NVIDIA Modulus Core v0.2.1
Core v0.2.1

Modulus Utils

class modulus.utils.capture.StaticCaptureEvaluateNoGrad(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: _StaticCapture

An performance optimization decorator for PyTorch no grad evaluation.

This class should be initialized as a decorator on a function that computes run the forward pass of the model that does not require gradient calculations. This is the recommended method to use for inference and validation methods.

  • model (modulus.models.Module) – Modulus Model

  • logger (Union[Logger, None], optional) – Modulus Launch Logger, by default None

  • use_graphs (bool, optional) – Toggle CUDA graphs if supported by model, by default True

  • use_amp (bool, optional) – Toggle AMP if supported by mode, by default True

  • cuda_graph_warmup (int, optional) – Number of warmup steps for cuda graphs, by default 11

  • amp_type (Union[float16, bfloat16], optional) – Auto casting type for AMP, by default torch.float16

  • label (Optional[str, None], optional) – Static capture checkpoint label, by default None


ValueError – If the model provided is not a modulus.models.Module. I.e. has no meta data.



>>> # Create model >>> model = modulus.models.mlp.FullyConnected(2, 64, 2) >>> input = torch.rand(8, 2) >>> # Create evaluate function with optimization wrapper >>> @StaticCaptureEvaluateNoGrad(model=model) ... def eval_step(model, invar): ... predvar = model(invar) ... return predvar ... >>> output = eval_step(model, input) >>> output.size() torch.Size([8, 2])


Capturing multiple cuda graphs in a single program can lead to potential invalid CUDA memory access errors on some systems. Prioritize capturing training graphs when this occurs.

class modulus.utils.capture.StaticCaptureTraining(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: _StaticCapture

A performance optimization decorator for PyTorch training functions.

This class should be initialized as a decorator on a function that computes the forward pass of the neural network and loss function. The user should only call the defind training step function. This will apply optimizations including: AMP and Cuda Graphs.

  • model (modulus.models.Module) – Modulus Model

  • optim (torch.optim) – Optimizer

  • logger (Union[Logger, None], optional) – Modulus Launch Logger, by default None

  • use_graphs (bool, optional) – Toggle CUDA graphs if supported by model, by default True

  • use_amp (bool, optional) – Toggle AMP if supported by mode, by default True

  • cuda_graph_warmup (int, optional) – Number of warmup steps for cuda graphs, by default 11

  • amp_type (Union[float16, bfloat16], optional) – Auto casting type for AMP, by default torch.float16

  • label (Optional[str, None], optional) – Static capture checkpoint label, by default None


ValueError – If the model provided is not a modulus.models.Module. I.e. has no meta data.



>>> # Create model >>> model = modulus.models.mlp.FullyConnected(2, 64, 2) >>> input = torch.rand(8, 2) >>> output = torch.rand(8, 2) >>> # Create optimizer >>> optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) >>> # Create training step function with optimization wrapper >>> @StaticCaptureTraining(model=model, optim=optim) ... def training_step(model, invar, outvar): ... predvar = model(invar) ... loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(predvar - outvar, 2)) ... return loss ... >>> # Sample training loop >>> for i in range(3): ... loss = training_step(model, input, output) ...


Static captures must be checkpointed when training using the state_dict() if AMP is being used with gradient scaler. By default, this requires static captures to be instantiated in the same order as when they were checkpointed. The label parameter can be used to relax/circumvent this ordering requirement.


Capturing multiple cuda graphs in a single program can lead to potential invalid CUDA memory access errors on some systems. Prioritize capturing training graphs when this occurs.

class modulus.utils.graphcast.data_utils.StaticData(static_dataset_path: str, latitudes: Tensor, longitudes: Tensor)[source]

Bases: object

Class to load static data from netCDF files. Static data includes land-sea mask, geopotential, and latitude-longitude coordinates.

  • static_dataset_path (str) – Path to directory containing static data.

  • latitudes (Tensor) – Tensor with shape (lat,) that includes latitudes.

  • longitudes (Tensor) – Tensor with shape (lon,) that includes longitudes.

get() → Tensor[source]

Get all static data.


Tensor with shape (1, 5, lat, lon) that includes land-sea mask, geopotential, cosine of latitudes, sine and cosine of longitudes.

Return type


get_geop(normalize: bool = True) → Tensor[source]

Get geopotential from netCDF file.


normalize (bool, optional) – Whether to normalize the geopotential, by default True


Normalized geopotential with shape (1, 1, lat, lon).

Return type


get_lat_lon() → Tensor[source]

Computes cosine of latitudes and sine and cosine of longitudes.


Tensor with shape (1, 3, lat, lon) tha includes cosine of latitudes, sine and cosine of longitudes.

Return type


get_lsm() → Tensor[source]

Get land-sea mask from netCDF file.


Land-sea mask with shape (1, 1, lat, lon).

Return type


class modulus.utils.graphcast.graph.Graph(icospheres_path: str, lat_lon_grid: Tensor, dtype=torch.float32)[source]

Bases: object

Graph class for creating the graph2mesh, multimesh, and mesh2graph graphs.

  • icospheres_path (str) – Path to the icospheres json file. If the file does not exist, it will try to generate it using PyMesh.

  • lat_lon_grid (Tensor) – Tensor with shape (lat, lon, 2) that includes the latitudes and longitudes meshgrid.

  • dtype (torch.dtype, optional) – Data type of the graph, by default torch.float

create_g2m_graph(verbose: bool = True) → Tensor[source]

Create the graph2mesh graph.


verbose (bool, optional) – verbosity, by default True


Graph2mesh graph.

Return type


create_m2g_graph(verbose: bool = True) → Tensor[source]

Create the mesh2grid graph.


verbose (bool, optional) – verbosity, by default True


Mesh2grid graph.

Return type


create_mesh_graph(verbose: bool = True) → Tensor[source]

Create the multimesh graph.


verbose (bool, optional) – verbosity, by default True


Multimesh graph.

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.add_edge_features(graph: DGLGraph, pos: Tensor, normalize: bool = True) → DGLGraph[source]

Adds edge features to the graph.

  • graph (DGLGraph) – The graph to add edge features to.

  • pos (Tensor) – The node positions.

  • normalize (bool, optional) – Whether to normalize the edge features, by default True


The graph with edge features.

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.add_node_features(graph: DGLGraph, pos: Tensor) → DGLGraph[source]

Adds cosine of latitude, sine and cosine of longitude as the node features to the graph.

  • graph (DGLGraph) – The graph to add node features to.

  • pos (Tensor) – The node positions.


graph – The graph with node features.

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.azimuthal_angle(lon: Tensor) → Tensor[source]

Gives the azimuthal angle of a point on the sphere


lon (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the longitude of the point


Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the azimuthal angle

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.cell_to_adj(cells: List[List[int]])[source]

creates adjancy matrix in COO format from mesh cells


cells (List[List[int]]) – List of cells, each cell is a list of 3 vertices


src, dst – List of source and destination vertices

Return type

List[int], List[int]

modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.create_graph(src: List, dst: List, to_bidirected: bool = True, add_self_loop: bool = False, dtype: dtype = torch.int32) → DGLGraph[source]

Creates a DGL graph from an adj matrix in COO format.

  • src (List) – List of source nodes

  • dst (List) – List of destination nodes

  • to_bidirected (bool, optional) – Whether to make the graph bidirectional, by default True

  • add_self_loop (bool, optional) – Whether to add self loop to the graph, by default False

  • dtype (torch.dtype, optional) – Graph index data type, by default torch.int32


The dgl Graph.

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.create_heterograph(src: List, dst: List, labels: str, dtype: dtype = torch.int32) → DGLGraph[source]

Creates a heterogeneous DGL graph from an adj matrix in COO format.

  • src (List) – List of source nodes

  • dst (List) – List of destination nodes

  • labels (str) – Label of the edge type

  • dtype (torch.dtype, optional) – Graph index data type, by default torch.int32


The dgl Graph.

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.deg2rad(deg: Tensor) → Tensor[source]

Converts degrees to radians


deg – Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the degrees


Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the radians

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.geospatial_rotation(invar: Tensor, theta: Tensor, axis: str, unit: str = 'rad') → Tensor[source]

Rotation using right hand rule

  • invar (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing x, y, z coordinates

  • theta (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the rotation angle

  • axis (str) – Axis of rotation

  • unit (str, optional) – Unit of the theta, by default “rad”


Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the rotated x, y, z coordinates

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.get_edge_len(edge_src: Tensor, edge_dst: Tensor, axis: int = 1)[source]

returns the length of the edge

  • edge_src (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the source of the edge

  • edge_dst (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the destination of the edge

  • axis (int, optional) – Axis along which the norm is computed, by default 1


Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the length of the edge

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.latlon2xyz(latlon: Tensor, radius: float = 1, unit: str = 'deg') → Tensor[source]

Converts latlon in degrees to xyz Based on: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1185408 - The x-axis goes through long,lat (0,0); - The y-axis goes through (0,90); - The z-axis goes through the poles.

  • latlon (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, 2) containing latitudes and longitudes

  • radius (float, optional) – Radius of the sphere, by default 1

  • unit (str, optional) – Unit of the latlon, by default “deg”


Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing x, y, z coordinates

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.polar_angle(lat: Tensor) → Tensor[source]

Gives the polar angle of a point on the sphere


lat (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the latitude of the point


Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the polar angle

Return type



Converts radians to degrees


rad – Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the radians


Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the degrees

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.xyz2latlon(xyz: Tensor, radius: float = 1, unit: str = 'deg') → Tensor[source]

Converts xyz to latlon in degrees Based on: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1185408 - The x-axis goes through long,lat (0,0); - The y-axis goes through (0,90); - The z-axis goes through the poles.

  • xyz (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing x, y, z coordinates

  • radius (float, optional) – Radius of the sphere, by default 1

  • unit (str, optional) – Unit of the latlon, by default “deg”


Tensor of shape (N, 2) containing latitudes and longitudes

Return type


modulus.utils.graphcast.icospheres.generate_and_save_icospheres(save_path: str = 'icospheres.json', level: int = 6) → None[source]

enerate icospheres from level 0 to 6 (inclusive) and save them to a json file.


path (str) – Path to save the json file.

class modulus.utils.graphcast.loss.CellAreaWeightedLossFunction(area)[source]

Bases: Module

Loss function with cell area weighting.


area (torch.Tensor) – Cell area with shape [H, W].

forward(invar, outvar)[source]

Implicit forward function which computes the loss given a prediction and the corresponding targets.

  • invar (torch.Tensor) – prediction of shape [T, C, H, W].

  • outvar (torch.Tensor) – target values of shape [T, C, H, W].

class modulus.utils.graphcast.loss.CustomCellAreaWeightedLossAutogradFunction(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Function

Autograd fuunction for custom loss with cell area weighting.

static backward(ctx, grad_loss: Tensor)[source]

Backward method of custom loss function with cell area weighting.

static forward(ctx, invar: Tensor, outvar: Tensor, area: Tensor)[source]

Forward of custom loss function with cell area weighting.

class modulus.utils.graphcast.loss.CustomCellAreaWeightedLossFunction(area: Tensor)[source]

Bases: CellAreaWeightedLossFunction

Custom loss function with cell area weighting.


area (torch.Tensor) – Cell area with shape [H, W].

forward(invar: Tensor, outvar: Tensor) → Tensor[source]

Implicit forward function which computes the loss given a prediction and the corresponding targets.

  • invar (torch.Tensor) – prediction of shape [T, C, H, W].

  • outvar (torch.Tensor) – target values of shape [T, C, H, W].

class modulus.utils.filesystem.Package(root: str, seperator: str)[source]

Bases: object

A package

Represents a potentially remote directory tree

get(path: str, recursive: bool = False) → str[source]

Get a local path to the item at path

path might be a remote file, in which case it is downloaded to a local cache at $LOCAL_CACHE or $HOME/.cache/modulus first.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Sep 21, 2023.