
struct _NvDsBatchMeta

Holds information about a formed batch containing frames from different sources.

Public Members

guint max_frames_in_batch

Holds the maximum number of frames in the batch.

guint num_frames_in_batch

Holds the number of frames now in the batch.

NvDsMetaPool *frame_meta_pool

Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type NvDsFrameMeta, representing a pool of frame metas.

NvDsMetaPool *obj_meta_pool

Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type NvDsObjMeta, representing a pool of object metas.

NvDsMetaPool *classifier_meta_pool

Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type NvDsClassifierMeta, representing a pool of classifier metas.

NvDsMetaPool *display_meta_pool

Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type NvDsDisplayMeta, representing a pool of display metas.

NvDsMetaPool *user_meta_pool

Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type NvDsUserMeta, representing a pool of user metas.

NvDsMetaPool *label_info_meta_pool

Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type NvDsLabelInfo, representing a pool of label metas.

NvDsFrameMetaList *frame_meta_list

Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type NvDsFrameMeta or NvDsAudioFrameMeta (when the batch represent audio batch), representing frame metas used in the current batch.

NvDsUserMetaList *batch_user_meta_list

Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type NvDsUserMeta, representing user metas in the current batch.

GRecMutex meta_mutex

Holds a lock to be set before accessing metadata to avoid simultaneous update by multiple components.

gint64 misc_batch_info[MAX_USER_FIELDS]

Holds an array of user-specific batch information.

gint64 reserved[MAX_RESERVED_FIELDS]

For internal use.