Function Lifecycle

Developer Guide (Latest)

Cloud “functions” are an abstraction that allow you to run your code without managing deployments and infrastructure. Cloud Functions simplifies hosting AI inference and fine-tuning workloads in the cloud by automatically enabling access to GPU capacity and autoscaling. Cloud functions are generally considered stateless.

Therefore, function authors are only responsible for maintaining their AI models and associated code. This is highlighted in the diagram below in green. To use Cloud Functions, you create a function, then define a deployment specification for it, and deploy it on one of the available GPU-backed clusters hosted by NVIDIA.



A Cloud Functions account can contain multiple functions, each with multiple function versions. Each function created also creates a single function version.

Cloud Functions supports function invocation (calling of the function’s inference endpoint) at the function ID level or the function version ID level. You can create a single function and version and invoke only this function version, or create multiple versions of the same function and spread invocation across all versions.

See below for an overview of some key basic concepts within Cloud Functions.



NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC) A portal of enterprise services, software, and management tools supporting end-to-end AI.
NGC Private Registry Registry integrated with Cloud Functions for storing custom containers, models, resources, and helm charts.
NVIDIA Cloud Account ID (NCA ID) NVIDIA customer billing entity that cloud services are associated with.
Function User defined encapsulated code that implements a server exposing at least one inference endpoint, either based on a container, model, or helm chart.
Function Instance A single deployed copy of a function running on a cluster.
Function Deployment One or more function instances running on a cluster.
Function Invocation The action of calling (via the Cloud Functions API) a function’s inference endpoint.
Asset A file that can be uploaded, downloaded, and used by your function when invoked. Required for function input sizes >200KB.
Cluster A collection of GPU powered Kubernetes nodes/pods.
GPU Instance Type Refers to any one of the supported GPU configurations within Cloud Functions, including the GPU model, number of GPUs on a single node, number of CPU cores, etc.

A function can be in any of the following states:

  • ACTIVE - If the function is able to receive invocations. Only when a function is ACTIVE can it be invoked.

  • ERROR - If all function instances are in an ERROR state.

  • INACTIVE - When a function is created but not yet deployed, it is INACTIVE. When a function is undeployed, the state is changed from ACTIVE to INACTIVE.

  • DEPLOYING - When a function is being deployed and the instances are still coming up to reach the minimum instance count.


The workflow when using Cloud Functions is usually as follows.

Function Creation, Management & Deployment

The table below provides an overview of the function lifecycle API endpoints and their respective usages.





Register Function POST /v2/nvcf/functions Creates a new function.
Register Function Version POST /v2/nvcf/functions/{functionId}/versions Creates a new version of a function.
Delete Function Version DELETE /v2/nvcf/functions/{functionId}/versions/{functionVersionId} Deletes a function specified by its ID.
List Functions GET /v2/nvcf/functions Retrieves a list of functions associated with the account.
List Function Versions GET /v2/nvcf/functions/{functionId}/versions Retrieves a list of versions for a specific function.
Retrieve Function Details GET /v2/nvcf/functions/{functionId}/versions/{functionVersionId} Retrieves details of a specific function version.
Create Function Version Deployment POST /v2/nvcf/deployments/functions/{functionId}/versions/{functionVersionId} Initiates the deployment process for a function version.
Delete Function Version Deployment DELETE /v2/nvcf/deployments/functions/{functionId}/versions/{functionVersionId} Initiates the undeployment process for a function version.
Retrieve Function Version Deployment GET /v2/nvcf/deployments/functions/{functionId}/versions/{functionVersionId} Retrieves details of a specific function version deployment.
Update Function Version Deployment PUT /v2/nvcf/deployments/functions/{functionId}/versions/{functionVersionId} Updates the configuration of a function version deployment.

Function Metadata

When using the Cloud Functions API to create a function, it’s possible to specify a function description and a list of tags as strings as part of the function creation request body. This metadata is then returned in all responses that include the function definition. This is an API only feature at this time. Please see the OpenAPI Specification for usage.

Function Invocation

The table below provides an overview of the Function invocation API endpoints and their respective usages.





Invoke Function POST v2/nvcf/pexec/functions/{functionId} Invokes the specified function’s inference endpoint and returns the results, if available. Cloud Functions randomly selects one of the active versions of the specified function for inference.
Invoke Function Version POST v2/nvcf/pexec/functions/{functionId}/versions/{functionVersionId} Invokes the specified version under the specified function for inference and returns the results.
Get Function Invocation Status GET /v2/nvcf/pexec/status/{invocationRequestId} Used to poll for results of an inference request when a 202 response is returned. If the original invocation request returns a 200 response, calls to this API are not necessary.

Read more about using the invocation API here.

Asset Management





Create Asset POST /v2/nvcf/assets Creates an asset id and a corresponding pre-signed URL to upload a file.
List Assets GET /v2/nvcf/assets Returns a list of assets associated with the account.
Delete Asset DELETE /v2/nvcf/assets/{assetId} Deletes an asset using the specified asset id.

Read more about using assets here.

Visibility, Cluster Groups & GPUs





Get Queue Length for Function id GET /v2/nvcf/queues/functions/{functionId} Returns a list containing a single element with corresponding queue length for the specified Function.
Get Queue Length for Version id GET /v2/nvcf/queues/functions/{functionId}/versions/{functionVersionId} Returns a list containing a single element with corresponding queue length for the specified Function version id.
Get Available GPUs GET /v2/nvcf/supportedGpus Returns a list of GPU types you have access too.
Get Queue Position for Request id GET /v2/nvcf/queues/{requestId}/position Returns estimated position in queue, up to 1000, for a specific request id of a function invocation request.
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© Copyright © 2024, NVIDIA Corporation. Last updated on Jun 7, 2024.