Release Notes
2.8.1 on November 15, 2024
New Features
When sync microservice, add info-level log to show from which org/repo. Jira NT-883
Allow UCS Tools to sync from more than one team in the nvidia org. Tokkio has requested the ability to sync from a new team nvidia/ace in addition to the current nvidia/ucs-ms. To support this, I udated the file, which UCS Tools uses at runtime to get a list of microservices and now teams on the catalog. Nvidia/ace has been added to the list of catalog teams. Only teams in this list will be checked on NGC.
Update UCS tools such that it pulls latest version of the catalog services file instead of pinned version. Jira NT-886
Update compliance check DEV-021 to allow nvstaging and nvidia orgs. This request was necessary because users will be running the validaition pipeline with containers possibly outside of nv-ucf org , particularly nvidia and nvstaging orgs. Jira NT-877
Bug Fixes
Add back support for syncing EA repos. Now all nv-ucf repos the user has access to will be sync’d, including public catalog nvidia/ucs-ms
Now, user can specify the “files” parameter in a app component param block, or in params file.
msbuilder needs to be able to use multiple paramater files. Previously if one attempted this, params for a component would get rewritten by each successive params file, instead of merged into a single params dict.
Release Date: October 9, 2024
Bug Fixes
Version is now correct and up-to-date when displayed on CLI. Previously, passing the -v flag to the CLI was always output v2.5.0 since the 24.03.5 release
Beginning with this release, the release version will announced using a SemVer version, rather than something like 2024.08.0
Users in public release could not download Helm Chart from public NGC Catalog when building an app, because a call to show the Helm chart values was made before translating the path of the chart from private registry org/team to catalog org/team
New Featuers
Now appbuilder cli will show the stacktrace instead of a potentially useless error message such as ‘2024-10-01 18:07:23,044 - AppBuilder - ERROR -’ when user sets environment variable UCF_UNHANDLED_ERROR_BACKTRACE to 1
Release Date: August 29, 2024
Bug Fixes
Volume mounts for init containers were skipped
If a Helm Chart was released to NVAIE, then UCS alwasys tried to pull the Helm Chart from NVAIE when using the internal build only, even if a new version was published and not yet released to NVAIE.
UCS Studio fails to start due to circular dependency import
New Features
NGC has deprecated the NGC API KEY. UCS Tools users no longer need to run the command to set the NGC personal key; therefore, this command is no longer present: “ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo -p set-personal-key”
NGC Personal Key is now to be used for all NGC related access. User must use “ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo -a set-api-key” as it was done pre-computex( before the 24.06.5 release ), however, user MUST use NGC Personal key instead of deprecated NGC API key.
The NGC Personal Key MUST include the NGC Private Registry and NGC Catalog scopes selected when creating the key and the key should be created while the user has the nv-ucf org selected.
This release was created to support publishing artifacts to NGC Public Catalog and NGC Product Catalog for internal use.
New Features
Adds support for NGC Personal Key with new command “ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo -p set-personal-key”. This must be used in additon to setting the NGC API Key via “ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo -a set-api-key”. The personal key works with NGC Catalog.
2024.03 2.5 (24.03.5)
Bug Fixes
Updated logging such that more detail is provided upon errors
SemVer Pre-release versions are now supported in Helm Charts and MS specifications. Examples include 1.0.0-alpha.1, 1.0.0-rc.1, etc.
In the ucf.k8s.service component, user can now set the ‘port’ value to a parameter defined in the manifest.yaml’s ‘params’ block, e.g.
port: $params.servicePort
StatefulSets now must use the new parameter
to set the service name, which in turn will help set the K8s resource StatefulSet.spec.serviceName field; see example.
New Features
UCF Tools can now deploy apps to NVCF
Add support for HorizontalPodAutoscaler in k8s deployment and statefulsets
Microservices in a UCS App can now interface with the NVIDIA k8s RAG Operator to implicitly connect to and deploy NeMo microservices
The same microservice can now be used multiple times in the same UCS App (see here) and uses the feature of Helm Chart aliasing
2023.10 2.0
UCS Microservice Builder CLI
To avoid confusion, breaks the ucf.k8s.infra components into 2 new components: ucf.k8s.serviceAccount and ucf.k8s.scheduling
Add namespace to Microservice Specification
Support creating a new version from the existing Microservice
UCS Application Builder CLI
Support overriding deployment values through a value spec file which can be fed to the app builder while an application is built.
An additional value override file is generated together with the helm charts when an application is built, so to facilitate the value overriding during deployment.
2023.09 2.0
UCS Microservice Builder CLI
Support specifying the namespace and service account information in the microservice manifest through a new component called ucf.k8s.infra
Add 63-character limit to the service name
Support full semantic versioning for a microservice
UCS Application Builder CLI
UCS integration: supporting NVault and Kratos
Support updating params using params.yaml for external-endpoint
OV based NVIDIA UCS Studio
Upgrade OV Kit to 105.1