Install UCS Tools

Debian Installation

The latest UCS tool release can be downloaded from

After downloading the package using the link above, run:

$ sudo apt remove ucf-tools  # remove old version
$ rm -rf ~/.ucf_workspace/ ~/.cache/ucf_registry/ # Clear old cache
$ rm ~/.config/ucf/registry.toml # Remove old config file
$ sudo dpkg -i $DEB_PACKAGE

## It installs tools to /opt/nvidia/ucf-tools

UCS Tools Container Image

The ucs_tools_public container is available on NGC.

Get the NGC API Key - Refer to Generating Your NGC API Key

Setup NGC API Key

ucf_app_builder_cli registry repo set-api-key -a $NGC_API_KEY
ucf_app_builder_cli registry repo sync -n <REPO_NAME>

Verify the installation

MS Builder

$ ucf_ms_builder_cli --help
usage: ucf_ms_builder_cli [-h] [-v] [-va]  ...

positional arguments:

    service           Perform actions on a microservice
    registry          Perform actions on registry
    component         Perform actions on components

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -v, --version       Print MS Builder Version
  -va, --version-all  Print all versions
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli --version
        MS Builder: v2.5.0
$ ucf_ms_builder_cli --version-all
        MS Builder: v2.5.0
        UCS MS Spec: v2.5.0

App Builder

$ ucf_app_builder_cli --help
usage: ucf_app_builder_cli [-h] [-v] [-va]  ...

positional arguments:

    app               Perform actions on apps
    service           Perform actions on a microservice

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -v, --version       Print MS Builder Version
  -va, --version-all  Print all versions
$ ucf_app_builder_cli --version
        App Builder: v2.5.0
$ ucf_app_builder_cli --version-all
        App Builder: v2.5.0
        UCS MS Spec: v2.5.0