UCS Microservice Builder CLI
The UCS Microservice Builder CLI tool can be used to create and build microservices. It can be used to list and view information about available microservices and perform a few NGC repository operations.
The tool is named ucf_ms_builder_cli
Basic Operations
Viewing Help
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli -h
usage: ucf_ms_builder_cli [-h] [-v] [-va] ...
positional arguments:
service Perform actions on a microservice
registry Perform actions on registry
component Perform actions on components
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Print MS Builder Version
-va, --version-all Print all versions
Checking the Tool Version
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli -v
MS Builder: v2.5.0
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli --version-all
MS Builder: v2.5.0
UCF MS Spec: v2.5.0
Service Command service
Service command service
can be used to create and build microservices and list and view information about available microservices.
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli service [-h] ...
positional arguments:
create Create a microservice scaffolding
clone Clone an existing microservice to a new version in prod
build Build a microservice
validate Validate a microservice
list List microservices
versions List versions of a microservice
remove Remove microservice from repo
info Info about a microservice
sync Sync a microservice from NGC to cache
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Create Microservice Scaffolding
ucf_ms_builder_cli service create [-h] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] -n NAME -i
{container-image,container-config,helm-chart} [-c CHART]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
description of microservice
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
output directory to place the created microservice
required arguments:
-n NAME, --name NAME name of the microservice
-i {container-image,container-config,helm-chart}, --input {container-image,container-config,helm-chart}
container image
container builder config
helm chart
-c CHART, --chart CHART
Chart path when using prebuilt helm chart (type=3)
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli service create -n myservice -i container-image
Building a Microservice
ucf_ms_builder_cli service build [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-t TARGET] [--push] [--skip-tests] [--skip-compliance] [-f]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--push Push service to staging repo if it build is successful
--skip-tests Skip building of tests
--skip-compliance Skip compliance checks
-f, --force-cleanup Output directory contents will be cleaned up without user confirmation
--keep-app-specs Create app specs folder in user directory
required arguments:
path to microservice directory
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Target file path when using container builder config (type=2) (required by container builder)
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli service build -d myservice/
List Available Microservices
ucf_ms_builder_cli service list [-h] [-r REPO_NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REPO_NAME, --repo-name REPO_NAME
Select an repository name
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli service list
List Available Microservice Versions
ucf_ms_builder_cli service versions [-h] -n NAME [-r REPO_NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME Name of the microservice
-r REPO_NAME, --repo-name REPO_NAME
Select an repository name
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli service versions -n ucf.svc.myservice
View Microservice Information
ucf_ms_builder_cli service info [-h] [-v MS-VERSION] [--show-compliance-details] [--show-license] [--show-docs]
[--show-changelog] -n NAME
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Version of the microservice to get info for
Show compliance check details for the microservice
--show-license Show license text for the microservice
--show-docs Show detailed documentation for the microservice
--show-changelog Show changelog for the microservice
required arguments:
-n NAME, --name NAME name of the ms
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli service info -n ucf.svc.myservice -v 0.0.1
Synchronize a Microservice
ucf_ms_builder_cli service sync [-h] -n NAME [-v MS-VERSION]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Version of the microservice to sync (default: latest)
required arguments:
-n NAME, --name NAME Name of the microservice to sync
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli service sync -n ucf.svc.myservice -v 0.0.1
Registry Command registry
The Registry command registry
can be used to perform various registry operations such as set the NGC API Key, sync all microservices
from a NGC repository, cache management.
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli registry -h
usage: ucf_ms_builder_cli registry [-h] ...
positional arguments:
repo Registry repository operations
cache Registry cache operations
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo set-api-key [-h] -a API_KEY
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
-a API_KEY, --api-key API_KEY
Select a API key
List Available Repositories
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo list [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo list
View Information for a Repository
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo info [-h] -n REPO_NAME
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
-n REPO_NAME, --repo-name REPO_NAME
Select an repository name
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo info -n public
Synchronize All Microservices in a Repository
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo sync [-h] -n REPO_NAME [-a]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Sync all versions of a microservice
required arguments:
-n REPO_NAME, --repo-name REPO_NAME
Select an repository name
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo sync -n public
Clear Local Repository
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo clear [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry repo clear
Set the Registry Cache Path
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry cache set [-h] -p CACHE_PATH
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
-p CACHE_PATH, --cache-path CACHE_PATH
Select a cache path
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry cache set -p /home/ubuntu/ucf_cache
View the Registry Cache Path
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry cache view [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry cache view
Clear the Registry Cache
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry cache clear [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
ucf_ms_builder_cli registry cache clear
Component Command component
The Component command component
can be used to list and view information about components available that can be used to implement a microservice.
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli component [-h] ...
positional arguments:
add Recursively scan directory for components and add them to cache
list List available components
info Display info of a component
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
List Components
ucf_ms_builder_cli component list [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
ucf_ms_builder_cli component list
View Information for a Component
ucf_ms_builder_cli component info [-h] -c COMPONENT_NAME
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
List component info
ucf_ms_builder_cli component info -c ucf.k8s.container
Add Custom Components
ucf_ms_builder_cli component add [-h] -d DIR_PATH [--overwrite]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
-d DIR_PATH, --directory DIR_PATH
Directory path containing components
--overwrite Overwrite components in cache having the same type
ucf_ms_builder_cli component add -d /home/nvidia/ucf_custom_components