cuBB Installation Guide
- Introduction
- System Requirements
- Installing Tools
- Prerequisites
- Configure BIOS Settings
- Install Ubuntu 20.04 Server
- Verify BIOS settings
- Configure the netplan
- Disable Auto Upgrade
- Install the Low-Latency Kernel
- Configure Linux Kernel Command-line
- Apply the Changes and Reboot to Load the Kernel
- Install Dependency Packages
- Install Docker 19.03
- Install the Nvidia Container Toolkit
- Install the Mellanox Firmware Tools
- Configure the RShim Driver (for A100x FW Update)
- Install ptp4l and phc2sys
- Install Matlab (Optional)
- Installing and Upgrading cuBB SDK
- Install MOFED on the Host
- Update the Mellanox NIC Firmware
- Configure the Mellanox NIC for Aerial
- Update the A100x NIC Firmware
- Configure the A100x NIC on the Host OS
- Disable Flow Rules for Both Ports of CX6DX/A100x
- Update the NVIDIA CUDA Driver
- Remove the old cuBB SDK Container
- Install the new cuBB SDK Container
- Aerial System Scripts
- Troubleshooting