Query Functions

group gst_query_plugin

Gets information such as the batch size and the number of streams.


GstQuery *gst_nvquery_batch_size_new(void)

Creates a new batch-size query, which can be used by elements to query the number of buffers in upstream elements’ batched buffers.


A pointer to the new batch size query.

gboolean gst_nvquery_is_batch_size(GstQuery *query)

Determines whether a query is a batch size query.

params[in] query A pointer to the query to be checked.


True if the query is a batch size query.

void gst_nvquery_batch_size_set(GstQuery *query, guint batch_size)

Sets the batch size, used by the elements responding to the batch size query.

This function fails if the query is not a batch size query.

params[in] query A pointer to a batch size query. params[in] batch_size The batch size to be set.

gboolean gst_nvquery_batch_size_parse(GstQuery *query, guint *batch_size)

Parses batch size from a batch size query.

params[in] query A pointer to a batch size query. params[out] batch_size A pointer to an unsigned integer in which the batch size is stored.


True if the query was successfully parsed.

GstQuery *gst_nvquery_numStreams_size_new(void)

Creates a number of streams query, used by elements to query upstream the number of input sources.


A pointer to the new query.

gboolean gst_nvquery_is_numStreams_size(GstQuery *query)

Determines whether a query is a number-of-streams query.

params[in] query A pointer to the query to be checked.


A Boolean; true if the query is a number of streams query.

void gst_nvquery_numStreams_size_set(GstQuery *query, guint numStreams_size)

Sets the number of input sources.

This function is used by elements responding to a number of streams query. It fails if the query is not of the correct type.

params[in] query A pointer to a number-of-streams query. params[in] numStreams_size The number of input sources.

gboolean gst_nvquery_numStreams_size_parse(GstQuery *query, guint *numStreams_size)

Parses the number of streams from a number of streams query.

params[in] query A pointer to a number-of-streams query. params[out] batch_size A pointer to an unsigned integer in which the number of streams is stored.


True if the query was successfully parsed.