Function Management

Function Versioning

Each time you create a new function a function ID will be created along with a function version ID. You can create additional versions of this function by specifying other models/containers/helm charts to use and additional configurations etc. Here is a sample API call:

 1curl -X 'POST' \
 2'$FUNCTION_ID/versions' \
 3  -H 'accept: application/json' \
 4  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY'
 5  -d '{
 6  "name": "echo_function",
 7  "inferenceUrl": "/echo",
 8  "containerImage": "$ORG_NAME/echo:latest",
 9  "apiBodyFormat": "CUSTOM"

Multiple function versions allow for different deployment configurations for each version while still being accessible through a single function endpoint. Multiple function versions can also be used to support A/B testing.


Function versioning should only be used if the APIs between the various versions are incompatible. Different APIs should be created as new functions.