Upgrading BlueField DPU OS on Host Side
This section assumes that a BlueField DPU has already been installed in a server according to the instructions detailed in the DPU's hardware user guide.
The following procedure instructs users on upgrading DOCA local repo package for host.
Removing Previously Installed DOCA Runtime Packages
Ubuntu |
Downloading DOCA Runtime Packages
The included page could not be found.
Installing Local Repo Package for Host Dependencies
Ubuntu |
N/A |
CentOS/RHEL 7.6 |
CentOS 8.x |
RHEL 8.x |
For Ubuntu
Download the appropriate local repo package for host for your Ubuntu OS from "Downloading DOCA Runtime Packages".
wget <Download Link>
Unpack the deb repo. Run:
dpkg -i <repo_file>
Perform apt update. Run:
apt-get update
Run apt-install for DOCA SDK, DOCA runtime, DOCA tools:
sudo apt install doca-runtime sudo apt install doca-sdk sudo apt install doca-tools
(Optional) If you choose not to install DOCA Runtime, you must install RShim.
sudo dpkg --force-all -i rshim-<version>.deb
WarningDownload the .deb RShim package from the URL provided in the BlueField Drivers for Host downloader under the "Download/Documentation" column on this page.
Download the appropriate local repo package for host for your OS from "Downloading DOCA Runtime Packages".
wget <Download Link>
yum autoremove
Unpack the deb repo. Run:
rpm -Uvh <repo_file>.rpm
yum makecache
Run apt-install for DOCA SDK, DOCA runtime, DOCA tools:
sudo yum install doca-runtime sudo yum install doca-sdk sudo yum install doca-tools
(Optional) If you choose not to install DOCA Runtime, you must install RShim.
sudo rpm -Uhv rshim-<version>.rpm
WarningDownload the .rpm RShim package from the URL provided in the BlueField Drivers for Host downloader under the "Download/Documentation" column on this page.
Assign a static IP to tmfifo_net0 (RShim host interface) on the x86 host.
Edit the file /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml by adding the last 3 lines presented in the following example:
sudo cat /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # For more information, see netplan(5). network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: eno1: dhcp4: yes tmfifo_net0: addresses: [] dhcp4: false
Warningtmfifo_net0 is not supported by NetworkManager. Interface configuration must be rendered with networkd.
Create the file /etc/network/interfaces.d/tmfifo.
Set the following lines:
auto tmfifo_net0 iface tmfifo_net0 inet static address
Create the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-tmfifo_net0.
Set the following lines:
Load network configuration.
sudo netplan apply
sudo systemctl restart networking
systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
If the network configuration restart does not load the new interface, try rebooting the host.
Verify that RShim is active.
sudo systemctl status rshim
This command is expected to display "active (running)". If RShim service does not launch automatically, run:
sudo systemctl enable rshim sudo systemctl start rshim