ibdiagnet InfiniBand Fabric Diagnostic Tool User Manual v2.11.0
IBUtils2 Utility Release Notes v2.15

Basic Commands




Run Alias GUID stage.

--am_key <am_key>

Specifies constant SHARP am_key for the fabric.

--am_key_file <path_to_am_key_file>

Specifies the path to the SHARP am_key_file: guid2am_key.

--back_compat_db <version.sub_version>

Shows ports section in "ibdiagnet2.db_csv" according to given version. Default version 2.0. (0 - latest version)


Provides a BER test for each port. Calculate BER for each port and check no BER value has exceeded the BER threshold. (default threshold="10^-12").

This option applies for SwitchX/ConnectX-4/ConnectX-3 devices only. For later devices use --get_phy_info for BER validation.

--ber_thresh <value>

Specifies the threshold value for the BER test. The reciprocal number of the BER should be provided. Example: for 10^-12 then value needs to be 1000000000000 or 0xe8d4a51000 (10^12).

If threshold given is 0 then all BER values for all ports will be reported. This option applies for SwitchX/ConnectX-4/ConnectX-3 devices only

-c | --create_config_file <config-file>

Creates template configuration file.


Displays Congestion Counters and clear them - this option also activate congestion_control option.

--config_file <config-file>

Configuration file.


Displays Congestion Control info.


Displays Congestion Counters - this option also activate congestion_control option.


Verbosity levels to be applied on the debug log file.

Possible values are:

  • 0x01 - Error

  • 0x02 - Info

  • 0x04 - MAD

  • 0x08 - Discover

  • 0x10 - Debug

  • 0x20 - Funcs

  • 0x80 - Sys

  • 0xff - ALL


Comma separated Module's names to be added to the debug log file.

Possible values are:



Provides a report of the fabric Dragonfly+ analysis.

--dfp_opt <max_cas=num>

Coma separated Dragonfly+ options (if --dfp option selected):

  • max_cas: maximal number of CAs on a switch to be counted as Dragonfly+ spine. This parameter is mutually exclusive with -smdb

--enable_output <files types list | csv section name>

Enables output for files and csv sections.

  • CSV section should have prefix 'csv:'

    • Examples of csv sections see in '.db_csv' file

  • Examples type of files (by file extensions):

    • lst|sm|pm|nodes_info|fdbs|mcfdbs|debug|pkey|aguid|slvl|vl2vl|plft|ar|far|rn|rnc|rnc2|mlnx_cntrs|net_dump|vports|vports_pkey|sharp|

  • Specific reserved types:

    • <default|csv:default> : Will disabled by default for types wasn't set.

    • <all|csv:all> : Will disabled for all, ignore any specified value for file or csv section.


Dumps only db_csv output file with discovery

--disable_output <files types list|csv section name>

Disables output for files and csv sections.

  • CSV section should have prefix 'csv:'

    • Examples of csv sections see in '.db_csv' file

  • Examples type of files (by file extensions):

    • lst|sm|pm|nodes_info|fdbs|mcfdbs|debug|pkey|aguid|slvl|vl2vl|plft|ar|far|rn|rnc|rnc2|mlnx_cntrs|net_dump|vports|vports_pkey|sharp|

  • Specific reserved types:

    • <default|csv:default> : Will enabled by default for types wasn't set.

    • <all|csv:all> : Will enabled for all, ignore any specified value for file or csv section.


Skips switch down ports while discover the fabric - use Switch Port State Table of the switch (enabled by default) - Deprecated


Enables duplicated switch GUIDs detection while discover the fabric

--exclude_scope <file.guid>

The file with a list of Node-GUIDs and their ports to be excluded from the scope.

The ibdiagnet2.ibnetdiscover file will not be generated.

--extended_speeds <dev-type>

Collects and tests port extended speeds counters.


  • sw | all | none

-f | --load_from_file <path to ibdiagnet2.db_csv file>

Loads ibdiagnet.db_csv from external file. Use this option to skip discovery stage.


Dumps FEC mode section in the CSV file


Provides a report of the fabric Fat-Tree analysis.


Regular expression to select Fat-Tree root nodes. To be applied to a node’s description.

-g | --guid <GUID in hex>

Specifies the local port GUID value of the port used to connect to the IB fabric. If GUID given is 0 then ibdiagnet displays a list of possible port GUIDs and waits for user input.

--gmp_window <num>

Max gmp MADs on wire. (default=128).

-H | --deep_help

Deprecated - same as -h|--help.

-h | --help

Prints help information (including plugins help if exists).

-i | --device <dev-name>

Specifies the name of the device of the port used to connect to the IB fabric (in case of multiple devices on the local system).

--llr_active_cell <0|64|128>

Specifies the LLR active cell size for BER test, when LLR is active in the fabric. (0 - not specified). This option applies for SwitchX/ConnectX-4/ConnectX-3 devices only

--ls <0|2.5|5|10|14|25|50|100|FDR10>

Specifies the expected link speed. (0 - disable expected link speed)

--lw <0|1x|2x|4x|8x|12x>

Specifies the expected link width. (0 - disable expected link width)

-m | --map <map-file>

Specifies mapping file, that maps node guid to name (format: 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ "name"). Mapping file can also be specified by environment variable "IBUTILS_NODE_NAME_MAP_FILE_PATH".

--m_key <m_key>

Specifies constant m_key for the fabric.

--m_key_files <path to m_key_files directory>

Specifies the path to the directory with the key files (guid2lid, guid2mkey, neighbors, guid2cckey, guid2vskey).

--mads_retries <mads-retries>

Specifies the number of retries for every timeout mad. (default=2).

--mads_timeout <mads-timeout>

Specifies the timeout (in milliseconds) for sent and received mads. (default=500).

--max_hops <max-hops>

Specifies the maximum hops for the discovery process. (default=64).

-o | --output_path <directory>

Specifies the directory where the output files will be placed.

--out_ibnl_dir <directory>

The topology file custom system definitions (ibnl) directory.

-P | --counter <cntr=threshold,... | all=threshold>

If any of the provided counter is greater than its provided value, then print it. If 'all' used - all counters get same threshold (0 by default).

-p | --port <port-num>

Specifies the local device's port number used to connect to the IB fabric.

--path <files types list>=<path>

Sets custom path for specific files.

  • Specific reserved types:

  • <default> : Will set path by default for types wasn't set.

<all> : Will set path for all, ignore any specified value for file or csv section.


Resets all fabric IB spec compliant port counters (PortCounters and PortCountersExtended) RN, AR and HBF counters.


Provides a report of all per sl/vl port counters

--pm_pause_time <seconds>

Specifies the seconds to wait between first counters sample and second counters sample. If seconds given is 0 then no second counters sample will be done. (default=1).


Lists all counters per lane (when available).


Get all PM counters. Activate the following flags:
--extended_speeds all


Clear all PM counters. Activate the following flags:


Displays qos config sl.

-r | --routing

Provides a report of the fabric qualities.


Comma separated routing options: (if -r option is selected)

  • skip_vs: Skip collect and check vendor specific routing settings like AR and PLFT.

  • skip_far: Deprecated! please use '--disable_output far' to skip dumping full ar tables data to file.Skip dump full ar tables data to file.

  • sl=<sl_num>: SL number to be used for ar connectivity and credit loop check.

  • check_sl: Check all SL2VL tables. SL should not be mapped to VL15.

  • mcast: Multicast credit loop check. It is recommended to use this option with sa_dump.

  • dump_only: Dump routing configuration files and skip routing checks.

  • dump_only_skip_routing_tables: Dump routing data and skip routing tables (LFTs) retrieving.

  • static_ca2ca: Run also static CA to CA routing check even if AR enabled.


Checks topology being rail optimized (default - disabled).

--rail_validation_opt <regex='regular expression'>

Comma separated Rail Optimized Validation options (if --rail_validation option selected):

  • regex: regular expression to filter HCA nodes from reports. To be applied to HCAs node descriptions.

--read_capability <file name>

Specifies capability masks configuration file, giving capability mask configuration for the fabric. ibdiagnet will use this mapping for Vendor Specific MADs sending.


Discovers routers' tables and validates FLIDs configuration.

--sa_dump <file>

Specifies opensm-sa.dump file path, multicast groups definition generated by SM. used for mcast credit loop check (if -r option selected and r_opt=mcast).


Provides a report of Mellanox counters

--scope <file.guid>

The file with a list of Node-GUIDs and their ports to be left in the scope.

The ibdiagnet2.ibnetdiscover file will not be generated.


Resets all the Mellanox counters (if -sc option selected).

--screen_num_errs <num>

Specifies the threshold for printing errors to screen. (default=5).


Collects SHARP configuration. Check and dump to file.

--sharp_control_version < 0|1|2 >

Checks and dumps only SHARP nodes with the specified version (default 0 - all nodes).

--sharp_opt <[csc][dsc][dscp]>

Comma separated sharp options: (if --sharp option selected)

  • csc: Clear sharp counters.

  • dsc: Dump sharp performance counters to db_csv file. This option is for debug

  • dscp: Dump sharp HBA performance counters per port to db_csv file. This option is for debug

--am_key <am_key>

Specifies constant SHARP am_key for the fabric.

--am_key_file <path_to_am_key_file>

Specifies the path to the SHARP am_key_file: guid2am_key.

--vs_key <vs_key>

Specifies constant vs_key for the fabric.

--vs_key_file <path_to_vs_key_file >

Specifies the path to vs_key_file: guid2vs_key.

--cc_key <cc_key>

Specifies constant cc_key for the fabric.

--cc_key_file <path_to_cc_key_file >

Specifies the path to cc_key_file: guid2cc_key.


Specifies constant m2n_key for the fabric.


Specifies the path to m2n_key file or path to directory

that contains m2n_key file named: guid2_m2n_key

--skip <stage>

Skips the executions of the given stage.

Applicable skip stages:

  • dup_guids | dup_node_desc | lids | sm | nodes_info | pkey | aguid | vs_cap_smp | vs_cap_gmp | links | pm | speed_width_check | temp_sensing | virt | all.

--skip_plugin <library name>

Skip the load of the given library name.

Applicable skip plugins:

  • libibdiagnet_cable_diag_plugin-2.1.1

  • libibdiagnet_phy_diag_plugin-2.1.1.

--sl <sl>

Specifies the SL to be used for QP1 MADs. (default=0).

--smdb <path to SMDB file>

Loads Routing Engine and Ranks from the User Subnet Manager SMDB file. Used for:

  • Adaptive Routing validation (if -r option selected)

  • Dragonfly+ validation (if --dfp option selected)

  • Fat-Tree validation (if –ft option selected)

--smp_window <num>

Max smp MADs on wire. (default=8).

-t | --topo_file <file>

Specifies the topology file name.

-V | --version

Prints the version of the tool.

--ppcc <filename|path|pattern>

Enables fetching PPCC (Port Programable Congestion Control) counters.
Possible values:

1. File path - ibdiagnet loads from file PPCC Algorithms
2. Folder path - ibdiagnet loads all files from the directory
3. Wildcard - ibdiagnet loads files according to the wildcard matching (Note: In this case quotation marks must be used!).

For more information on the supported wildcard syntax refer to the manual page by typing 'man 7 glob'

--vlr <file>

Specifies opensm-path-records.dump file path, src-dst to SL mapping generated by SM plugin. ibdiagnet will use this mapping for MADs sending and credit loop check (if -r option is selected).

-w | --write_topo_file <file name>

Writes out a topology file for the discovered topology.

--write_capability <file name>

Writes out an example file for capability masks configuration, and also the default capability masks for some devices.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on May 23, 2023.