
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package com
    Definition Classes
  • package nvidia
    Definition Classes
  • package mdx

    this is the base transform for mdx analytics SDK, the transform comprise of

    this is the base transform for mdx analytics SDK, the transform comprise of

    core : mdx streaming core classes
    xapp : comprise of sample applications

    Definition Classes
  • package core

    this is the core transform for mdx SDK, contains transform and classes for the core mdx functionality

    this is the core transform for mdx SDK, contains transform and classes for the core mdx functionality

    Definition Classes
  • package util
    Definition Classes
  • package kafka
    Definition Classes
  • package kml

    primarily comprise of KMLWriter classes, these utility classed are used to validate calibration, malformed trajectories etc.

    primarily comprise of KMLWriter classes, these utility classed are used to validate calibration, malformed trajectories etc.

    Definition Classes
  • package osm
    Definition Classes
  • Intersection
  • RoadNetwork
  • RoadNetworkGen
  • Segment
  • package playback

    primarily comprise of playback classes, these utility classed are used to simulate perception layer, send Frames or Messages from input file.

    primarily comprise of playback classes, these utility classed are used to simulate perception layer, send Frames or Messages from input file.

    Definition Classes

package osm

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Intersection(name: String, segments: Array[Segment]) extends Product with Serializable


  2. case class RoadNetwork(intersections: Array[Intersection]) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class Segment(id: String, direction: String = "", start: jLocation, end: jLocation, points: Array[jLocation] = null) extends Product with Serializable

    a road segment may have one or more road-links or segments associated with, This road links are render on the google map, with associated traffic flow information

    a road segment may have one or more road-links or segments associated with, This road links are render on the google map, with associated traffic flow information

    an example JSON representation of road-link or segment
    "id": "700087309",
    "direction": "E",
    "start": {
    	"lat": 42.491827551092825,
    	"lon": -90.72371011354872,
    	"alt": 0.0
    "end": {
    	"lat": 42.49194191750754,
    	"lon": -90.72048326702006,
    	"alt": 0.0
    "points": [
    	"lat": 42.491827551092825,
    	"lon": -90.72371011354872,
    	"alt": 0.0
    	"lat": 42.491919379500736,
    	"lon": -90.72269553071325,
    	"alt": 0.0
    	"lat": 42.49195234832061,
    	"lon": -90.72160718712823,
    	"alt": 0.0
    	"lat": 42.49194191750754,
    	"lon": -90.72048326702006,
    	"alt": 0.0

    road segment id


    direction of the road segment


    starting point of the road segment


    end point of the road segment


    minimal set of points needed to render the road segment

Value Members

  1. object RoadNetworkGen extends App

    generates the JSON for road network, each intersection contains multiple road segments, each segment/edge has a "id" , direction and list of points representing the edge

    generates the JSON for road network, each intersection contains multiple road segments, each segment/edge has a "id" , direction and list of points representing the edge


    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.nvidia.mdx.core.osm.RoadNetworkGen -Dexec.args =  [--input-file inputFile]  [--config-file configFile]
