NVIDIA Network Operator v24.4.1
NVIDIA Network Operator v24.4.1

Platform Support




Kubernetes >=1.27 and <=1.29
Helm v3.5+ For information and methods of Helm installation, please refer to the official Helm Website.

The following component versions are deployed by the Network Operator:




Node Feature Discovery v0.13.2 Optionally deployed. May already be present in the cluster with proper configuration.
NVIDIA MLNX_OFED driver container 24.04-
k8s-rdma-shared-device-plugin 1.4.0
sriov-network-device-plugin e6ead1e8f76a407783430ee2666b403db2d76f64
containernetworking CNI plugins v1.3.0
whereabouts CNI v0.7.0
multus CNI v3.9.3
IPoIB CNI 428715a57c0b633e48ec7620f6e3af6863149ccf
IB Kubernetes v1.0.2
NV IPAM Plugin v0.1.2
  • NVIDIA RDMA-capable network adapters:
    • NVIDIA ConnectX NICs
      • ConnectX-5 or newer

    • NVIDIA BlueField Network Platforms
      • BlueField-2 DPU (NIC mode)

      • BlueField-3 DPU (NIC mode)

      • BlueField-3 SuperNIC (NIC mode)

  • NVIDIA GPU Operator Version 24.3.x or newer (required for the workloads using NVIDIA GPUs and GPUDirect RDMA technology)

The following network adapters have been tested with the Network Operator:

  • ConnectX-6 Dx

  • ConnectX-7

  • BlueField-2 NIC Mode

  • BlueField-3 NIC Mode

The following ARM based systems has been tested with Network Operator:


Network Adapters



NVIDIA IGX Orin ConnectX-7 Ubuntu 22.04 (ARM64) GA (RoCE only, without GPUDirect RDMA)
NVIDIA Grace ARM Server ConnectX-7 Ubuntu 22.04 (ARM64) Tech Preview

NVIDIA Network Operator has been validated in the following scenarios:

Operating System


Red Hat OpenShift


Ubuntu 24.04 LTS 1.27-1.29
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 1.27-1.29 RT kernels support
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 1.27-1.29
Red Hat Core OS 4.12-4.15 RT kernels support
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2, 9.0 1.27-1.29
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.8, 8.6 1.27-1.29 RT kernels support

NVIDIA Network Operator has been validated in the following scenarios:

Operating System




Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Yes No
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Yes No
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Yes No
Red Hat Core OS No Yes
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Yes Yes For containerd support DOCA/MOFED drivers must be pre-installed on host
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Yes Yes For containerd support DOCA/MOFED drivers must be pre-installed on host
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Next Getting Started with Kubernetes
© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jul 22, 2024.