NVIDIA BlueField BMC Software v24.01

Table of Common Commands

CapabilityRedfishIPMItoolSupported in NIC Mode? [Y/N]
Changing the default BMC passwordChanging default password using RedfishN/AYes
Changing the default UEFI passwordChanging UEFI PasswordN/AYes
Enabling/disabling secure bootSetting Secure Boot StateN/AN/A
Updating BMC firmwareBMC and CEC firmware updateN/AYes
Updating DPU BFBPushing BFB from BMC to BlueField ArmN/AYes
Configuring DPU to network boot from the out-of-band interface firstBoot Config Using RedfishBoot Config Using IPMIN/A
Resetting DPUReset controlPartial
Resetting DPU BMCReset control using RedfishReset control using IPMIYes
Factory resetFactory Reset Redfish CommandFactory Reset IPMI CommandYes
Getting DPU versionsSystem inventoryN/ANo
Getting DPU BMC versionsRetrieving BMC version using RedfishRetrieving BMC version using IPMI commandYes
Getting high-speed ports MAC addresses for mapping DPUs' Ethernet devicesChassis Card1 NetworkAdaptersList of IPMI Supported FRUsNo
DPU monitoring (SEL, FRU, etc.)No
User managementUser management Redfish commandsUser management IPMI commandsYes
Enabling secure boot with customer keysBIOS secure boot configurationN/AN/A
Enabling/disabling zero-trust modeN/AEnable/disable RShim from HostYes – BlueField-3 only
Enabling RShim from DPU BMCEnable RShim on DPU BMCEnable RShimYes
Changing DPU modeRedfish NIC Subsystem ManagementChanging operation modeYes – BlueField-3 only
Partial BFB update (ATF/UEFI)Deploying BlueField Software Using BFB from BMCYes

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Feb 13, 2024.