Network Operator Application Notes 23.10.0 - Sphinx Test



This API is available for CloudAdmin only

Proto file and generated GO client for the API can be found in universe-api repo

This API is served by universe-infra-workload-rule-manager

This API provide a way to define Admin workload rules in infrastructure cluster.

check Manual GRPC API usage doc before start

Here some examples using ‘grpcurl’ tool to access the API:


Replace $API_GW_ADDRESS with address of iCP API GW in your environment

List AdminWorkloadRules


grpcurl -cacert=ca.crt -cert=admin.crt -key=admin.key -servername api-gateway.local \ -proto universe/admin/workload/v1/admin_workload_rule.proto $API_GW_ADDRESS \ universe.admin.workload.v1.AdminWorkloadRuleService.List

Get AdminWorkloadRule


grpcurl -cacert=ca.crt -cert=admin.crt -key=admin.key -servername api-gateway.local \ -d '{"id": "adminrule1"}' \ -proto universe/admin/workload/v1/admin_workload_rule.proto $API_GW_ADDRESS \ universe.admin.workload.v1.AdminWorkloadRuleService.Get

Delete AdminWorkloadRule


grpcurl -cacert=ca.crt -cert=admin.crt -key=admin.key -servername api-gateway.local \ -d '{"id": "adminrule1"}' \ -proto universe/admin/workload/v1/admin_workload_rule.proto $API_GW_ADDRESS \ universe.admin.workload.v1.AdminWorkloadRuleService.Delete

Create AdminWorkloadRule


Create and Update requests contain binary fields. grpcurl utility requires binary fields to be encoded to base64 encoded before they can be used as request parameters.


# put base64 encoded Pod spec to RULE_TEMPLATE shel variable RULE_TEMPLATE=$(cat << EOM | base64 -w0 { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "nginx" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx:1.14.2", "ports": [ { "containerPort": 80 } ] } ] } } EOM ) # -d @ argument for grpcurl mean read arguments from STDIN # use content of RULE_TEMPLATE shel variable as grpcurl -cacert=ca.crt -cert=admin.crt -key=admin.key -servername api-gateway.local \ -d @ -proto universe/admin/workload/v1/admin_workload_rule.proto $API_GW_ADDRESS \ universe.admin.workload.v1.AdminWorkloadRuleService.Create << EOM { "rule": { "id": "adminrule1", "tenant_match": [ "tenant1" ], "data": { "orchestrator_type": 1, "resource_type": "v1/Pod", "dpu_selection_policy": "Any", "workload_terms": [ { "match_expressions": [ { "key": "metadata.resourceNamespace", "operation": 1, "values": [ "default" ] } ] } ], "workload_info_inject": [ { "key": "@", "as_annotation": { "name": "full-workload-info" } } ], "rule_template": "$RULE_TEMPLATE" } } } EOM


syntax = "proto3"; package universe.admin.workload.v1; import "universe/workload/v1/workload_rule.proto"; service AdminWorkloadRuleService { // create a new workload rule, return error if rule already exist rpc Create(CreateRequest) returns (CreateResponse) {} // update existing workload rule, return error if rule not found rpc Update(UpdateRequest) returns (UpdateResponse) {} // delete existing workload rule rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse) {} // get specific instance of workload rule rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse) {} // list all workload rules rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse) {} } message AdminRule { // unique rule id string id = 1; // to which tenants this rule should apply // will apply to all tenants if not set repeated string tenant_match = 2; // rule config universe.workload.v1.RuleData data = 3; } // message for create request message CreateRequest { AdminRule rule = 1; } // message for update request message UpdateRequest { AdminRule rule = 1; } // message for delete request message DeleteRequest { // id of a rule to remove string id = 1; } // message for get request message GetRequest { // id of a rule to retrieve string id = 1; } // message for list request // no parameters supported for now message ListRequest {} // message for Response of the create request message CreateResponse {} // message for Response of the update request message UpdateResponse {} // message for Response of the delete request message DeleteResponse {} // message for Response of the get request message GetResponse { // contains adminrule spec AdminRule rule = 1; } // message for Response of the list request message ListResponse { // list of adminrules with specs repeated AdminRule rules = 1; }

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