Occupancy Analytics UI


The web UI is only provided as a reference interface on how to use the Analytics & Tracking API to query & present various data metrics & KPIs, not meant for production. You’ll need to improve use-case specificity, usability, robustness, scalability, & security, etc., for production.

This web UI, developed with ReactJS framework, Google Maps API, and Networking API, provides a reference UI for the Occupancy Analytics application.

The following sections describe the architecture of this web UI and the user workflow.


This reference UI is well tested on Chrome Browser.



This visualization application presents the locations/markers over a geo-map (Google Maps), relevant streamed videos and numerical/textual analytics data (example, KPIs) required for a contextual understanding of the scenario being shown to the user. For the geo-map, the UI application uses the Google Maps JavaScript API to communicate with remote Google Maps servers and fetch the desired visualization content. For Video Streaming, the UI application communicates with the Media Streaming module using HTTP calls and streams video content over the WebRTC channel. For all the analytics data and application metadata, the UI application queries the Web APIs server using HTTP/Web-socket channels.


For more context on configuration

  • As a component of the Occupancy Analytics app, please refer to its Operation Parameters section.

  • As a standalone microservice, refer to the README.md in its respective directory within metropolis-apps-standalone-deployment/modules/.

If any parameter needs to be changed, UI needs to be restarted.

The parameters in PA UI configuration are described as follows:

  "uiDelaySeconds": 20,  -- Signifies how much delayed the UI app is as compared to real video current time. Takes care of the duration that the backend analytics takes to process current video input and generate useful analytics data.
  "docType": "uiConfig", -- used by UI app
  "alertQueryDurationInHours": 2, -- Default range of events to query for. Example: At any point all the live events in the events/alerts panel are for past 2 hours
  "alertListLength": 20, -- Count of top events/alerts to be shown on UI
  "apiRefreshIntervalSeconds": 2, -- Interval at which query to get events/alerts is made in a looping fashion
  "isLive": false, -- deprecated/unused
  "liveSyncVideoRefreshIntervalMin": 10, -- Interval at which Live video current time in UI is synced with MMS service
  "mapOptions": { -- Google API map options – reference: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference
    "map": "Google",
    "city": {
      "zoom": {
        "default": 14,
        "min": 13,
        "max": 15
      "mapType": {
        "showControl": true,
        "id": "roadmap"
    "building": {
      "zoom": {
        "default": 17,
        "min": 16,
        "max": 18
      "mapType": {
        "showControl": true,
        "id": "roadmap"
    "room": {
      "zoom": {
        "default": 20,
        "min": 19,
        "max": 21
      "mapType": {
        "showControl": true,
        "id": "roadmap"

UI/UX Abstract Flow

The UI has following hierarchical views:

  • Campus View (top level, buildings inside a bigger campus)

  • Building View (rooms inside a building)

  • Room View (cameras inside a room)

  • Camera View (specific camera view inside a room)

Abstract UI/UX Workflow
  • The view upon launch remains the Campus View which is visualized using Geo Map. Here, Building Markers can be located to spot the desired buildings.

  • From the Campus View, you can move inside a building’s view, where Rooms Markers on Geo Map can be seen. you may go back to the previous Campus View from this view.

  • From the Building View, you can navigate to a room’s view, which has camera markers on Geo Map representing location of cameras inside the room. At this level, a KPI panel is also shown which shows Room Level KPIs. You may go back to the previous Building View from the Room View.

  • From a Room View, you can move either to Sensor Level Live View mode or Sensor Level Clustering View Mode. From the Sensor Live View, the Sensor Alert View mode can be switched to and vice versa. From all the Sensor level Views, the user can go back to the room level view.

The following diagram covers the abstract user interactions for different features which are covered in the rest of this document.

Abstract User Interaction

Visual Glossary

Application Header

Visual Application Header Bar

Campus/Building Level View

Visual Application Campus/Buildings Level View

Room/Cameras Level View

Visual Application Room Level View

Sensor Level View

Visual Application Sensor Level View

User Interactions

Application Logs Console

Collects and displays logs from different components. The console can be shown/hidden using the application logs console icon in the Application Header Bar. The orange colored badge on the icon depicts new unseen logs in the console. The console shows logs in the timed order those were sent from different components. The dismiss icon on the top right of the console is to clear the logs from console.

Application Logs Console

Application Menu

Application Menu

Config Actions

Allows to add/update, view Calibration JSON config file that contains metadata for entities like buildings, rooms, cameras and other application parameters. Same as the other Occupancy Analytics application.

Upload Config

Used to add the calibration.json config file via POST request. The file is generated using Calibration Toolkit and upon the first run after a new deployment, this file is needed to be inserted in backend Database using UI for the UI app to show data.

To close the panel, use the close button at top of the panel.

Get Config

Uses GET request to view (only) calibration config file that is being used by Application in the text area. Click on submit button. If the query succeeds the JSON Config is filled in the output read only text area.

Images upload

Panel to upload images from camera views or building floorplan to be used by several other relevant UI widgets in the UI app.


Upload images from local system that get sent to the backend server using POST request. These images are queried by widgets dynamically. Output of the POST call shows in the OUTPUT text box. These images and the corresponding images metadata files are generated by Calibration Toolkit.

Campus Level View

This application may be used for a group of adjacent buildings in a campus. In this view, map with markers for buildings being monitored is displayed. Clicking a building marker leads to the next view - building level view.

Building Level View

Rooms in the selected building from the previous level view are presented here on map with markers presenting rooms. Clicking on a room marker leads to next level view - room level view.

To go back to the previous campus level view, click on the current building name string towards top left in the place context header bar as shown below.

Building Level Back button

Room Level View

This level shows:

  • Camera sensors at the approximate GPS locations of the camera on map.

  • Place Context Settings - Settings Options at this view-level.

    Room Level Place Context Settings Button
  • In the next subsections different settings options are explained.

  • Room Level KPIs.

  • Allows to enter Clustering Behavior View for the camera.

Reset Room Occupancy Count

Reset Room Occupancy Count Panel
  • Select the Reset Room Occupancy option to display the collapsible feature panel.

  • The feature panel can be collapsed back by again clicking the option title.

  • In the feature panel, insert a valid positive integer value in the text box and submit.

  • Here POST request is used and the status (waiting/pending, success, error) message is shown for few seconds at the bottom of the panel.

  • In case of success, the OCCUPANCY KPI value should reflect the new count, subsequently.

Camera Behavior Clustering Widget

Camera Behavior Clustering Widget

To see the clustering widget right-click on a sensor. The clustering behavior is shown for a single camera. The widget has the following items:

  • Title bar: Shows the selected camera name

  • Left top widget menu

  • Left bottom Bar Chart view of Clusters

  • Camera Top/Floor Map view of Clusters

Bar Chart

Shows a bar graph depicting the total count of trajectories per cluster. The color of the bars is same as that shown for the same cluster on the map view. Upon hovering a bar, the tooltip text contains more details about the cluster. Also, upon hovering over a bar, the respective cluster on map shows and others are hidden for better visualization of the focused cluster. To hide/un-hide a cluster on map view, its respective bar can be selected/deselected by clicking on it.

Camera Top View Visualization

Shows clusters on a background presenting the camera’s top view or floor plan view. Each cluster is shown as a collection of its sub-trajectories. Each trajectory’s start is drawn as a small white color filled circle, and the end as a big white color filled circle. Upon hovering a cluster, tool tip text shows further details of the cluster. Also, upon hovering over a cluster, the other clusters get hidden for better visualization of the focused cluster, and the respective bar on the bar graph gets highlighted with a white border.

Update Cluster Label

A particular cluster can be assigned a label (the label gets updated in the backend database; may be useful for better naming/tracking). To do so, right-click on a cluster on the map view. This would open a cluster update panel where the new label can be submitted/applied. Upon successful update, the widget refreshes and the updated label values now reflect in tooltip texts.

Intersection view Clustering Behavior Update Cluster Label

Camera Level View

This view depicts camera specific information. Here, Global Positioning coordinates are not used, but instead, Cartesian coordinates are used pertaining to the coordinate system of the camera. Here there are two modes - LIVE and REPLAY. The LIVE mode is the default mode where the current video, ongoing KPIs and list of events/alerts are shown. The REPLAY mode is used to replay an alert/anomaly. These are further discussed in the subsections below. However, from any of these modes, the left camera name/ID string in the place context header bar can be clicked to go back to the room level view.


Camera Level Live Mode

This mode comprises of the following information/components:

  • Events Panel - Shows the list of recent events/alerts pertaining to this camera. Event card has a thumbnail image with bounding box over the detected person.

  • People Visualization Widget - an HTML Canvas based implementation to show People’s movement over a top view image representing the camera’s field of view (FOV). Here the dots show the current location of a person which maps to the current position of the person in the video. Green dots mean social distancing is being maintained. While the red dots mean that the people are not following social distancing.

  • KPI Panel - Shows KPIs pertaining to this camera

  • Video Component - Shows live video stream pertaining to the camera


Camera Level Alert Mode

This mode comprises of the following information/components:

  • Events Panel - Shows the selected event/alert to be replayed. Event card has a thumbnail image with bounding box over the detected person.

  • People Visualization Widget - replays the people movement pertaining to the event/alert

  • Video Component - Shows recorded video clip pertaining to the event/alert

  • Back to Live View Button - The button on the place context header bar can be used to return back to the live mode for the camera


  • For coherent visualization, people movement replay animation and the corresponding video are played in sync. However, if the video can’t be played due to server/network issues, then message about video can’t be played is displayed on the video widget and the animation is played automatically without video playback.

  • Change in color to grey of the animation circle icon, denotes end of the animation.

  • When the app is left to run for long at sensor level in live mode, the sync between animated people movement and the live video feed may encounter discrepancy.