NVIDIA Modulus Core v0.2.1


Source code for modulus.models.sfno.preprocessor

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from modulus.utils.sfno.distributed import comm
from modulus.utils.sfno.distributed.mappings import (

[docs]class Preprocessor2D(nn.Module): """ Preprocessing methods to flatten image history, add static features, and convert the data format from NCHW to NHWC. """ def __init__(self, params): # pragma: no cover super(Preprocessor2D, self).__init__() self.n_history = params.n_history self.transform_to_nhwc = params.enable_nhwc self.history_normalization_mode = params.history_normalization_mode if self.history_normalization_mode == "exponential": self.history_normalization_decay = params.history_normalization_decay # inverse ordering, since first element is oldest history_normalization_weights = torch.exp( (-self.history_normalization_decay) * torch.arange( start=self.n_history, end=-1, step=-1, dtype=torch.float32 ) ) history_normalization_weights = history_normalization_weights / torch.sum( history_normalization_weights ) history_normalization_weights = torch.reshape( history_normalization_weights, (1, -1, 1, 1, 1) ) elif self.history_normalization_mode == "mean": history_normalization_weights = torch.Tensor( 1.0 / float(self.n_history + 1), dtype=torch.float32 ) history_normalization_weights = torch.reshape( history_normalization_weights, (1, -1, 1, 1, 1) ) else: history_normalization_weights = torch.ones( self.n_history + 1, dtype=torch.float32 ) self.register_buffer( "history_normalization_weights", history_normalization_weights, persistent=False, ) self.history_mean = None self.history_std = None self.history_diff_mean = None self.history_diff_var = None self.history_eps = 1e-6 self.img_shape = [params.img_shape_x, params.img_shape_y] # unpredicted input channels: self.unpredicted_inp_train = None self.unpredicted_tar_train = None self.unpredicted_inp_eval = None self.unpredicted_tar_eval = None # process static features static_features = None # needed for sharding start_x = params.img_local_offset_x end_x = min(start_x + params.img_local_shape_x, params.img_shape_x) pad_x = params.img_local_shape_x - (end_x - start_x) start_y = params.img_local_offset_y end_y = min(start_y + params.img_local_shape_y, params.img_shape_y) pad_y = params.img_local_shape_y - (end_y - start_y) # set up grid if params.add_grid: with torch.no_grad(): tx = torch.linspace(0, 1, params.img_shape_x + 1, dtype=torch.float32)[ 0:-1 ] ty = torch.linspace(0, 1, params.img_shape_y + 1, dtype=torch.float32)[ 0:-1 ] x_grid, y_grid = torch.meshgrid(tx, ty, indexing="ij") x_grid, y_grid = x_grid.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), y_grid.unsqueeze( 0 ).unsqueeze(0) grid = torch.cat([x_grid, y_grid], dim=1) # shard spatially: grid = grid[:, :, start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y] # pad if needed grid = F.pad(grid, [0, pad_y, 0, pad_x]) # transform if requested if params.gridtype == "sinusoidal": num_freq = 1 if hasattr(params, "grid_num_frequencies"): num_freq = int(params.grid_num_frequencies) singrid = None for freq in range(1, num_freq + 1): if singrid is None: singrid = torch.sin(grid) else: singrid = torch.cat( [singrid, torch.sin(freq * grid)], dim=1 ) static_features = singrid else: static_features = grid if params.add_orography: from utils.conditioning_inputs import get_orography oro = torch.tensor( get_orography(params.orography_path), dtype=torch.float32 ) oro = torch.reshape(oro, (1, 1, oro.shape[0], oro.shape[1])) # shard oro = oro[:, :, start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y] # pad if needed oro = F.pad(oro, [0, pad_y, 0, pad_x]) if static_features is None: static_features = oro else: static_features = torch.cat([static_features, oro], dim=1) if params.add_landmask: from utils.conditioning_inputs import get_land_mask lsm = torch.tensor(get_land_mask(params.landmask_path), dtype=torch.long) # one hot encode and move channels to front: lsm = torch.permute(torch.nn.functional.one_hot(lsm), (2, 0, 1)).to( torch.float32 ) lsm = torch.reshape(lsm, (1, lsm.shape[0], lsm.shape[1], lsm.shape[2])) # shard lsm = lsm[:, :, start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y] # pad if needed lsm = F.pad(lsm, [0, pad_y, 0, pad_x]) if static_features is None: static_features = lsm else: static_features = torch.cat([static_features, lsm], dim=1) self.do_add_static_features = False if static_features is not None: self.do_add_static_features = True self.register_buffer("static_features", static_features, persistent=False)
[docs] def flatten_history(self, x): # pragma: no cover """Flatten input so that history is included as part of channels""" if x.dim() == 5: b_, t_, c_, h_, w_ = x.shape x = torch.reshape(x, (b_, t_ * c_, h_, w_)) return x
[docs] def expand_history(self, x, nhist): # pragma: no cover """Expand history from flattened data""" if x.dim() == 4: b_, ct_, h_, w_ = x.shape x = torch.reshape(x, (b_, nhist, ct_ // nhist, h_, w_)) return x
[docs] def add_static_features(self, x): # pragma: no cover """Adds static features to the input""" if self.do_add_static_features: # we need to replicate the grid for each batch: static = torch.tile(self.static_features, dims=(x.shape[0], 1, 1, 1)) x = torch.cat([x, static], dim=1) return x
[docs] def remove_static_features(self, x): # pragma: no cover """ Removes static features from the input only remove if something was added in the first place """ if self.do_add_static_features: nfeat = self.static_features.shape[1] x = x[:, : x.shape[1] - nfeat, :, :] return x
[docs] def append_history(self, x1, x2, step): # pragma: no cover """ Appends history to the main input. Without history, just returns the second tensor (x2). """ # take care of unpredicted features first # this is necessary in order to copy the targets unpredicted features # (such as zenith angle) into the inputs unpredicted features, # such that they can be forward in the next autoregressive step # update the unpredicted input if self.training: if (self.unpredicted_tar_train is not None) and ( step < self.unpredicted_tar_train.shape[1] ): utar = self.unpredicted_tar_train[:, step : (step + 1), :, :, :] if self.n_history == 0: self.unpredicted_inp_train.copy_(utar) else: self.unpredicted_inp_train.copy_( torch.cat( [self.unpredicted_inp_train[:, 1:, :, :, :], utar], dim=1 ) ) else: if (self.unpredicted_tar_eval is not None) and ( step < self.unpredicted_tar_eval.shape[1] ): utar = self.unpredicted_tar_eval[:, step : (step + 1), :, :, :] if self.n_history == 0: self.unpredicted_inp_eval.copy_(utar) else: self.unpredicted_inp_eval.copy_( torch.cat( [self.unpredicted_inp_eval[:, 1:, :, :, :], utar], dim=1 ) ) # without history, just return the second tensor if self.n_history > 0: # this is more complicated x1 = self.expand_history(x1, nhist=self.n_history + 1) x2 = self.expand_history(x2, nhist=1) # append res = torch.cat([x1[:, 1:, :, :, :], x2], dim=1) # flatten again res = self.flatten_history(res) else: res = x2 return res
[docs] def append_channels(self, x, xc): # pragma: no cover """Appends channels""" xdim = x.dim() x = self.expand_history(x, self.n_history + 1) xc = self.expand_history(xc, self.n_history + 1) # concatenate xo = torch.cat([x, xc], dim=2) # flatten if requested if xdim == 4: xo = self.flatten_history(xo) return xo
[docs] def history_compute_stats(self, x): # pragma: no cover """Compute stats from history timesteps""" if self.history_normalization_mode == "none": self.history_mean = torch.zeros( (1, 1, 1, 1), dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device ) self.history_std = torch.ones( (1, 1, 1, 1), dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device ) elif self.history_normalization_mode == "timediff": # reshaping xdim = x.dim() if xdim == 4: b_, c_, h_, w_ = x.shape xr = torch.reshape( x, (b_, (self.n_history + 1), c_ // (self.n_history + 1), h_, w_) ) else: xshape = x.shape xr = x # time difference mean: self.history_diff_mean = torch.mean( torch.sum(xr[:, 1:, ...] - xr[:, 0:-1, ...], dim=(4, 5)), dim=(1, 2) ) # reduce across gpus if comm.get_size("spatial") > 1: self.history_diff_mean = reduce_from_parallel_region( self.history_diff_mean, "spatial" ) self.history_diff_mean = self.history_diff_mean / float( self.img_shape[0] * self.img_shape[1] ) # time difference std self.history_diff_var = torch.mean( torch.sum( torch.square( (xr[:, 1:, ...] - xr[:, 0:-1, ...]) - self.history_diff_mean ), dim=(4, 5), ), dim=(1, 2), ) # reduce across gpus if comm.get_size("spatial") > 1: self.history_diff_var = reduce_from_parallel_region( self.history_diff_var, "spatial" ) self.history_diff_var = self.history_diff_var / float( self.img_shape[0] * self.img_shape[1] ) # time difference stds self.history_diff_mean = copy_to_parallel_region( self.history_diff_mean, "spatial" ) self.history_diff_var = copy_to_parallel_region( self.history_diff_var, "spatial" ) else: xdim = x.dim() if xdim == 4: b_, c_, h_, w_ = x.shape xr = torch.reshape( x, (b_, (self.n_history + 1), c_ // (self.n_history + 1), h_, w_) ) else: xshape = x.shape xr = x # mean # compute weighted mean over dim 1, but sum over dim=3,4 self.history_mean = torch.sum( xr * self.history_normalization_weights, dim=(1, 3, 4), keepdim=True ) # reduce across gpus if comm.get_size("spatial") > 1: self.history_mean = reduce_from_parallel_region( self.history_mean, "spatial" ) self.history_mean = self.history_mean / float( self.img_shape[0] * self.img_shape[1] ) # compute std self.history_std = torch.sum( torch.square(xr - self.history_mean) * self.history_normalization_weights, dim=(1, 3, 4), keepdim=True, ) # reduce across gpus if comm.get_size("spatial") > 1: self.history_std = reduce_from_parallel_region( self.history_std, "spatial" ) self.history_std = torch.sqrt( self.history_std / float(self.img_shape[0] * self.img_shape[1]) ) # squeeze self.history_mean = torch.squeeze(self.history_mean, dim=1) self.history_std = torch.squeeze(self.history_std, dim=1) # copy to parallel region self.history_mean = copy_to_parallel_region(self.history_mean, "spatial") self.history_std = copy_to_parallel_region(self.history_std, "spatial") return
[docs] def history_normalize(self, x, target=False): # pragma: no cover """Normalize history""" if self.history_normalization_mode in ["none", "timediff"]: return x xdim = x.dim() if xdim == 4: b_, c_, h_, w_ = x.shape xr = torch.reshape( x, (b_, (self.n_history + 1), c_ // (self.n_history + 1), h_, w_) ) else: xshape = x.shape xr = x x = self.flatten_history(x) # normalize if target: # strip off the unpredicted channels xn = (x - self.history_mean[:, : x.shape[1], :, :]) / self.history_std[ :, : x.shape[1], :, : ] else: # tile to include history hm = torch.tile(self.history_mean, (1, self.n_history + 1, 1, 1)) hs = torch.tile(self.history_std, (1, self.n_history + 1, 1, 1)) xn = (x - hm) / hs if xdim == 5: xn = torch.reshape(xn, xshape) return xn
[docs] def history_denormalize(self, xn, target=False): # pragma: no cover """Denormalize history""" if self.history_normalization_mode in ["none", "timediff"]: return xn assert self.history_mean is not None assert self.history_std is not None xndim = xn.dim() if xndim == 5: xnshape = xn.shape xn = self.flatten_history(xn) # de-normalize if target: # strip off the unpredicted channels x = ( xn * self.history_std[:, : xn.shape[1], :, :] + self.history_mean[:, : xn.shape[1], :, :] ) else: # tile to include history hm = torch.tile(self.history_mean, (1, self.n_history + 1, 1, 1)) hs = torch.tile(self.history_std, (1, self.n_history + 1, 1, 1)) x = xn * hs + hm if xndim == 5: x = torch.reshape(x, xnshape) return x
[docs] def cache_unpredicted_features( self, x, y=None, xz=None, yz=None ): # pragma: no cover """Caches features not predicted by the model (such as zenith angle)""" if self.training: if (self.unpredicted_inp_train is not None) and (xz is not None): self.unpredicted_inp_train.copy_(xz) else: self.unpredicted_inp_train = xz if (self.unpredicted_tar_train is not None) and (yz is not None): self.unpredicted_tar_train.copy_(yz) else: self.unpredicted_tar_train = yz else: if (self.unpredicted_inp_eval is not None) and (xz is not None): self.unpredicted_inp_eval.copy_(xz) else: self.unpredicted_inp_eval = xz if (self.unpredicted_tar_eval is not None) and (yz is not None): self.unpredicted_tar_eval.copy_(yz) else: self.unpredicted_tar_eval = yz return x, y
[docs] def append_unpredicted_features(self, inp): # pragma: no cover """Appends features not predicted by the model (such as zenith angle) from the input""" if self.training: if self.unpredicted_inp_train is not None: inp = self.append_channels(inp, self.unpredicted_inp_train) else: if self.unpredicted_inp_eval is not None: inp = self.append_channels(inp, self.unpredicted_inp_eval) return inp
[docs] def remove_unpredicted_features(self, inp): # pragma: no cover """Removes features not predicted by the model (such as zenith angle) from the input""" if self.training: if self.unpredicted_inp_train is not None: inpf = self.expand_history(inp, nhist=self.n_history + 1) inpc = inpf[ :, :, : inpf.shape[2] - self.unpredicted_inp_train.shape[2], :, : ] inp = self.flatten_history(inpc) else: if self.unpredicted_inp_eval is not None: inpf = self.expand_history(inp, nhist=self.n_history + 1) inpc = inpf[ :, :, : inpf.shape[2] - self.unpredicted_inp_eval.shape[2], :, : ] inp = self.flatten_history(inpc) return inp
[docs]def get_preprocessor(params): # pragma: no cover """Returns the preprocessor module""" return Preprocessor2D(params)
© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Sep 21, 2023.