NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

7.0 Release
MathTypes.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  cvcore::Vector2< T >
 A struct. More...
struct  cvcore::Vector3< T >
 A struct. More...
struct  cvcore::AxisAngleRotation
 A struct Structure used to store AxisAngle Rotation parameters. More...
struct  cvcore::Quaternion
 A struct. More...
struct  cvcore::Pose3< T >
 A struct. More...




using cvcore::Matrixf = Tensor< CHW, C1, F32 >
 Matrix types using Tensor backend. More...
using cvcore::Matrixd = Tensor< CHW, C1, F64 >
using cvcore::Vector2i = Vector2< int >
using cvcore::Vector3i = Vector3< int >
using cvcore::Vector2f = Vector2< float >
using cvcore::Vector3f = Vector3< float >
using cvcore::Vector2d = Vector2< double >
using cvcore::Vector3d = Vector3< double >
using cvcore::Pose3d = Pose3< double >
using cvcore::Pose3f = Pose3< float >


Vector3d cvcore::RotationMatrixToRotationVector (const std::vector< double > &rotMatrix)
 Convert rotation matrix to rotation vector. More...
AxisAngleRotation cvcore::RotationMatrixToAxisAngleRotation (const std::vector< double > &rotMatrix)
 Convert rotation matrix to axis angle representation. More...
std::vector< double > cvcore::AxisAngleToRotationMatrix (const AxisAngleRotation &axisangle)
 Convert axis angle representation to rotation matrix. More...
Vector3d cvcore::AxisAngleRotationToRotationVector (const AxisAngleRotation &axisangle)
 Convert axis angle representation to 3d rotation vector. More...
AxisAngleRotation cvcore::RotationVectorToAxisAngleRotation (const Vector3d &rotVector)
 Convert rotation vector to axis angle representation. More...
Quaternion cvcore::AxisAngleRotationToQuaternion (const AxisAngleRotation &axisangle)
 Convert axis angle representation to quaternion. More...
AxisAngleRotation cvcore::QuaternionToAxisAngleRotation (const Quaternion &qrotation)
 Convert quaternion rotation to axis angle rotation. More...
std::vector< double > cvcore::QuaternionToRotationMatrix (const Quaternion &qrotation)
 Convert quaternion rotation to rotation matrix. More...
Quaternion cvcore::RotationMatrixToQuaternion (const std::vector< double > &rotMatrix)
 Convert rotation matrix to Quaternion. More...