
service JarvisNLP

Jarvis NLP Services implement task-specific APIs for popular NLP tasks including intent recognition (as well as slot filling), and entity extraction.

rpc TokenClassResponse AnalyzeEntities(AnalyzeEntitiesRequest)

AnalyzeEntities accepts an input string and returns all named entities within the text, as well as a category and likelihood.

rpc AnalyzeIntentResponse AnalyzeIntent(AnalyzeIntentRequest)

AnalyzeIntent accepts an input string and returns the most likely intent as well as slots relevant to that intent.

The model requires that a valid “domain” be passed in, and optionally supports including a previous intent classification result to provide context for the model.

rpc TextTransformResponse PunctuateText(TextTransformRequest)

PunctuateText takes text with no- or limited- punctuation and returns the same text with corrected punctuation and capitalization.

rpc NaturalQueryResponse NaturalQuery(NaturalQueryRequest)

NaturalQuery is a search function that enables querying one or more documents or contexts with a query that is written in natural language.

message AnalyzeEntitiesOptions

AnalyzeEntitiesOptions is an optional configuration message to be sent as part of an AnalyzeEntitiesRequest with query metadata

string lang

Optional language field. Assumed to be “en-US” if not specified.

message AnalyzeEntitiesRequest

AnalyzeEntitiesRequest is the input message for the AnalyzeEntities service

string query

The string to analyze for intent and slots

AnalyzeEntitiesOptions options

Optional configuration for the request, including providing context from previous turns and hardcoding a domain/language

message AnalyzeIntentContext

AnalyzeIntentContext is reserved for future use when we may send context back in a a variety of different formats (including raw neural network hidden states)

Reserved for future use

message AnalyzeIntentOptions

AnalyzeIntentOptions is an optional configuration message to be sent as part of an AnalyzeIntentRequest with query metadata

string previous_intent
AnalyzeIntentContext vectors
string domain

Optional domain field. Domain must be supported otherwise an error will be returned. If left blank, a domain detector will be run first and then the query routed to the appropriate intent classifier (if it exists)

string lang

Optional language field. Assumed to be “en-US” if not specified.

message AnalyzeIntentRequest

AnalyzeIntentRequest is the input message for the AnalyzeIntent service

string query

The string to analyze for intent and slots

AnalyzeIntentOptions options

Optional configuration for the request, including providing context from previous turns and hardcoding a domain/language

message AnalyzeIntentResponse

AnalyzeIntentResponse is returned by the AnalyzeIntent service, and includes information related to the query’s intent, (optionally) slot data, and its domain.

Classification intent

Intent classification result, including the label and score

TokenClassValue slots(repeated)

List of tokens explicitly marked as filling a slot relevant to the intent, where the tokens may not exactly match the input (based on the recombined values after tokenization)

string domain_str

Returns the inferred domain for the query if not hardcoded in the request. In the case where the domain was hardcoded in AnalyzeIntentRequest, the returned domain is an exact match to the request. In the case where no domain matches the query, intent and slots will be unset.

DEPRECATED, use Classification domain field.

Classification domain

Returns the inferred domain for the query if not hardcoded in the request. In the case where the domain was hardcoded in AnalyzeIntentRequest, the returned domain is an exact match to the request. In the case where no domain matches the query, intent and slots will be unset.

message NaturalQueryRequest
string query

The natural language query

uint32 top_n

Maximum number of answers to return for the query. Defaults to 1 if not set.

string context

Context to search with the above query

message NaturalQueryResponse
NaturalQueryResult results(repeated)
message NaturalQueryResult
string answer

text which answers the query

float score

Score representing confidence in result