Update Your CX7 (NBU) Firmware#
Use the following command-line instructions to update CX7 to the latest firmware.
Use this documentation to perform the following tasks:
Access the console and stop the fan control service#
Open the console by following the instructions in MCU / Orin UART Access.
Stop the fan control service by running the following code.
1ubuntu@jetson:~$ sudo su 2root@jetson:/home/ubuntu# systemctl stop nvfancontrol
Update your CX7 firmware#
Use the following procedure to update your CX7 firmware. The latest CX7 firmware file is part of the IGX BSP, and you can reflash CX7 from BMC.
The update can take 10-15 minutes or longer.
Save the IP address of your BMC as an environment variable by running the following code. Replace
with your IP address, for example bmc=<BMC_IP>
Log into your BMC and save your access token as an environment variable by running the following code. Change
to your password.1export token=`curl -k \ 2 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ 3 -X POST https://$bmc/login \ 4 -d '{"username": "root", "password": "<BMC_Password>"}' | grep token | awk '{print $2;}' | tr -d '"'`
To start the update run the following code. You save the task id as an environment variable so that you can check the status of the update in the following step.
1export task_id=$(curl -k \ 2 -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" \ 3 -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \ 4 -X POST https://$bmc/redfish/v1/UpdateService \ 5 -T "<path and filename of the CX7 PLDM package>" | jq -r ".Id")
To check the status of the update run the following code. After the update is done, the task status is
.1curl -k \ 2 -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" \ 3 -X GET https://$bmc/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/$task_id
Restart the fan control service#
After the CX7 firmware update is complete, restart the fan control service by running the following code.
1root@jetson:/home/ubuntu# sudo systemctl restart nvfancontrol