DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only


The NVIDIA® DriveWorks SDK includes the following modules.


These modules are available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.
Module Description
Core Provides features for most applications, including context handles, system/platform information, and memory management.

Sensor Abstraction Layer (SAL)

These modules are available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.
Module Description
Sensors Accesses sensors by utilizing a hardware abstraction layer.

Vehicle and Motion Actuation

These modules are available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.
Module Description
Rig Configuration Reads and enumerates pre-calibrated car and sensor properties.
VehicleIO Actuates the vehicle and provides information regarding its current state.

Image Processing

These modules are available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.
Module Description
Image Performs image abstractions, streamers, and format conversions.
Image Transformation Provides scaling utilities.
Camera Color Correction Adjusts the image color captured from cameras to match a reference camera's statistical properties.
Connected Components Applies unique labels for connected components in a grey scale input image.
Rectifier Projects images acquired from an input camera model to an output camera model.
Features Provides feature detection utilities.
Filtering Provides a Gaussian pyramid image representation.
Tracking Detects and tracks feature points or templates between frames from an input camera.
Stereo Provides stereo rectification for images acquired from a calibrated stereo camera. It also estimates the disparity between two rectified images on a confidence map.
Structure from Motion (SFM) Reconstructs the 3D structure of a scene given a moving camera rig.
Dense Optical Flow Estimates motion vectors between frames.

Point Cloud Processing

These modules are available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.
Module Description
Point Cloud Processing Provides algorithms for low level point cloud processing.

Deep Neural Network (DNN) Framework

These modules are available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.
Module Description
Data Conditioner Provides image pre-processing functionalities to modify the network input format.
DNN Runs inference on pre-trained deep neural networks.
Clusterer Implements a DBSCAN data clustering algorithm to group bounding boxes with similar properties.


These modules are available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.
Module Description
Intrinsic Camera Models Initializes camera models to provide pixel-to-ray and ray-to-pixel transformations.
Self-Calibration Correction of nominal calibration based on up-to-date sensor readings. It supports cameras, IMUs, Radars, Lidars, and Steering.
Egomotion Tracking and prediction of a vehicle's pose, based on a motion model.


These modules are available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.
Module Description
IPC Provides inter-process communication between various platforms.


These modules are available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.
Module Description
Renderer View renderer for primitives and projections.


These modules are available in NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases only.

The Perception modules provide detection and classification capabilities for obstacles, paths, and wait conditions. They utilize Deep Neural Network (DNN) solutions
to enable situational awareness for the ego-vehicle's surroundings. These surroundings include obstacles, paths, intersections, traffic lights, traffic signs, and camera obstruction.


Module Description
Object Detector Pipeline creation for objects detection from camera images.

Network Used:
DriveNet, which detects cars, trucks, traffic signs, traffic lights, bicycles and pedestrians.
Freespace Perception Detects drive-able collision-free space.

Network Used:
OpenRoadNet, which detects drive-able space on the road without collision.


Module Description
Landmark Perception Detects lane markings and poles from camera images.

Network Used:
MapNet : Detects multiple landmark types.
Path Perception Detects drive-able paths from camera images.

Network Used:
PathNet : Detects the ego-path, and left and right adjacent paths when present.
Pilotnet Detector Predicts trajectories for lane keeping, splits and lane changes from camera images.

Network Used:
PilotNet : Predicts the drive-able path for various maneuvers in world coordinates.

Wait Conditions

Module Description
Wait Conditions Detection and Classification Detects and classifies traffic lights, signs, and intersections from camera images.

Networks Used:
LightNet : Classifies traffic lights and their different signals.
SignNet : Classifies different traffic signs including speed limit, stop signs, and more.
WaitNet : Detects traffic signs, lights, and intersections.

Advanced Perception Functions

Module Description
Camera-based Headlight Controller Camera based headlight/Low-Beam controller module.
ClearSightNet Detects camera obstruction and blindness.


These modules are available in NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases only.

The Mapping modules support mapping use cases including accessing HD maps and localizing the vehicle to a map.

Module Description
Maps Access to HD maps.
Maps Renderer Provides rendering for dwMaps.
Localization Localization to HD maps using camera data.


These modules are available in NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases only.

The Planning modules support the planning and control of the vehicle's motion.

Module Description
Lane Planner Computes a path from a starting location to a target location.
Safety Force Field Safety Force Field computation for obstacle avoidance.
For detailed instructions on utilizing these modules, please refer to the Tutorials.