NVIDIA Holoscan SDK v2.4.0
Holoscan v2.4.0

Class GenerateBoxes

Base Type

class GenerateBoxes : public holoscan::inference::TransformBase

Generate boxes Transform Class.

Public Functions

inline GenerateBoxes()

Default Constructor.

inline explicit GenerateBoxes(const std::string &config_path)

Explicit Constructor.

~GenerateBoxes() override = default

Default Destructor.

virtual InferStatus initialize(const std::vector<std::string> &input_tensors)

Initializer. Parses the config file and populates all required variables to be used in the execution process.


input_tensors – Input tensors from inference operator



InferStatus create_tensor_map(const std::vector<std::string> &input_tensors)

Create a tensor mapping of pre-defined tensors of the class to incoming tensors from inference operator.


input_tensors – Input tensors from inference operator



virtual InferStatus execute(const std::map<std::string, void*> &indata, const std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> &indim, DataMap &processed_data, DimType &processed_dims)

Core execution. Ingests input data with tensor names as “scores”, “labels” and “boxes”. Finds the valid boxes and text and populates the tensors and coordinates to be used in holoviz.

  • indataMap with key as tensor name as value as raw data buffer

  • indimMap with key as tensor name as value as dimension of the input tensor

  • processed_data – Output data map, that will be populated

  • processed_dims – Dimension of the output tensor, is populated during the processing



InferStatus execute_mask(const std::map<std::string, void*> &indata, const std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> &indim, DataMap &processed_data, DimType &processed_dims)

Ingests input data with tensor names as “scores”, “labels” and “masks”. Finds the object masks and prepares it for rendering in holoviz.

  • indataMap with key as tensor name and value as raw data buffer

  • indimMap with key as tensor name and value as dimension of the input tensor

  • processed_data – Output data map, that will be populated

  • processed_dims – Dimension of the output tensor, is populated during the processing



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