfTransform_Composite_Flag

Specifies types of composition operations.



Specifies a flag to describe the requested compositing operation.


NvBufSurfTransform_Error NvBufSurfTransformSetSessionParams(NvBufSurfTransformConfigParams *config_params)

Sets user-defined session parameters.

If user-defined session parameters are set, they override the NvBufSurfTransform() function’s default session.


An NvBufSurfTransform_Error value indicating success or failure.

  • [in] config_params: A pointer to a structure that is populated with the session parameters to be used.

NvBufSurfTransform_Error NvBufSurfTransformGetSessionParams(NvBufSurfTransformConfigParams *config_params)

Gets the session parameters used by NvBufSurfTransform().


An NvBufSurfTransform_Error value indicating success or failure.

  • [out] config_params: A pointer to a caller-allocated structure to be populated with the session parameters used.

NvBufSurfTransform_Error NvBufSurfTransform(NvBufSurface *src, NvBufSurface *dst, NvBufSurfTransformParams *transform_params)

Performs a transformation on batched input images.

If user-defined session parameters are to be used, call NvBufSurfTransformSetSessionParams() before calling this function.

When destination cropping is performed, memory outside

the crop location is not touched, and may contain stale information. The caller must perform a memset before calling this function if stale information must be eliminated.


An NvBufSurfTransform_Error value indicating success or failure.

  • [in] src: A pointer to input batched buffers to be transformed.

  • [out] dst: A pointer to a caller-allocated location where transformed output is to be stored.

  • [in] transform_params: A pointer to an NvBufSurfTransformParams structure which specifies the type of transform to be performed. They may include any combination of scaling, format conversion, and cropping for both source and destination. Flipping and rotation are supported on VIC.

NvBufSurfTransform_Error NvBufSurfTransformComposite(NvBufSurface *src, NvBufSurface *dst, NvBufSurfTransformCompositeParams *composite_params)

Composites batched input images.

The compositer scales and stitches batched buffers indicated by src into a single destination buffer, dst.

If user-defined session parameters are to be used, call NvBufSurfTransformSetSessionParams() before calling this function.


An NvBufSurfTransform_Error value indicating success or failure.

  • [in] src: A pointer to input batched buffers to be transformed.

  • [out] dst: A pointer a caller-allocated location (a single buffer) where composited output is to be stored.

  • [in] composite_params: A pointer to an NvBufSurfTransformCompositeParams structure which specifies the compositing operation to be performed, e.g., the source and destination rectangles in src and dst.

struct NvBufSurfTransformRect
#include <nvbufsurftransform.h>

Holds the coordinates of a rectangle.

struct _NvBufSurfTransformConfigParams
#include <nvbufsurftransform.h>

Holds configuration parameters for a transform/composite session.

struct _NvBufSurfaceTransformParams
#include <nvbufsurftransform.h>

Holds transform parameters for a transform call.

struct _NvBufSurfTransformCompositeParams
#include <nvbufsurftransform.h>

Holds composite parameters for a composite call.