NVIDIA Onyx User Manual v3.10.4006

MLAG Interface Configuration

MLAG configuration is very similar to port-channel configuration. It is recommended to keep the same port in each switch within the same mlag-port-channel (not a must). In this example, there are two MLAG ports, one for each host (host s1 is connected to mlag-port-channel 1 and host s2 is connected to mlag-port-channel 2).

The "mlag-port-channel" number is globally significant and must be the same on both switches.

  1. Configure the following on both switches:


    sx01 (config) # interface mlag-port-channel 1-2 sx01 (config interface port-channel 1-2 ) # exit

  2. Set the mode (LACP or static) - Only one option is applicable:
    • To set the MLAG interface in static mode run:


    sx01 (config) # interface ethernet 1/1 mlag-channel-group 1 mode on sx01 (config) # interface ethernet 1/2 mlag-channel-group 2 mode on

    • To set the MLAG interface in LACP mode, run:


    sx01 (config) # interface ethernet 1/1 mlag-channel-group 1 mode active sx01 (config) # interface ethernet 1/2 mlag-channel-group 2 mode active

    LACP mode 4 should be configured on the host side. Configuring LACP is similar in LAG and MLAG ports. LACP notifications arrive via the control protocol and not via the port physical status. It will show the remote system-id and may encounter configuration errors. LACP is very valuable, especially in large scale configurations with multiple MLAGs, as it helps detect any mismatched configurations in terms of connectivity.

  3. Enable the two interfaces:


    sx01 (config) #interface mlag-port-channel 1-2 no shutdown

  4. To change any MLAG port parameter (e.g. MTU), enter the MLAG interface configuration mode and perform the change:


    sx01 (config) # interface mlag-port-channel 1-2 sx01 (config interface mlag-port-channel 1-2 ) # mtu 9216 force

    Some operations may require "force" or manual disabling of the link.

  5. To change the LAG/MLAG port speed, all interfaces should be removed from LAG/MLAG while changing the speed in the member interface configuration mode.
    It is recommended to configure the ports speed before adding the ports as members to the LAG/MLAG port, as once the ports are members in a LAG/MLAG the speed cannot be modified without removing the port from the LAG/MLAG.

  6. To verify MLAG configuration and status, run the following commands:


    sx01 [my-mlag-vip-domain: master] (config) # show mlag Admin status: Enabled Operational status: Up Reload-delay: 30 sec Keepalive-interval: 1 sec System-id: F4:52:14:11:E5:38 MLAG Ports Configuration Summary: Configured: 2 Disabled: 0 Enabled: 2 MLAG Ports Status Summary: Inactive: 0 Active-partial: 0 Active-full: 2 MLAG IPLs Summary: ID Group Vlan Operational Local Peer Port-Channel Interface State IP address IP address -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Po1 4000 Up

  7. To verify MLAG domain status, run:


    sx01 [my-mlag-vip-domain: master] (config) # show mlag-vip MLAG VIP ======== MLAG group name: my-mlag-vip-domain MLAG VIP address: Active nodes: 2 Hostname VIP-State IP Address ---------------------------------------------------- sx01 master sx02 standby

  8. To see MLAG interfaces summary, run:


    sx01 [my-mlag-vip-domain: master] (config) # show interfaces mlag-port-channel summary MLAG Port-Channel Flags: D-Down, U-Up P-Partial UP, S - suspended by MLAG Port Flags: D - Down, P - Up in port-channel (members) S - Suspend in port-channel (members), I - Individual Group Port-Channel Type Local Ports Peer Ports (D/U/P/S) (D/P/S/I) (D/P/S/I) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Mpo1(U) Static Eth1/1(P) Eth1/1(P) 2 Mpo2(U) Static Eth1/2(P) Eth1/2(P)

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