NVIDIA Holoscan SDK v2.4.0
Holoscan v2.4.0

Class OutputContext

Derived Type

class OutputContext

Class to hold the output context.

This class provides the interface to send data to the output ports of the operator.

Subclassed by holoscan::gxf::GXFOutputContext

Public Types

enum class OutputType

The output data type.


enumerator kSharedPointer

The message data to send is a shared pointer.

enumerator kGXFEntity

The message data to send is a GXF entity.

enumerator kAny

The message data to send is a std::any.

Public Functions

inline OutputContext(ExecutionContext *execution_context, Operator *op)

Construct a new OutputContext object.

outputs for the OutputContext will be set to op->spec()->outputs()

  • execution_context – The pointer to the execution context.

  • op – The pointer to the operator that this context is associated with.

inline OutputContext(ExecutionContext *execution_context, Operator *op, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<IOSpec>> &outputs)

Construct a new OutputContext object.

  • execution_context – The pointer to the execution context.

  • op – The pointer to the operator that this context is associated with.

  • outputs – The references to the map of the output specs.

inline ExecutionContext *execution_context() const

Get pointer to the execution context.


The pointer to the execution context.

inline Operator *op() const

Return the operator that this context is associated with.


The pointer to the operator.

inline std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<IOSpec>> &outputs() const

Return the reference to the map of the output specs.


The reference to the map of the output specs.

template<typename DataT, typename = std::enable_if_t<!holoscan::is_one_of_derived_v<DataT, nvidia::gxf::Entity, std::any>>>
inline void emit(std::shared_ptr<DataT> &data, const char *name = nullptr, const int64_t acq_timestamp = -1)

Send a shared pointer of the message data to the output port with the given name.

The object to be sent must be a shared pointer of the message data and the output port with the given name must exist.

If the operator has a single output port, the output port name can be omitted.



class PingTxOp : public holoscan::ops::GXFOperator { public: HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER(PingTxOp, holoscan::ops::GXFOperator) PingTxOp() = default; void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override { spec.output<ValueData>("out"); } void compute(InputContext&, OutputContext& op_output, ExecutionContext&) override { auto value = std::make_shared<ValueData>(7); op_output.emit(value, "out"); } };

Template Parameters

DataT – The type of the data to send.

  • data – The shared pointer to the data.

  • name – The name of the output port.

  • acq_timestamp – The time when the message is acquired. For instance, this would generally be the timestamp of the camera when it captures an image.

template<typename DataT, typename = std::enable_if_t<holoscan::is_one_of_derived_v<DataT, nvidia::gxf::Entity>>>
inline void emit(DataT &data, const char *name = nullptr, const int64_t acq_timestamp = -1)

Send message data (GXF Entity) to the output port with the given name.

This method is for interoperability with the GXF Codelet.

The object to be sent must be an object with <a class="reference internal" href="classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity.html#classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity" target="_self">holoscan::gxf::Entity</a> type and the output port with the given name must exist.

If the operator has a single output port, the output port name can be omitted.



class PingTxOp : public holoscan::ops::GXFOperator { public: HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER(PingTxOp, holoscan::ops::GXFOperator) PingTxOp() = default; void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override { spec.input<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("in"); spec.output<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("out"); } void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext& op_output, ExecutionContext&) override { // The type of `in_message` is 'holoscan::gxf::Entity'. auto in_message = op_input.receive<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("in"); // The type of `tensor` is 'std::shared_ptr<holoscan::Tensor>'. auto tensor = in_message.get<Tensor>(); // Process with 'tensor' here. // ... // Create a new message (Entity) auto out_message = holoscan::gxf::Entity::New(&context); out_message.add(tensor, "tensor"); // Send the processed message. op_output.emit(out_message, "out"); } };

Template Parameters

DataT – The type of the data to send. It should be <a class="reference internal" href="classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity.html#classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity" target="_self">holoscan::gxf::Entity</a>.

  • data – The entity object to send (<a class="reference internal" href="classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity.html#classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity" target="_self">holoscan::gxf::Entity</a>).

  • name – The name of the output port.

  • acq_timestamp – The time when the message is acquired. For instance, this would generally be the timestamp of the camera when it captures an image.

template<typename DataT, typename = std::enable_if_t<!holoscan::is_one_of_derived_v<DataT, nvidia::gxf::Entity>>>
inline void emit(DataT data, const char *name = nullptr, const int64_t acq_timestamp = -1)

Send the message data (std::any) to the output port with the given name.

This method is for interoperability with arbitrary data types.

The object to be sent can be any type except the shared pointer (std::shared_ptr<T>) or the GXF Entity (holoscan::gxf::Entity) type, and the output port with the given name must exist.

If the operator has a single output port, the output port name can be omitted.



class PingTxOp : public holoscan::ops::GXFOperator { public: HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER(PingTxOp, holoscan::ops::GXFOperator) PingTxOp() = default; void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override { spec.input<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("in"); spec.output<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("out"); } void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext& op_output, ExecutionContext&) override { // The type of `in_message` is 'holoscan::gxf::Entity'. auto in_message = op_input.receive<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("in"); // The type of `tensor` is 'std::shared_ptr<holoscan::Tensor>'. auto tensor = in_message.get<Tensor>(); // Process with 'tensor' here. // ... // Create a new message (Entity) auto out_message = holoscan::gxf::Entity::New(&context); out_message.add(tensor, "tensor"); // Send the processed message. op_output.emit(out_message, "out"); } };

Template Parameters

DataT – The type of the data to send. It can be any type except the shared pointer (std::shared_ptr<T>) or the GXF Entity (holoscan::gxf::Entity) type.

  • data – The entity object to send (as std::any).

  • name – The name of the output port.

  • acq_timestamp – The time when the message is acquired. For instance, this would generally be the timestamp of the camera when it captures an image.

inline void emit(holoscan::TensorMap &data, const char *name = nullptr, const int64_t acq_timestamp = -1)

Protected Functions

inline virtual void emit_impl(std::any data, const char *name = nullptr, OutputType out_type = OutputType::kSharedPointer, const int64_t acq_timestamp = -1)

The implementation of the emit method.

Depending on the type of the data, this method wraps the data with a message and sends it to the output port with the given name.

  • data – The data to send.

  • name – The name of the output port.

  • out_type – The type of the message data.

  • acq_timestamp – The timestamp to publish in the output message. The default value of -1 does not publish a timestamp.

Protected Attributes

ExecutionContext *execution_context_ = nullptr

The execution context that is associated with.

Operator *op_ = nullptr

The operator that this context is associated with.

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<IOSpec>> &outputs_

The outputs.

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