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Git in AI Workbench

Git is a critical component of NVIDIA AI Workbench, and it serves as the foundation for building projects. AI Workbench leverages Git to version and synchronize work, enabling you to collaborate and maintain your projects.

Each AI Workbench project is its own Git repository. To back up your work, share it with others, or move it between compute resources, you to synchronize your projects with a Git server.


AI Workbench uses the native Git installation on your host, so you can use Git commands manually if you need to.

Use this documentation to learn about the following:

When you install AI Workbench you can connect to your Git server and specify your Git author information. You can skip these steps during installation, but you must complete them before you can use the Git features in AI Workbench. To add or update your Git settings, see the following:

AI Workbench supports the following git features when you work with projects.

Git Feature


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git clone Clone a repository into a new directory. Clone Project — Available from the main AI Workbench page. clone
git commit Create a new commit containing your current changes. Commit — Available from the project page. commit
Create and switch to a new branch in your project. Create Branch — Available in the Branches section of the project sidebar. create branch
git branch -d | -D Delete a branch in your project. Delete Branch — Available in the Branches section of the project sidebar. delete branch
git restore Discard uncommitted or untracked changes in the current branch. Discard Changes — Available in the Changes section of the project sidebar. You can also add files to .gitignore from this section. discard
git fetch Fetch changes and branches from your Git server. Fetch — Available from the project page after you publish a project. fetch
git log Show the commit log history. History — Available from the project sidebar. history
git merge Merge changes from one branch to another. Merge Branch — Available in the Branches section of the project sidebar. merge
git push --set-upstream Push a project to your Git server for the first time. Publish — Available from the project page of a new project. publish
git pull Pull changes from your Git server into your current branch. Pull — Available from the project page when there are changes on the Git server. pull
git push Push changes from your current branch to your Git server. Push — Available from the project page after you commit changes. push
Switch to an existing branch in your project. Switch Branch — Available in the Branches section of the project sidebar. switch-branch

AI Workbench leverages Git Large File Storage (LFS) to manage large and binary files. For new projects that you create in AI Workbench, certain project directories are configured to track files with Git LFS by default. These directories include data/ and models/. For more information, see Default AI Workbench Project Structure.


Depending on your Git server, Git LFS may have usage caps and associated fees.

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© Copyright © 2024, NVIDIA Corporation. Last updated on Nov 4, 2024.