Clara Parabricks v3.5


NVIDIA Clara Parabricks Pipelines accelerated variant callers

Accelerated bcftools call.

bcftools-call calls variants from mpileup output



$ pbrun bcftoolscall --in-file pileup.bcf \ --out-file output.vcf


The command below is the CPU counterpart of the Parabricks command above. The output from these commands will generate the exact same results as the output from the above command. Please look at Output Comparison page on how you can compare the results.


bcftools call pileup.bcf -c -o output.vcf



Path to the input mpileup file (default: None)


Path of output file. If this option is not used, it will write to standard output (default: None)


Number of threads for worker (default: 1)


Output variant sites only (default: None)

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory where bin/ and species/ folders are located.


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.

--license-file LICENSE_FILE

Path to license file license.bin if not in installation directory.


View compatible software versions.

GPU accelerated haplotypecaller.

This tool runs GPU accelerated haplotypecaller. Users can provide an optional BQSR report to fix the BAM similar to ApplyBQSR. In that case the updated base qualities will be used.




$ pbrun haplotypecaller --ref Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --in-bam mark_dups_gpu.bam \ --in-recal-file recal_gpu.txt \ --out-variants result.vcf


The command below is the GATK4 counterpart of the Parabricks command above. The output from these commands will generate the exact same results as the output from the above command. Please look at Output Comparison page on how you can compare the results.


# Run ApplyBQSR Step $ gatk ApplyBQSR --java-options -Xmx30g -R Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ -I=mark_dups_cpu.bam --bqsr-recal-file=recal_file.txt -O=cpu_nodups_BQSR.bam #Run Haplotype Caller $ gatk HaplotypeCaller --java-options -Xmx30g --input cpu_nodups_BQSR.bam --output \ result_cpu.vcf --reference Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --native-pair-hmm-threads 16



(required) The reference genome in fasta format.


(required) Path to the input bam file.


(required) Path of .vcf, g.vcf, or gVCF file.


Path to the input BQSR report. Only required if ApplyBQSR step is needed.


Pass supported haplotype caller options as one string. Current original haplotypecaller supported options: -min-pruning, -standard-min-confidence-threshold-for-calling, -max-reads-per-alignment-start, -min-dangling-branch-length, and -pcr-indel-model .


Use static quantized quality scores to a given number of levels. Repeat this option multiple times for multiple bins.


Defaults to 2.

Ploidy assumed for the bam file. Currently only haploid (ploidy 1) and diploid (ploidy 2) are supported.


Path to an interval file for BQSR step with possible formats: Picard-style (.interval_list or .picard), GATK-style (.list or .intervals), or BED file (.bed). This option can be used multiple times (default: None)


(-L) Interval within which to call variants from the input reads. All intervals will have a padding of 100 to get read records and overlapping intervals will be combined. Interval files should be passed using the –interval-file option. This option can be used multiple times.

e.g. "-L chr1 -L chr2:10000 -L chr3:20000+ -L chr4:10000-20000" (default: None)


(-ip) Padding size (in base pairs) to add to each interval you are including (default: None)


Defaults to False.

Generate variant calls in gVCF format. When using this option –out-variants file should end with g.vcf or g.vcf.gz. If the --out-variants file ends in gz, the tool will generate gvcf.gz and index for it.


Given an input list of BAMs, run the variant calling of each BAM using one GPU, and process BAMs in parallel based on how many GPUs the system has.


Disable the read filters for bam entries. Currently supported read filters that can be disabled are: MappingQualityAvailableReadFilter, MappingQualityReadFilter, and NotSecondaryAlignmentReadFilter. This option can be repeated multiple times.


Maximum number of alternate alleles to genotype (default: None)


(-G) Which groups of annotations to add to the output variant calls. Currently supported annotation groups: StandardAnnotation, StandardHCAnnotation, AS_StandardAnnotation (default: None)


(-GQB) Exclusive upper bounds for reference confidence GQ bands. Must be in the range [1, 100] and specified in increasing order (default: None)


Dont’ use fot clipped bases for variant calling


Pass supported haplotype caller options as one string. Currently supported original haplotypecaller options:

-min-pruning <int>

-standard-min-confidence-threshold-for-calling <int>

-max-reads-per-alignment-start <int>

-min-dangling-branch-length <int>


e.g. –haplotypecaller-options=”-min-pruning 4 -standard-min-confidence-threshold-for-calling 30”


Run haplotypecaller optimized for RNA Data.

--num-gpus NUM_GPUS

Number of GPUs to use for a run. GPUs 0..(NUM_GPUS-1) will be used. If you are using flexera, please include –gpu-devices too.

--gpu-devices GPU_DEVICES

Which GPU devices to use for a run. By default, all GPU devices will be used. To use specific GPU devices enter a comma-separated list of GPU device numbers. Possible device numbers can be found by examining the output of the nvidia-smi command. For example, using –gpu-devices 0,1 would only use the first two GPUs.

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory where bin/ and species/ folders are located.


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.

--license-file LICENSE_FILE

Path to license file license.bin if not in installation directory.


View compatible software versions.

GPU accelerated mutect2.

mutectcaller supports tumor or tumor-normal variant calling. The figure below shows the high level functionality of mutectcaller. All dotted boxes indicate optional data, with some constraints.




$ pbrun mutectcaller --ref Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --in-tumor-bam tumor.bam \ --tumor-name foobar \ --out-vcf output.vcf


The command below is the GATK4 counterpart of the Parabricks command above. The output from these commands will generate the exact same results as the output from the above command. Please look at Output Comparison page on how you can compare the results.


gatk Mutect2 -R ref.tar.gz --input tumor.bam --tumor-sample foobar --output result.vcf



(required) The reference genome in fasta format. We assume that the indexing required to run bwa has been completed by the user.


(required) Path of bam file for tumor reads.


(required) Name of sample for tumor reads.


(required) Path to the VCF output file.


Path of BQSR report for tumor sample.


Path of bam file for normal reads.


Path of BQSR report for normal sample.


Name of sample for normal reads.


Ploidy assumed for the bam file. Currently only haploid (ploidy 1) and diploid (ploidy 2) are supported.


Path to an interval file for BQSR step with possible formats: Picard-style (.interval_list or .picard), GATK-style (.list or .intervals), or BED file (.bed). This option can be used multiple times (default: None)


(-L) Interval within which to call variants from the input reads. All intervals will have a padding of 100 to get read records and overlapping intervals will be combined. Interval files should be passed using the --interval-file option. This option can be used multiple times.

e.g. "-L chr1 -L chr2:10000 -L chr3:20000+ -L chr4:10000-20000" (default: None)


(-ip) Padding size (in base pairs) to add to each interval you are including (default: None)


Pass supported mutectcaller options as one string. Currently supported original mutectcaller options:


e.g. –mutectcaller-options=”-pcr-indel-model HOSTILE” (default: None)

--num-gpus NUM_GPUS

Number of GPUs to use for a run. GPUs 0..(NUM_GPUS-1) will be used. If you are using flexera, please include –gpu-devices too.

--gpu-devices GPU_DEVICES

Which GPU devices to use for a run. By default, all GPU devices will be used. To use specific GPU devices enter a comma-separated list of GPU device numbers. Possible device numbers can be found by examining the output of the nvidia-smi command. For example, using –gpu-devices 0,1 would only use the first two GPUs.

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory where bin/ and species/ folders are located.


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.

--license-file LICENSE_FILE

Path to license file license.bin if not in installation directory.


View compatible software versions.

Accelerated Somatic Sniper.

Somatic sniper supports tumor-normal variant calling. Parabricks has Somatic Sniper as a standalone tool or you can use the Somatic Sniper workflow (sniperworkflow) to generate a VCF file from BAM/CRAM.



$ pbrun somaticsniper --ref Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta --in-tumor-bam tumor.bam --in-normal-bam normal.bam --out-file output.vcf


The command below is the GATK4 counterpart of the Parabricks command above. The output from these commands will generate the exact same results as the output from the above command. Please look at Output Comparison page on how you can compare the results.


bam-somaticsniper -q 1 -G -L -F vcf -f Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta tumor.bam normal.bam output.vcf



Path to the reference file (default: None)


Path of bam/cram file for tumor reads. Path can be a Google Cloud Storage object (default: None)


Path of bam/cram file for normal reads. Path can be a Google Cloud Storage object (default: None)


Path of output file (default: None)


Number of threads for worker (default: 1)


Filtering reads with mapping quality less than this value (default: 0)


Type of output format. Possible values are {classic, vcf} (default: classic)


Fix baseline bugs. If this option is not passed, the same output will be generated as baseline (default: None)


Do not report Gain of Reference variants as determined by genotypes (default: None)


Do not report LOH variants as determined by genotypes (default: None)

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory where bin/ and species/ folders are located.


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.

--license-file LICENSE_FILE

Path to license file license.bin if not in installation directory.


View compatible software versions.

Somatic sniper workflow to generate VCF from BAM/CRAM input files.




$ pbrun somaticsniper_workflow --ref Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --in-tumor-bam tumor.bam \ --in-normal-bam normal.bam \ --out-prefix output


The command below is the CPU counterpart of the Parabricks command above. The output from these commands will generate the exact same results as the output from the above command. Please look at Output Comparison page on how you can compare the results.


bam-somaticsniper -q 1 -G -L -F vcf -f Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta tumor.bam normal.bam output.vcf bcftools mpileup -A -B -d 2147483647 -Ou -f Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta tumor.bam | bcftools call -c | varFilter -Q 20 | awk 'NR > 55 {print}' > output.indel_pileup_Tum.pileup perl --snp-file output.vcf --indel-file output.indel_pileup_Tum.pileup perl --snp-file output.vcf.SNPfilter bam-readcount -b 15 -f Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta -l output.vcf.SNPfilter.pos tumor.bam > output.readcounts.rc perl -snp-file output.vcf.SNPfilter -readcount-file output.readcounts.rc perl -snp-file output.vcf.SNPfilter.fp_pass.vcf



(required) The reference genome in fasta format. We assume that the indexing required to run bwa has been completed by the user.


(required) Path of bam file for tumor reads.


Path of bam file for normal reads.


Prefix filename for output data (default: None)


Number of threads for worker (default: 1)


Filtering reads with mapping quality less than this value (default: 1)

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory where bin/ and species/ folders are located.


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.

--license-file LICENSE_FILE

Path to license file license.bin if not in installation directory.


View compatible software versions.

Run GPU-accelerated deepvariant algorithm.

Parabricks has accelerated Google Deepvariant to extensively use GPUs and finish 30x WGS analysis in 25 minutes instead of hours. The Parabricks flavor of Deepvariant is more like other command line tools that users are familiar with. It takes the BAM and reference as inputs and produces variants as outputs. Currently, Deepvariant is supported for T4, V100, and A100 GPUs.



$ pbrun deepvariant --ref Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --in-bam mark_dups_gpu.bam \ --out-variants output.vcf


The command below is the Google counterpart of the Parabricks command above. The output from these commands will generate the exact same results as the output from the above command. Please look at Output Comparison page on how you can compare the results.


# Run make_examples in parallel seq 0 $((N_SHARDS-1)) | \ parallel --eta --halt 2 --joblog "${LOGDIR}/log" --res "${LOGDIR}" \ sudo docker run \ -v ${HOME}:${HOME} \"${BIN_VERSION}" \ /opt/deepvariant/bin/make_examples \ --mode calling \ --ref "${REF}" \ --reads "${BAM}" \ --examples "${OUTPUT_DIR}/examples.tfrecord@${N_SHARDS}.gz" \ --task {} # Run call_variants in parallel sudo docker run \ -v ${HOME}:${HOME} \"${BIN_VERSION}" \ /opt/deepvariant/bin/call_variants \ --outfile "${CALL_VARIANTS_OUTPUT}" \ --examples "${OUTPUT_DIR}/examples.tfrecord@${N_SHARDS}.gz" \ --checkpoint "${MODEL}" # Run postprocess_variants in parallel sudo docker run \ -v ${HOME}:${HOME} \"${BIN_VERSION}" \ /opt/deepvariant/bin/postprocess_variants \ --ref "${REF}" \ --infile "${CALL_VARIANTS_OUTPUT}" \ --outfile "${FINAL_OUTPUT_VCF}"



(required) The reference genome in fasta format.


(required) Path to the input BAM file.


(required) Name of output VCF file.


Path of a non-default parabricks model file for deepvariant.


Value can be one of [shortread, pacbio, ont]. By default, it is shortread. If mode is set to pacbio, the following defaults are used: –norealign-reads, –alt-aligned-pileup diff_channels, –vsc-min-fraction-indels 0.12. If mode is set to ont, the following defaults are used: -norealign-reads, –variant-caller VCF_CANDIDATE_IMPORTER (default: shortread)


Path of vcf file which has proposed variants for make examples stage (default: None)


Path to an interval file for BQSR step with possible formats: Picard-style (.interval_list or .picard), GATK-style (.list or .intervals), or BED file (.bed). This option can be used multiple times (default: None)


(-L) Interval within which to call variants from the input reads. Overlapping intervals will be combined. Interval files should be passed using the --interval-file option. This option can be used multiple times.

e.g. "-L chr1 -L chr2:10000 -L chr3:20000+ -L chr4:10000-20000" (default: None)


Change the window selector model from Allele Count Linear to Variant Reads. This option will increase the accuracy and run time (default: Allele Count Linear)


Generate variant calls in gVCF format.


Do not locally realign reads before calling variants. Reads longer than 500 bp are never realigned (default: None)


Reads are sorted by haplotypes (using HP tag) (default: None)


Keep reads that are duplicate (default: None)


SNP alleles occurring at least this many times in our AlleleCount will be advanced as candidates (default:2)


Indel alleles occurring at least this many times in our AlleleCount will be advanced as candidates (default: 2)


SNP alleles occurring at least this fraction of all counts in our AlleleCount will be advanced as candidates (default: 0.12)


Indel alleles occurring at least this fraction of all counts in our AlleleCount will be advanced as candidates (default: None)


By default, reads with any mapping quality are kept. Setting this field to a positive integer i will only keep reads that have a MAPQ >= i. Note this only applies to aligned reads (default: 5)


Minimum base quality. This field indicates that we are enforcing a minimum base quality score for alternate alleles. Alternate alleles will only be considered if all bases in the allele have a quality greater than min_base_quality (default: 10)


Value can be one of [none, diff_channels]. Include alignments of reads against each candidate alternate allele in the pileup image. Default is none which turns this feature off (default: None)


Value can be one of [VERY_SENSITIVE_CALLER, VCF_CANDIDATE_IMPORTER]. The caller to use to make examples. If you use VCF_CANDIDATE_IMPORTER, it implies force calling. Default is VERY_SENSITIVE_CALLER (default: None)

--num-gpus NUM_GPUS

Number of GPUs to use for a run. GPUs 0..(NUM_GPUS-1) will be used. If you are using flexera, please include –gpu-devices too.

--gpu-devices GPU_DEVICES

Which GPU devices to use for a run. By default, all GPU devices will be used. To use specific GPU devices enter a comma-separated list of GPU device numbers. Possible device numbers can be found by examining the output of the nvidia-smi command. For example, using –gpu-devices 0,1 would only use the first two GPUs.

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory where bin/ and species/ folders are located.


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.

--license-file LICENSE_FILE

Path to license file license.bin if not in installation directory.


View compatible software versions.

CPU accelerated Copy number variant calling. You need to pass “–extra-tools” to the installer to use this tool.

Run CNVkit with accelerated coverage calculation from read depths.



$ pbrun cnvkit --ref Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --in-bam mark_dups_gpu.bam --out-file output.vcf



(required) Path to the reference file.


(required) Path to the bam file.


Path to the directory that will contain all of the generated files.


Pass supported cnvkit options as one string. Currently supported options are –count-reads and –drop-low-coverage.

e.g. --cnvkit-options="--count-reads --drop-low-coverage".


Export the output cns to VCF after running batch (default: None)

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory where bin/ and species/ folders are located.


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.

--license-file LICENSE_FILE

Path to license file license.bin if not in installation directory.


View compatible software versions.

Structural variant (SV) and indel caller from mapped paired-end sequencing reads. This tools is not accelerated and original precompiled binary will run on the server.



$ pbrun manta --ref Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --in-tumor-bam tumor.bam \ --in-normal-bam normal.bam \ --out-prefix output



Path to the reference file (default: None)


Path of bam file for tumor reads (default: None)


Path of bam file for normal reads. This option can be used multiple times (default: None)


Optional bgzip-compressed/tabix-indexed BED file containing the set of regions to call (default: None)


Prefix filename for output data (default: None)


Number of threads for worker (default: 1)


Pass supported manta options as one string. e.g. –manta-options=”–rna –unstrandedRNA” (default: None)

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory where bin/ and species/ folders are located.


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.

--license-file LICENSE_FILE

Path to license file license.bin if not in installation directory.


View compatible software versions.

SNP and indel caller from mapped paired-end sequencing reads. This tools is not accelerated and original precompiled binary will run on the server.



$ pbrun manta --ref Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --in-tumor-bam tumor.bam \ --in-normal-bam normal.bam \ --indel-candidates candidates.vcf \ --out-prefix output



Path to the reference file (default: None)


Path of bam file for tumor reads (default: None)


Path of bam file for normal reads. This option can be used multiple times (default: None)


Path to a VCF of candidate indel alleles. Must be in vcf/vcf.gz format. This option can be used multiple times (default: None)


Optional bgzip-compressed/tabix-indexed BED file containing the set of regions to call (default: None)


Prefix filename for output data (default: None)


Number of threads for worker (default: 1)


Pass supported strelka options as one string. e.g. –strelka-options=”–exome” (default: None)

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory where bin/ and species/ folders are located.


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.

--license-file LICENSE_FILE

Path to license file license.bin if not in installation directory.


View compatible software versions.

Strelka workflow to generate VCF from BAM/CRAM input files.




$ pbrun strelka_workflow --ref Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --in-tumor-bam tumor.bam \ --in-normal-bam normal.bam \ --out-prefix output


The command below is the GATK4 counterpart of the Parabricks command above. The output from these commands will generate the exact same results as the output from the above command. Please look at Output Comparison page on how you can compare the results.


mkdir -p manta_work python $MANTA_DIR/bin/ --referenceFasta Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --normalBam ${NORMAL} --tumorBam tumor.bam \ --runDir manta_work cd manta_work python ./ -m local -j ${MAX_NUM_PROCESSORS} cd .. mkdir -p strelka_work python $STRELKA_PATH/ \ --referenceFasta Ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ --normalBam normal.bam --tumorBam tumor.bam \ --indelCandidates ${WORK_PATH}/manta_work/results/variants/candidateSmallIndels.vcf.gz \ --runDir strelka_work cd strelka_work python ./ -m local -j ${MAX_NUM_PROCESSORS} cd ..



(required) The reference genome in fasta format. We assume that the indexing required to run bwa has been completed by the user.


(required) Path of bam file for tumor reads.


Path of bam file for normal reads.


Prefix filename for output data (default: None)


Number of threads for worker (default: 1)

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored.

--with-petagene-dir WITH_PETAGENE_DIR

Full path to the PetaGene installation directory where bin/ and species/ folders are located.


Do not delete the directory storing temporary files after completion.

--license-file LICENSE_FILE

Path to license file license.bin if not in installation directory.


View compatible software versions.

© Copyright 2020, NVIDIA. Last updated on Feb 23, 2021.