Upgrading from previous versions of Clara Train
The Clara 4.1 package was developed to align with the latest MONAI v0.8 APIs for better performance and flexibility. It is necessary to add to configurations in Clara 4.0 in order to make previous MMARs compatible with Clara Train 4.1.
Objects can now be set with as config argument with “@”, for example:
{"dataloader": {"args": {"dataset": "@dataset", ...}}}
Code can be set with “#” to execute directly, for example:
{"optimizer": {"args": {"params": "#@model.parameters()", ...}}}
Please follow the steps below to update your MMAR if they are applicable:
Add new variables below to environment.json and update train.json, validation.json, and inference.json to use these variables:
Use the “Invertd” post processing transform instead of the “TransformInverter” handler.
Use the “SaveImaged” transform instead of the “SegmentationSaver” handler.
Change the output_transform lambda, because now the model output is decollated data (list of channel-first shape). For more information about decollate, please refer to: https://github.com/Project-MONAI/MONAI/wiki/v0.5-to-v0.6-migration-guide
"output_transform": "lambda x: x['loss']"
"output_transform": "lambda x: x[0]['loss']"
Split the “metrics” section of JSON config to “key_metric” and “addtional_metrics”. For example:
... "key_metric": { "name": "MeanDice", "log_label": "val_mean_dice", "args": { "include_background": false, "output_transform": "lambda x: ([i['pred'] for i in x], [i['label'] for i in x])" } }, "additional_metrics": [ { "name": "Accuracy", "log_label": "val_acc", "args": { "output_transform": "lambda x: ([i['pred'] for i in x], [i['label'] for i in x])" } } ],
Pass arg “dataset” into DataLoader:
... "dataloader": { "name": "DataLoader", "args": { "dataset": "@dataset", "batch_size": 2, "shuffle": true, "num_workers": 2 } },
Pass args “data” and “transform” into Dataset:
... "dataset": { "name": "CacheDataset", "data_list_file_path": "{DATASET_JSON}", "data_file_base_dir": "{DATA_ROOT}", "data_list_key": "{TRAIN_DATALIST_KEY}", "args": { "data": "@datalist","transform": "@pre_transforms", "cache_num": 32, "cache_rate": 1.0, "num_workers": 2 } },
Pass arg “val_data_loader” and “network” into SupervisedEvaluator:
... "evaluator": { "name": "SupervisedEvaluator", "args": { "device": "cuda", "val_data_loader": "@dataloader","network": "@model", "inferer": "@inferer", "postprocessing": "@post_transforms", "key_val_metric": "@key_metric", "additional_metrics": "@additional_metrics", "val_handlers": "@handlers", "amp": "{amp}" } }
Pass arg “param” into Adam optimizer:
... "optimizer": { "name": "Adam", "args": { "params": "#@model.parameters()", "lr": "{learning_rate}" } },
Pass arg “optimizer” into LR scheduler
... { "name": "LrScheduleHandler", "args": { "lr_scheduler": "@lr_scheduler", "print_lr": true } },
CheckpointLoader and CheckpointSaver args load_dict and save_dict now require a dictionary instead of a list:
... { "name": "CheckpointLoader", "disabled": "{dont_load_ckpt_model}", "args": { "load_path": "{MMAR_CKPT}", "load_dict": {"model": "@model"} } },
... { "name": "CheckpointSaver", "rank": 0, "args": { "save_dir": "{MMAR_CKPT_DIR}", "save_dict": { "model": "@model", "optimizer": "@optimizer", "lr_scheduler": "@lr_scheduler", "train_conf": "@conf" }, "save_interval": 400, "save_final": true } },
Pass arg “lr_scheduler” in LrScheduleHandler:
... { "name": "LrScheduleHandler", "args": { "lr_scheduler": "@lr_scheduler", "print_lr": true } },
Pass arg “validator” in ValidationHandler
... { "name": "ValidationHandler", "args": { "validator": "@evaluator", "interval": 1, "epoch_level": true } },
Prior to Clara v4.0, TensorFlow was used as a back end instead of MONAI and PyTorch Ignite, and Clara Train SDK contained its own implementations of components instead of now using components from MONAI.
Unfortunately, this means some things have changed behind the scenes, and the following will need to be done for MMARs prior to Clara v4.0 to work with Clara Train v4.0 and later:
TF versions of components must be replaced with corresponding MONAI and PyTorch components
Arguments and parameters may have to be adjusted accordingly, and for some components there may not be a direct one to one mapping, so understanding what is happening in the pipeline is important
Please see our example Clara Train v4.0 MMARs on NGC and details below for specific changes
Only PT models are compatible with 4.0, and older models on NGC and for Clara 3.1 would need to be converted to be compatible.
A conversion tool has been provided in the docker image to convert a Clara 3.1 MMAR with TensorFlow to a Clara v4.0 MMAR. It will convert the workflow logic and components and where it is able and add warning messages in the converted JSON files to give tips.
To use the tool, include the path to the original MMAR after the -m
flag and the directory to output the new MMAR to
after the -o
python3 -u -m medl.tools.mmar_converter.convert_from_tf -m $MMAR_ROOT -o ./
Please note that the conversion is a best effort, and the underlying implementations of many functions have changed. A list of warnings are included to highlight differences to pay attention to, but for the MONAI components, you can look at the underlying source code and decide if the implementation makes the most sense for your use case. Default args will be used for many components, so it is a good idea to go through the converted configurations and modify or delete anything that is not applicable.
Some unsupported parts may need to be manually modified based on the warnings at the end of the converted configurations. For example, some args of TensorFlow components may not map to exactly the same logic in PyTorch, or some necessary args for a Clara 4.0 MMAR are not in the Clara 3.1 MMAR.
In Clara Train 3.X, the concept of ShapeImage took care of different formats and allowed transforms to work with various dimensions, but for PT there is a convention for the dimensions to be channels first. Transforms in the example MMARs add the channel dimension to front to get data to conform to the channels first expectations, and you may have to do this depending on your data.
In MONAI, class names ending with ‘d’ denote dictionary-based transforms, and those are the ones used for Clara Train.
“dataset” and “dataloader” now take the place of what used to be configured in “image_pipeline”.
At the top level of the config: “num_training_epoch_per_valid” is now “num_interval_per_valid”.
For PT, ToTensord is needed at end of pre_transforms.
In general throughout the transforms, in args, the key “fields” has now been replaced with “keys”, but this may require additional attention in certain transforms like cropping where “label_key”, “source_key”, or “image_key” may be used.
The tables below list many corresponding components, but for details or when in doubt, check the documentation and open source code for the implementations of the underlying MONAI transforms
IO Transforms
For loading images, LoadImaged
is used for everything. This would replace LoadNifti, LoadPng, or LoadJpg for example.
Intensity transforms
Before v4.0 |
Component to use in v4.0 |
Notes |
AddGaussianNoise |
RandGaussianNoised |
ShiftIntensityd |
ScaleIntensityOscillation |
RandShiftIntensityd |
probability -> prob, magnitude -> offsets |
ScaleIntensityd |
ScaleShiftIntensity |
RandScaleIntensityd |
the previous component did what now is split into this and RandShiftIntensityd, and both components have additional args available for controlling the amount of scale/shift |
NormalizeNonzeroIntensities |
NormalizeIntensityd |
bool to choose whether or not to normalize non-zero |
CenterData |
^ see above |
ThresholdValues |
ThresholdIntensityd |
ScaleIntensityRange |
ScaleIntensityRanged |
ScaleIntensityRangePercentilesd |
AdjustContrast |
AdjustContrastd |
RandAdjustContrastd |
MaskIntensityd |
GaussianSmoothd |
RandomGaussianSmooth |
RandGaussianSmoothd |
GaussianSharpend |
RandomSharpen |
RandGaussianSharpend |
RanHistogramShiftd |
Cropping and padding transforms
Before v4.0 |
Component to use in v4.0 |
Notes |
PadSymmetric |
SpatialPadd |
BorderPadd |
SymmetricPadderDiv |
DivisiblePadd |
SpatialCropd |
CropSubVolumeCenter |
CenterSpatialCropd |
CropFixedSizeRandomCenter |
RandSpatialCropd |
CropRandomSizeWithDisplacement |
^ see above |
RandSpatialCropSamplesd |
CropForegroundObject |
CropForegroundd |
ResizeWithPadOrCropd |
FastPosNegRatioCropROI |
RandCropByPosNegLabeld |
The Rand3DElasticD transform is added afterward if using the mapping tool |
CropByPosNegRatio |
CropByPosNegRatioLabelOnly |
^ see above for options |
FastCropByPosNegRatio |
ClassificationFastCropByPosNegRatio |
Spatial transforms
Before v4.0 |
Component to use in v4.0 |
Notes |
ScaleBySpacing |
Spacingd |
target_resolution/target_spacing -> pixdim, is_label => mode; this can be used in training if data is not pre-converted to 1mm |
ScaleByResolution |
^ see above |
Orientationd |
Flipd |
RandomSpatialFlip |
RandFlipd |
probability -> prob; clara-train will select random axis to flip while MONAI will flip all by default although “spatial_axis” can be set to specify which to flip |
RandomAxisFlip |
^ see above |
Rotated |
RandomRotate2D |
RandRotated |
angle -> range_x |
ScaleByFactor |
Zoomd |
RandomZoom |
RandZoomd |
[image_field, label_field] -> keys, lower_limits -> min_zoom, upper_limits -> max_zoom, keep_size -> keep_size, probability -> prob, no need for use_gpu argument anymore |
RandomRotate3D |
RandRotate90d |
probability -> prob |
Rotate90d |
ScaleToShape |
Resized |
target_shape -> spatial_size, is_label => mode |
RandAffined |
Rand2DElasticd |
covers the rotation, deformation, and scaling that was previously done for TF with FastPosNegRatioCropROI |
Rand3DElasticd |
Post processing transforms
Before v4.0 |
Component to use in v4.0 |
Notes |
SplitAcrossChannels |
SplitChanneld |
KeepLargestCC |
KeepLargestConnectedComponentd |
Activationsd |
MONAI networks do not have activations, so we will need to add this transform to post-transform chain when converting from TF |
AsDiscreted |
LabelToContourd |
Ensembled |
MeanEnsembled |
VoteEnsembled |
Utility transforms
Before v4.0 |
Component to use in v4.0 |
Notes |
Identityd |
ConvertToChannelsFirst |
EnsureChannelFirstd |
ConvertToChannelsLast |
AsChannelLastd |
RepeatChannel |
RepeatChanneld |
CastToType |
CastToTyped |
AddExtremePointsChannel |
AddExtremePointsChanneld |
ConvertToMultiChannelBasedOnBratsClasses |
ConvertToMultiChannelBasedOnBratsClassesd |
ToNumpyd |
DeleteItemsd |
SqueezeDimd |
DataStatsd |
SimulateDelayd |
CopyProperties |
CopyItemsd |
ConcatItemsd |
Lambdad |
MaskImage |
LabelToMaskd |
FgBgToIndicesd |
ToTensord |
now needed at end of pre-transforms |
Dataset and DataLoader for v4.0
ImagePipelines from Clara with TF have now been replaced with Dataset and DataLoader. For more information see: https://docs.monai.io/en/latest/data.html
Loss functions for v4.0
“Dice” is now “DiceLoss” and “BinaryClassificationLoss” can now be replaced with “BCEWithLogitsLoss”. For more, see Loss functions in MONAI <https://docs.monai.io/en/latest/losses.html>.
Handlers for v4.0
Handlers are very important for extending the functionality of the training engine, from LrScheduleHandler to modify the learning rate, ValidationHandler to specify the frequency validation during training, to all kinds of stats and metrics that can be customized base on the use case. See MONAI handlers for more information and the example MMARs for how some are used.
Metrics for v4.0
Metrics now conform to how they are in PyTorch Ignite, so they must conform to the signature expected by the PyTorch Ignite metrics.
This changes how they must be configured in the json configs, so please see the example MMARs to see how that is done.