Class MetadataDictionary
Defined in File metadata.hpp
class MetadataDictionary
Class to define a metadata dictionary object.
Public Types
using MapType = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<MetadataObject>>
using Iterator = MapType::iterator
using ConstIterator = MapType::const_iterator
Public Functions
inline explicit MetadataDictionary(const MetadataPolicy &policy = MetadataPolicy::kRaise)
MetadataDictionary(const MetadataDictionary&) = default
MetadataDictionary(MetadataDictionary&&) = default
MetadataDictionary &operator=(const MetadataDictionary&)
MetadataDictionary &operator=(MetadataDictionary&&) = default
virtual ~MetadataDictionary() = default
std::vector<std::string> keys() const
Get a vector of the keys in the dictionary.
std::shared_ptr<MetadataObject> &operator[](const std::string&)
Provide indexing into the underlying dictionary.
const MetadataObject *operator[](const std::string&) const
Provide indexing into the underlying dictionary.
std::shared_ptr<MetadataObject> get(const std::string &key) const
Get a shared pointer to the MetadataObject corresponding to the provided key.
See the templated variant of get for a version of this method that extracts the std::any value from the MetadataOjbect and performs the any_cast<ValueT> operation on it.
- Parameters
key – The key for the value to retrieve.
- Returns
The value corresponding to the key
template<typename ValueT>
inline ValueT get(const std::string &key) const Get the value contained in the MetadataObject corresponding to the provided key.
is a convenience method for the following:auto metadata_obj = dict->get(key); auto value = std::any_cast<T>(metadata_obj->value());
This functions raises a std::runtime_error if the key does not exist.
- Template Parameters
ValueT – The type of data stored in the std::any returned by MetadataObject.value()
- Parameters
key – The key for the value to retrieve.
- Returns
The value contained in the metadata object corresponding to the key
template<typename ValueT>
inline ValueT get(const std::string &key, const ValueT &default_value) const Get the value contained in the MetadataObject corresponding to the provided key.
is a convenience method for the following:auto metadata_obj = dict->get(key); auto value = std::any_cast<T>(metadata_obj->value());
This function returns the provided default_value if the key does not exist
- Template Parameters
ValueT – The type of data stored in the std::any returned by MetadataObject.value()
- Parameters
key – The key for the value to insert.
default_value – The value to return if the key does not exist in the dictionary
- Returns
The value contained in the metadata object corresponding to the key
Insert a new value at the specified key (or update an existing one)
This method inserts a new item. If the key already exists, this method will have a behavior that depends on the policy (
) set for this dictionary.For this method, kInplaceUpdate behaves the same as kUpdate.
- Parameters
key – The key for the value to insert (or update).
value – The value to store.
template<typename ValueT, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<ValueT>, std::shared_ptr<MetadataObject>>>>
inline void set(const std::string &key, ValueT value) Insert or update a value at the specified key.
This method inserts a new item. If the key already exists, this method will have a behavior that depends on the policy (
) set for this dictionary.- Template Parameters
ValueT – The type of metadata to insert
- Parameters
key – The key for the value to insert (or update).
value – The value to store.
inline MetadataPolicy policy() const
Get the metadata policy used by this MetadataDictionary.
inline void policy(const MetadataPolicy &metadata_policy)
Set the metadata policy used by this MetadataDictionary.
bool has_key(const std::string &key) const
Determine if an item already exists in the dictionary.
- Parameters
key – The key for the value to insert (or update).
- Returns
Returns true if the key already exists in the dictionary, false otherwise.
bool erase(const std::string &key)
Erase an item from the dictionary.
- Parameters
key – The key of the item to erase.
- Returns
Returns true if the key was erased and false if the key was not found.
ConstIterator begin() const
begin() constiterator of the underlying dictionary
ConstIterator end() const
end() constiterator of the underlying dictionary
Iterator find(const std::string &key)
find() on the underlying dictionary. Returns an iterator to the element if found, else end()
ConstIterator find(const std::string &key) const
find() on the underlying dictionary. Returns an iterator to the element if found, else end()
void clear()
clear all values from the dictionary
std::size_t size() const
return the number of items in the dictionary
void swap(MetadataDictionary &other)
swap the contents of this dictionary and other
void merge(MetadataDictionary &other)
merge (move) the contents of other dictionary into this dictionary
void insert(MetadataDictionary &other)
Insert items the other dictionary into this dictionary. Pre-existing values are not updated.
void update(MetadataDictionary &other)
Update the dictionary with items present in other.
This method will update the dictionary with values from other. If a key already exists in this dictionary, the behavior is determined by the policy (MetadataPolicy) set for this dictionary.
For this method, kInplaceUpdate behaves the same as kUpdate.
- Parameters
other – metadata dictionary to copy items from
using MapType = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<MetadataObject>>