Managed Service Client API Reference

Service Client

class cuopt_thin_client.CuOptServiceClient(client_id: str = '', client_secret: str = None, sak: str = '', function_name: str = '', function_id: str = '', function_version_id: str = '', polling_interval: int = 1, token_expiration_padding: int = 120, request_excess_timeout: int = 120, api_path: str = '', disable_compression=False, disable_version_string=False, only_validate=False, config_path='', exec_timeout=300)

The CuOptServiceClient handles requests to the cuOpt service through NVIDIA Cloud Functions (NVCF)

client_id (str): NOTE: This is deprecated, use SAK.

The client ID obtained during the registration process. Only one of the two authorization methods (SAK or CLIENT ID-SECRET) should be used.

client_secret (str): NOTE: This is deprecated, use SAK.

The client secret obtained during the registration process. Only one of the two authorization methods (SAK or CLIENT ID-SECRET) should be used.

sak (str): The sak obtained through NGC. Only one of the two authorization

methods (SAK or CLIENT ID-SECRET) should be used.

function_name (str, optional): The name of the function, provided

during registration or discoverable via a function_list API call. This value may be omitted if all available functions have the same name or if function_id is set instead. The client will select the latest available version of the function with this name. Ignored if function_id is set.

function_id (str, optional): The unique identifier of a function,

provided during registration or discoverable via a function_list API call. Takes precedence over function_name if both are set. The client will select the latest available version of the function with this id.

function_version_id (str, optional): Selects a particular version of

a function specified by name or id. This should only be used when there are multiple versions available that are not API compatible. If this value is omitted the client will select the latest version of the function.

polling_interval (int, optional): The duration in seconds between

consecutive polling attempts. Defaults to 1.

token_expiration_padding (int, optional): The buffer time in

seconds before the token expiration time, during which a new token will be requested. Defaults to 120.

request_excess_timeout (int, optional): The time in seconds to poll

for completion of a request. If the polling time expires before the request is finished, the client may re-poll the request. If set to None, the client will never timeout and will poll indefinitely. Defaults to 120.

api_path (str, optional): Deprecated. Set auth/api endpoints for

cuOpt, useful only for NVIDIA testing.

disable_compression (boolean, optional): Disable zlib compression

of large files.

disable_version_string (boolean, optional): Do not send the client

version to the server.

only_validate (boolean, optional): Only validates input and doesn’t

add to billing

config_path (boolean, optional): Path of a JSON config file for setting

client defaults in JSON. These values will be used if the corresponding arguments are not passed to __init__. Format is:

“defaults”: {

“function_name”: “”, “function_id”: “”, “function_version_id”: “”





Lists all availble functions for the user in NVCF.


Get optimized routing solution for a given problem.

repoll(req_id[, asset_id])

Poll for a result when get_optimized_routes results in a TimeoutError exception.

set_function_by_id(id[, version_id])

Set the function to invoke by id and optionally specify a version.

set_function_by_name(name[, version_id])

Set the function to invoke by name and optionally specify a version.


get_func_defaults_from_config(name, id, vid)

Lists all availble functions for the user in NVCF.


Get optimized routing solution for a given problem.

cuopt_problem_json_datadict or str

This is either the problem data as a dictionary or the path of a file containing the problem data. The file may be a msgpack file containing a dictionary, or a text file containing a dictionary as JSON, or a zlib-compressed file containing a dictionary as JSON. Please refer to the server doc for the structure of this dictionary.

repoll(req_id, asset_id=None)

Poll for a result when get_optimized_routes results in a TimeoutError exception. The req_id and asset_id are returned in the exception.


A uuid identifying the original request, returned in a TimeoutError exception.


A uuid identifying the asset used (if any) for the original request, returned in a TimeoutError exception. The client will delete this asset when a result is returned.

set_function_by_id(id, version_id=None)

Set the function to invoke by id and optionally specify a version. The current list of functions can be retrieved with get_functions().


The id of a function to invoke.

version_id: str

Optional version id of the function to invoke. If there are multiple versions of the function specified by id, version_id can be used to select a particular version. If version_id is not set, the latest version of the specified function will be chosen.

set_function_by_name(name, version_id=None)

Set the function to invoke by name and optionally specify a version. The current list of functions can be retrieved with get_functions().


Name of a function to invoke. If name is the empty string and all available functions have the same name, that name will be used.

version_id: str

Optional version id of the function to invoke. If there are multiple versions of the named function, version_id can be used to select a particular version. If version_id is not set, the latest version of the named function will be chosen.

Service CLI

usage: cuopt_cli [-h] [-t TYPE] [-s SAK] [-c CREDENTIALS] [-cn CONFIG]
                 [-f FUNC] [-i FVID] [-g]
                 [-l {critical,error,warning,info,debug}] [-p POLL_TIMEOUT]
                 [-nc] [-nv] [-ov] [-e EXEC_TIMEOUT] [-v]

Solve a cuOpt problem using a managed service client.

positional arguments:
  file                  Filename or JSON string, required if -g is not
                        specified. Data may be a cuopt problem or contain
                        reqId and assetId (if any) as displayed in the output
                        from a previous request which timed out.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  The type of problem to solve. Supported options are
                        VRP. If the type is not supplied, problem defaults to
  -s SAK, --sak SAK     NOTE: This is still under development and not yet
                        supported. File containing sak value in JSON. If this
                        file is not supplied, the environment variable
                        CUOPT_CLIENT_SAK will be used. Only one of the two
                        authetication methods (SAK or CLIENT ID & SECRET) can
                        be used.
                        Note: This is deprecated, use -s option for SAK.File
                        containing client_id and secret values in JSON. If
                        this file is not supplied, the environment variables
                        CUOPT_CLIENT_SAK or pair ofCUOPT_CLIENT_ID and
                        CUOPT_CLIENT_SECRET will be used.Only one of the two
                        authetication methods(SAK or CLIENT ID & SECRET) can
                        be used.In case both are provided, SAK takes
  -cn CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Config file for setting client defaults in JSON. The
                        format is {"defaults": {"function_name": "",
                        "function_id": "", "function_version_id": ""}}. None
                        are required, and function_id takes precedence over
                        function_name. If set, function_version_id must be a
                        valid version of the function identified by name or id
  -f FUNC, --func FUNC  name or id of the cuOpt cloud function to call. If no
                        name or id is specified and all available functions
                        have the same name then that name will be used. The
                        latest version of the specified function will be
                        called if the -i option is not set.
  -i FVID, --fvid FVID  The id of a specific version of the specified function
                        to call. This should only be used when multiple
                        versions of the same function are available and a
                        version other than the latest is desired. By default,
                        the latest version will be called.
  -g, --get-functions   Print a list of available cuOpt functions and exit.
                        Refreshes the version cache.
  -l {critical,error,warning,info,debug}, --log-level {critical,error,warning,info,debug}
                        Log level
  -p POLL_TIMEOUT, --poll-timeout POLL_TIMEOUT
                        Number of seconds to poll for a result before timing
                        out and returning a request id to re-query (defaults
                        to 120)
  -nc, --no-compress    Disable zlib compression for uncompressed data files
                        larger than 250kb. For most cases zlib compression
                        will improve cuOpt download speed and should be left
                        enabled.This flag may be used to preserve backward
                        compatibility with older cuOpt versions that do not
                        support zlib compression.
  -nv, --no-version-string
                        Do not send the client version to the server. This
                        flag may be used to preserve backward compatibility
                        with older cuOpt versions that do not support the
                        version string.
  -ov, --only-validation
                        If set, only validates input and doesn't add to
  -e EXEC_TIMEOUT, --exec-timeout EXEC_TIMEOUT
                        http timeout when invoking a function. The server may
                        wait up to 5 minutes before returning a pending-
                        evalution result on long jobs. Most likely this does
                        not need to be modified (defaults to 300)
  -v, --version         Print client version and exit.