NVIDIA Clara Train 4.0

Federated learning authorization

Federated learning in Clara implements a role-based authorization framework that determines what a user can or cannot do based on the user’s assigned roles.

The following concepts are used in defining an authorization policy for federated learning in Clara.


A right is a permission for a user to do certain things. For example, the right “train_all” allows the user to do training for all orgs in a group.


A rule is a policy that an org wants to enforce. For example, the rule “allow_byoc” allows BYOC code to be included in the MMAR deployed to the org’s site.


Even though there may be any number of users, they usually are categorized into several types that share the same authorization settings. Each such type is called a role. A user can be assigned to one or more roles.


Even though there could be many orgs in the study, they usually are categorized into several types that share the same authorization settings. Each such type is called a group. An org can be configured to belong to groups, with a group for specifying rules for sites of the org and a group for rights definitions.

Each org can specify its own policies:
  • Orgs that share the same authorization policies are put in the same group, and authorization policies are defined for the group.

  • For each group, the permission matrix is defined for role-right combinations.

  • For each group, permission values are defined for each rule.

The Right Space is a 3D [group, role, right] matrix of permission values, and the Rule Space is a 2D [group, rule] matrix of permission values.

Right Evaluation

To determine whether a user has a right on a site:

  • Determine the group(s) that the site belongs to

  • Determine the role(s) of the user

  • Check the Right Space for each [group, role, right] coordinate. If any point is True, then the result is True. This is what we call the “most generous” policy - as long as any of the user roles has the right in any of the groups the site belongs to, the right is granted. If there is no explicit definition for any point, the default value of the right is taken.


Note that what is important is the user’s role(s). The user’s org is not considered except for deciding if a user is considered “self” for the site. This can in turn affect the right, for example, if site A is with group configured to allow “Operate Self” but not “Operate All” for role “lead_researcher”, a “lead_researcher” user of site A’s org can “Operate” on site A whereas a user that is only “lead_researcher” of another org does not have “Operate” rights.

Rule Evaluation

Similar to right evaluation, we also adopt the “most generous” policy to determine the rule value of a site.

Determine the group(s) that the site belongs to Check the Rule Space for each [group, rule] coordinate. If any point is True, then the result is True. If there is no explicit definition for any point, the default value of the rule is taken.

Defined Rights

Currently the following rights are defined:



Upload MMAR

whether the user is allowed to upload MMARs.

Deploy All

whether all users of the corresponding role are allowed to deploy MMARs at sites of a certain group.

Deploy Self

whether users of the corresponding role and of the same org as sites of a certain group are allowed to deploy MMARs.

Train All

whether all users of the corresponding role are allowed to perform training actions at sites of a certain group.

Train Self

whether users of the corresponding role and of the same org as sites of a certain group are allowed to perform training actions

View All

whether all users of the corresponding role are allowed to view information at sites of a certain group.

View Self

whether users of the corresponding role and of the same org as sites of a certain group are allowed to view information

Operate All

whether all users of the corresponding role are allowed to operate at sites of a certain group.

Operate Self

whether users of the corresponding role and of the same org as sites of a certain group are allowed to operate


Rights are always in the context of a group, and note that as mentioned above, for evaluating Rights, the rights group of the site’s org is what is important, and the user’s org is only important when “All” and “Self” have different Rights in that group. Otherwise, the user’s role(s) are all that will matter for determining Rights.

Defined Rules

Currently the following rules are defined:



Allow BYOC

whether BYOC code is allowed in MMARs

Allow Custom Data List

whether custom data list is allowed in MMARs

The authorization policy is configured in a JSON file (authz_config.json), which is included in the Startup Kit. When using the provisioning tool to generate a set of packages, the authorization policy is included.

Here is an example of the file:


{ "version": "1.0", "roles": { "super": "super user of system", "lead_researcher": "lead researcher of the study", "site_researcher": "site researcher of the study", "site_it": "site IT of the study", "lead_it": "lead IT of the study" }, "groups": { "relaxed": { "desc": "the org group with relaxed policies", "rules": { "allow_byoc": true, "allow_custom_datalist": true } }, "strict": { "desc": "the org group with strict policies", "rules": { "allow_byoc": false, "allow_custom_datalist": false } }, "general": { "desc": "general group user rights", "role_rights": { "super": { "operate_all": true, "view_all": true, "train_all": true }, "lead_researcher": { "train_all": true, "view_all": true }, "site_researcher": { "train_self": true, "view_self": true }, "lead_it": { "operate_all": true, "view_all": true }, "site_it": { "operate_self": true, "view_self": true } } } }, "users": { "admin@nvidia.com": { "org": "nvidia", "roles": ["super"] }, "researcher1@org2.com": { "org": "org2", "roles": ["lead_it", "site_researcher"] }, "researcher2@org1.com": { "org": "org1", "roles": ["site_researcher"] } }, "orgs": { "org1": ["general", "strict"], "org2": ["general", "relaxed"], "nvidia": ["general"] }, "sites": { "org1-a": "org1", "org1-b": "org1", "org2": "org2", "server": "nvidia" } }

A few highlights:

  • Each right has a default value. Default values are used for “holes” in the Right Space.

  • Each rule has a default value. Default values are used for “holes” in the Rule Space.

  • Each user is assigned to a single org and one or more roles;

  • Each site is assigned a single org;

  • Each org is assigned to one or more groups;

  • In each group, a rule and/or right matrix is defined.

Each command from the admin user is subject to authorization. The command is executed only if the authorization is passed.

Commands are grouped into the following action groups for rights:

UPLOAD - uploading MMAR to the server.

Command(s) in this group require the “upload MMAR” right. Furthermore, if the MMAR contains BYOC code, the site’s “allow_byoc” must be true. Furthermore, if the MMAR contains a custom data list, the site’s “allow_custom_datalist” must be true.

DEPLOY - deploy the MMAR to a site

Command(s) in this group require the “deploy all” or “deploy self” right. Furthermore, if the MMAR contains BYOC code, the site’s “allow_byoc” must be true. Furthermore, if the MMAR contains a custom data list, the site’s “allow_custom_datalist” must be true.

Command(s) in this group require the “train all” or “train self” right.

VIEW - view training and/or system info (ls, head, tail, grep, pwd, …)

Command(s) in this group require the “view all” or “view self” right.

OPERATE - application operation (shutdown, restart server/clients, sys_info)

Command(s) in this group require the “operate all” or “operate self” right.

© Copyright 2020, NVIDIA. Last updated on Feb 2, 2023.