NVIDIA Innova-2 Flex Open Adapter Card

Recommended Documents and Tools

In order to write your own FPGA logic, the table below lists the recommended Xilinx Vivado tools and documents. Xilinx tools are not provided by Mellanox, please contact your Xilinx representative for details and purchasing information.

Xilinx Vivado Tools and Documents

Document Name / Tool


VIVADO Tool Datasheet


VIVADO Release Notes


VIVADO Programming and Debugging

https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/ sw_manuals/xilinx2018_3/ug908-vivado-programming-debugging.pdf

Xilinx Ultrascale Plus Documentation


Xilinx Ultrascale Overview


Ultrascale Packaging and Pinout


Mellanox Related Documents

Please refer to these Mellanox documents for supplemental information.

Document Name / Tool


Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT) User Manual
Document no. 2204UG

User Manual describing the set of MFT firmware management tools for a single node at https://docs.mellanox.com/category/mft.
MFT software download at http://www.mellanox.com/page/management_tools.

Product Release Notes

Release Notes for the Mellanox Innova-2 Flex Open Adapter Card, including software and bundle.

Performance Tuning Guidelines for Mellanox Network Adapters

Community post describing important tuning parameters and settings that can improve performance for Mellanox drivers. https://support.mellanox.com/s/article/performance-tuning-for-mellanox-adapters

IEEE Std 802.3 Specification

IEEE Ethernet specification at http://standards.ieee.org/getieee802

PCI Express® Base Specification and Errata for the PCI Express Base Specification

Describes the PCI Express® architecture, interconnect attributes, fabric management, and the programming interface required to design and build systems and peripherals that are compliant with the PCI Express Specification. http://pcisig.com/specifications

ConnectX-5 Firmware Release Notes

For a list of firmware changes and new features in ConnectX-5, please ask your Mellanox representative for the latest ConnectX-5 Firmware Release Notes.

List of Supported Cables

List of Supported Cables in the release notes and http://www.mellanox.com/products/interconnect/cables-configurator.php.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on May 22, 2023.