NVIDIA Modulus Core v0.3.0
Core v0.3.0


Source code for modulus.utils.graphcast.graph

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import torch
import json
import numpy as np

from torch import Tensor
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import logging

from .graph_utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Graph: """Graph class for creating the graph2mesh, multimesh, and mesh2graph graphs. Parameters ---------- icospheres_path : str Path to the icospheres json file. If the file does not exist, it will try to generate it using PyMesh. lat_lon_grid : Tensor Tensor with shape (lat, lon, 2) that includes the latitudes and longitudes meshgrid. dtype : torch.dtype, optional Data type of the graph, by default torch.float """ def __init__( self, icospheres_path: str, lat_lon_grid: Tensor, dtype=torch.float ) -> None: self.dtype = dtype # Get or generate the icospheres try: with open(icospheres_path, "r") as f: loaded_dict = json.load(f) icospheres = { key: (np.array(value) if isinstance(value, list) else value) for key, value in loaded_dict.items() } logger.info(f"Opened pre-computed graph at {icospheres_path}.") except: from modulus.utils.graphcast.icospheres import ( generate_and_save_icospheres, ) # requires PyMesh logger.info( f"Could not open {icospheres_path}...generating mesh from scratch." ) generate_and_save_icospheres() self.icospheres = icospheres self.max_order = ( len([key for key in self.icospheres.keys() if "faces" in key]) - 2 ) # flatten lat/lon gird self.lat_lon_grid_flat = lat_lon_grid.permute(2, 0, 1).view(2, -1).permute(1, 0)
[docs] def create_mesh_graph(self, verbose: bool = True) -> Tensor: """Create the multimesh graph. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional verbosity, by default True Returns ------- DGLGraph Multimesh graph. """ # create the bi-directional mesh graph multimesh_faces = self.icospheres["order_0_faces"] for i in range(1, self.max_order + 1): multimesh_faces = np.concatenate( (multimesh_faces, self.icospheres["order_" + str(i) + "_faces"]) ) src, dst = cell_to_adj(multimesh_faces) mesh_graph = create_graph( src, dst, to_bidirected=True, add_self_loop=False, dtype=torch.int32 ) mesh_pos = torch.tensor( self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_vertices"], dtype=torch.float32, ) mesh_graph = add_edge_features(mesh_graph, mesh_pos) mesh_graph = add_node_features(mesh_graph, mesh_pos) # ensure fields set to dtype to avoid later conversions mesh_graph.ndata["x"] = mesh_graph.ndata["x"].to(dtype=self.dtype) mesh_graph.edata["x"] = mesh_graph.edata["x"].to(dtype=self.dtype) if verbose: print("mesh graph:", mesh_graph) return mesh_graph
[docs] def create_g2m_graph(self, verbose: bool = True) -> Tensor: """Create the graph2mesh graph. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional verbosity, by default True Returns ------- DGLGraph Graph2mesh graph. """ # get the max edge length of icosphere with max order edge_src = self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_vertices"][ self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_faces"][:, 0] ] edge_dst = self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_vertices"][ self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_faces"][:, 1] ] edge_len_1 = np.max(get_edge_len(edge_src, edge_dst)) edge_src = self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_vertices"][ self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_faces"][:, 0] ] edge_dst = self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_vertices"][ self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_faces"][:, 2] ] edge_len_2 = np.max(get_edge_len(edge_src, edge_dst)) edge_src = self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_vertices"][ self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_faces"][:, 1] ] edge_dst = self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_vertices"][ self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_faces"][:, 2] ] edge_len_3 = np.max(get_edge_len(edge_src, edge_dst)) edge_len = max([edge_len_1, edge_len_2, edge_len_3]) # create the grid2mesh bipartite graph cartesian_grid = latlon2xyz(self.lat_lon_grid_flat) n_nbrs = 4 neighbors = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_nbrs).fit( self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_vertices"] ) distances, indices = neighbors.kneighbors(cartesian_grid) src, dst = [], [] for i in range(len(cartesian_grid)): for j in range(n_nbrs): if distances[i][j] <= 0.6 * edge_len: src.append(i) dst.append(indices[i][j]) # NOTE this gives 1,624,344 edges, in the paper it is 1,618,746 # this number is very sensitive to the chosen edge_len, not clear # in the paper what they use. g2m_graph = create_heterograph( src, dst, ("grid", "g2m", "mesh"), dtype=torch.int32 ) # number of edges is 3,114,720, exactly matches with the paper g2m_graph.srcdata["pos"] = cartesian_grid.to(torch.float32) g2m_graph.dstdata["pos"] = torch.tensor( self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_vertices"], dtype=torch.float32, ) g2m_graph = add_edge_features( g2m_graph, (g2m_graph.srcdata["pos"], g2m_graph.dstdata["pos"]) ) # avoid potential conversions at later points g2m_graph.srcdata["pos"] = g2m_graph.srcdata["pos"].to(dtype=self.dtype) g2m_graph.dstdata["pos"] = g2m_graph.dstdata["pos"].to(dtype=self.dtype) g2m_graph.ndata["pos"]["grid"] = g2m_graph.ndata["pos"]["grid"].to( dtype=self.dtype ) g2m_graph.ndata["pos"]["mesh"] = g2m_graph.ndata["pos"]["mesh"].to( dtype=self.dtype ) g2m_graph.edata["x"] = g2m_graph.edata["x"].to(dtype=self.dtype) if verbose: print("g2m graph:", g2m_graph) return g2m_graph
[docs] def create_m2g_graph(self, verbose: bool = True) -> Tensor: """Create the mesh2grid graph. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional verbosity, by default True Returns ------- DGLGraph Mesh2grid graph. """ # create the mesh2grid bipartite graph cartesian_grid = latlon2xyz(self.lat_lon_grid_flat) n_nbrs = 1 neighbors = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_nbrs).fit( self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_face_centroid"] ) _, indices = neighbors.kneighbors(cartesian_grid) indices = indices.flatten() src = [ p for i in indices for p in self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_faces"][i] ] dst = [i for i in range(len(cartesian_grid)) for _ in range(3)] m2g_graph = create_heterograph( src, dst, ("mesh", "m2g", "grid"), dtype=torch.int32 ) # number of edges is 3,114,720, exactly matches with the paper m2g_graph.srcdata["pos"] = torch.tensor( self.icospheres["order_" + str(self.max_order) + "_vertices"], dtype=torch.float32, ) m2g_graph.dstdata["pos"] = cartesian_grid.to(dtype=torch.float32) m2g_graph = add_edge_features( m2g_graph, (m2g_graph.srcdata["pos"], m2g_graph.dstdata["pos"]) ) # avoid potential conversions at later points m2g_graph.srcdata["pos"] = m2g_graph.srcdata["pos"].to(dtype=self.dtype) m2g_graph.dstdata["pos"] = m2g_graph.dstdata["pos"].to(dtype=self.dtype) m2g_graph.ndata["pos"]["grid"] = m2g_graph.ndata["pos"]["grid"].to( dtype=self.dtype ) m2g_graph.ndata["pos"]["mesh"] = m2g_graph.ndata["pos"]["mesh"].to( dtype=self.dtype ) m2g_graph.edata["x"] = m2g_graph.edata["x"].to(dtype=self.dtype) if verbose: print("m2g graph:", m2g_graph) return m2g_graph
© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Jan 25, 2024.